Are Chads the saviors of the white race?
Are Chads the saviors of the white race?
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Really had to think on that
Is that you?
I added him on fb and he didn't add me back
Are you from Quebec?
Esoteric Teft posting is best posting.
Pete Tefft is an autistic sperg and makes white nationalists look bad.
What does the white race need saving from?
>Are Chads the saviors of the white race?
simply no.
>What does the white race need saving from?
the ((tribe))
pic related is some serious double think
fucking multiple whores, impregnating them and leaving them to live as single moms certainly doesnt benefit society as a whole that much
Could somebody photoshop this acromeglic freak to make his deformed jaw even larger please.
chads pump and dump. it's the betas who keep the white race alive.
Well, if you're not alpha, it's probably best not to try to fake it. You can still reproduce eventually, but if a white Chad has superior genes... then let him. I say humble yourself if you're not alpha desu
>Basically, whites have set up an artificial system which keeps those of lower social castes from mating with those of higher social castes, and only in very rare instances does it happen. If you take an ugly chick and systematically reproduce them with an attractive male, her baby will be less ugly. Unattractive males could be allowed to reproduce with a top-tier woman, but only once to satisfy them and to reduce inbreeding, as humans all begin as females in the womb.
>If we were still wild animals, this is basically how it would happen. Males would compete over females, the bigger dicks would have a higher chance of impregnating, and other males would try to compete through sperm competition in an attempt to propagate their genes. We're slowing down evolution with these systems that blacks never had. Whites historically have been obsessed with material goods, tribalism, and social status, and began that too early in their development after they separated from Africans.
>Notice how most other races look more or less the same? But for some reason white subtypes all look completely different with clearly distinct phenotypes, some with faces that still look fugly (otherwise normal), but shouldn't. Whites are all mixing the same set of genetics, but not in the right way due to artificial social castes since our beginnings and the lack of breeding between "tribes" or "countries".
>But now with the internet, it's beginning to become more prominent, with ugly girls able to reproduce with Chads using heavy makeup and plastic surgery, so perhaps women's liberation isn't so bad. The problem is that they're reproducing with darkies too, or not reproducing AT ALL, sending us back further.
I'm srs. Just humble yourself or you'll come across weird.
Holy shit, was the handsome face meme based on this guy?
holy shit, my almonds are overloading.
>whites will disappear because we want them to and that males it a scientific so lol good luck drumpfkins XD
this really did shargle my nargles
Chads aren't the leaders of these movements. Their lives are too interesting to devote themselves utterly to a cause or a people
chad's photoshopped hair really completes the look
He has a shit posture. His face is too long. He does have good genetics, I mean, he's got a huge jaw, but his jawline is not attractive.
sadly this is true.
The guy is fucking ugly and dumb as a brick.
Not even close to "Chad".
Please fucking drop the whole "Chad" thing Sup Forums,just fuck right back off to r9k.
Thank you.
>ThE GUy iS fUcKiNg UgLy AnD dUmB aS a BrIcK
Seriously,look at the guy.