Victory will be ours!
Who are we?
Antifa is a political movement which opposes fascism, racism, sexism, antisemitism, capitalism and homophobia in direct action.
Won't stop until Sup Forums is free of hatred
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Victory will be ours!
Who are we?
Antifa is a political movement which opposes fascism, racism, sexism, antisemitism, capitalism and homophobia in direct action.
Won't stop until Sup Forums is free of hatred
Previous thread
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First for fuck fascism
>Fight hate with hate
got it
fuck off you stupid nazi
>be black
>watch as people use you as political leverage
>struggle through poverty, and violence to be someone
>go to college get a good job
>rich white kid tells you to check your privilege
>people start to be nervous when you bring up politics
>literally treating you differently based on race
>all because of politically indoctrinated fag lords trying to control everyone
Anti (Free Speech)
You idiots need to stop hijacking every free speech rally and turning them into an anit-white supremacist rally because none of them have started out that way. It has always been when you guys show up it turns violent.
Just gonna shamelessly self shill real quick...
>spamming Sup Forums with retarded /leftyfaggotry/ has never been tried before
Please stop desecrate our wonderful propaganda with your childish faggotism.
why do you keep coming here? no one likes you here? go away
We support communism and fight nazis
Great thread op
Then why aren't you in Ukraine already?
>2 posts by this ID
No. We just want our country for ourselves to peacefully coexist with each other.
Every fucking race can exist, I have no problem with that, but please in their own country, just leave us alone, that is all.
I don't want to kill them, I just want them out.
OP your threads are so boring. Have you seen the work thats been put into NatSoc general? Or even Communist generals are more thought out then this.
I hate Nazism with a passion. But at the very least they respect private property and individual rights at a very basic and restricted level. You guys on the other hand weather you want to or not are going to take away every freedom I have.
So does communism you absolute retard
stop talking, you only embarass yourself
>first own thread
i cant wait to get an opportunity to run one of these fags over with my truck or shoot one. wew. only a matter of time.
Last time I checked the USSR controlled everything and was somehow more authoritarian than the nazis.
our government says your existence is illegal
beat it dumbo
>calling anyone retarded
>being this delusional
Thats not communism. Look up communism. It helps before you try to argue against it.
Fuck you commie, fuck your rules and fuck your authoritarianism.
Check again, this time not in cold war era caricatures.
pick one otherwise that is an oxymoron
"But it wasn't true socalism"
Hitler said his was
Mao said his was
Stalin said his was
Lenin said his was
Are you somehow cant set apart communism and anarchism?
wud dhe fug iz andifa?????
andifa iz a bolidigal bowel mobemend widge promodes homoseggs, benis in anus :DDD, gommunizm, aids, and no burgers :DDD in diregd agdion to ur anus :DDD. Dhe original group Andifashy Agdion wuz founded in 30s krautland and wuz dhestroyed by Adolf Bidler :DDD.
why dhe fug :DD are we on Sup Forums ????
Sup Forums iz an inderned hod pogged for eberyding we obbose dherefor id iz only nadural for us homos to gome here to bring u aidz and benis in anus :DDD.
geep bashing dhe benis :DDD
you're a kike pawn you dick licking ass munching nigger humping cum guzzling sack of unthinking excrement
Nope. They talked about Communism as something to be achieved not something that happens automatically when you declare yourself a communist party.
>Venesuala is a shithole
>Cuba is a shithole
>North Korea (economically speaking) is a shithole
>Canada is now experience increasingly higher rates of unemployment, lowering GDP, and lower standard of living as it becomes more socialist.
Private property is not something to be respected, only private possession is.
we get that youre probably young and havent developed completely yet, but have you seriously been brainwashed into the whole
>not real communism
meme or are you just farming (you)s?
its kind of pathetic from an intellectual standpoint to fail to recognize the correlation between implementing any degree of socialist/communist policy and the implementation of an authoritarian system that violates basic rights, let alone rights we value as americans. you come off as a pretty big idiot, but like i said youll grow up eventually.
b-but it wasn't r-real communism
fucking neck yourself you ignoramus
>jews run the world! open your eyes!
nazis sure is dumb
>respecting private property
That contradicts the whole idea.
You honestly can't believe that a little subversion will effect us....
Oh thats right "Personal" property
Its not really mine, its just mine to use. Like the state just hands it to me for me to use. And I am some how supposed to maintain, share it, and use it for what society wants me to.
If it didn't meet the definition of communism it wasn't communism. How dumb are you nazis?
Pascal's wager is missing some four thousand religions. Might want to add those, then the odds of atheists not getting in heaven are 4000/4000 and everyone else's is 3999/4000. Suddenly doesn't seem so bad.
Say, g.
People will end up just running their own microstates and exploiting capital.
>Metropolis collapsed
>Somehow dominions are not that successful
Do ((they)) teach you in schools something but being faggot?
Stop fucking lying, you're kicking people of their homes and even ignoring the killing that'll require, you'll just contiue to kill them anyway. That's exactly what happened the last time in Germany, and all the American nazi's who swore they just wanted the Africans in Africa, no hatred, immediately turned into gangs that were just as much of "niggers" as anyone.
even if they didn't run the world, they ran your shitty revolution and you're still convinced it was any good for russia, or ANYWHERE else.
>look at me, i'm an antifa roach, i think i'm helping society by letting myself get fucked in the ass by spooks but in reality i'm graduating high school this year and have no idea what a fascist actually is
Just curious: If Antifa was in control, what kind of punishment would you deal for people who support facism?
there's no state in communism.
i see that you're illiterate as well. you kind of come off as a chick, which explains a lot. very similar posting style to the lardass women i see sperging on faceberg about "nazis" and "fascists" that dont actually exist. i kind of feel sorry for you honestly, its a shame people have taught you to think like this. shame on them for corrupting the minds of youths like yourself.
Communism wasn't formulated just by them. The idea has been around for ages in Europe. You could easily make the claim that national socialism was founded by jews too since they both root from some of the same thinkers.
Do you consider anyone who likes trump or milo a fascist
the same fag
I am a proud woman of color who won't stand up to this nazi this any longer.
>spic thinks its wittyfor pointing out an id we can all clearly see is the same one
kek i fucking hate you people
Not only are you wrong, you're fucking retarded. So wrong, so retarded, that I sit in disbelief you actually believe these blatant fabrications.
>national socialism, the result of many years of developing german idealism, is somehow rooted in the same dirt as commie kike shite
You are fucking deplorable.,
Maybe but it is still far better than accidentally bringing in a regime that kills the intellectuals and hinders prosperity or lets say it works and you end up in a some decaying wasteland and you have to share everything with your equally inexperienced workers to sustain your selves.
Fuck your Political Correctness then, your rules and your assholes that enforce it.
Anarchists don't want to be in control of anyone other than themselves. They also seek to stop the control of others upon them, which is what puts them on a collision course with fascists.