What's the least shitlib-infested big city in the U.S.?
What's the least shitlib-infested big city in the U.S.?
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Wow the areas with the most people also have the most crime. Shocker.
Also interesting is those areas are majority democrats.
>South Dakota
>Virtually zero crime
Feels good man
The whitest ones, usually.
>I don't know what per capita means
Dunno where you live mate, but Indians are killing the fuck out of each other here in Rapid.
t. brainlet
literally every time
>Our biggest source of crime is the nigger spillover from Chicago.
Sounds about right.
it doesn't count as crime because they're not people user
>i saw it on google images so it must be true!
Grand Rapids MI
The Pittsburgh area is pretty good (probably due to the fact its one of the whitest large metropolitan areas in the US)
Plano, TX
How's El Paso? I hear it's pretty based despite the spic population.
Guess you have a point because if they included the reservation on that list it would look like a nuclear bomb went off.
Where does it say per capita there friend?
Gibsmedat. Communist thrive on stupid people who want institutionalized theft.
Really activates the almonds
Thats because those are all the cities. Which would have more crime, any city or some rural town?
its terrible unless you live in the westside
In America going In a Southern Red state is your safest bet. Maybe Dallas/Fort Worth?
Largest areas where Trump won a majority
Houston (48.5 vs. 47.5 percent)
Phoenix (48.6 vs. 44.5)
Tampa (49.3 vs. 46.3 percent)
Jacksonville, FL 57%
Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington, TX 52%
San Antonio (48.4 vs. 47.2
St. Louis (48.0 vs. 46.9 percent),
Kansas City (48.0 vs. 45.9
Charlotte 50%
Grand Rapids 53%
Cincinatti 56%
Pittsburgh 51%