Why do extreme right hate trans people?

Why do you hate us? We dont harm anyone :(
I think because we make u feel gay (when liking a trans girl is not gay) and that makes u very hostile because u r homophobic too.
Why u hate so many things?


Because you shove it in our faces
And you're mentally unstable
And you make these threads

If u knew 1 trans person u would see we r normal.

Cause trannies are mentally ill, not the next civil rights movement.

fugg, i love trans girls
i unironically love them so much!!!

Nobody shoves it, u r so obsessed with us that when you see a trans person u loose your mind

Because they are jelly of women. Being male is a curse from God, and they are bitter about it.

show boibussy

Post feminine penis

Pick one

These posts make me want to hire a private hitman.

>Why do you hate us? We dont harm anyone :(
Because I don't want my tax dollars going for some faggot cosmetic surgery that results in suicide a fair percentage of the time anyway

callate espaƱolo ve a adorar a tus islamicos

sounds like you have been repressing yourself since childhood. it's time for you to take your girl hormones, sweetie :3

If this is a trans, then I guess I'd fuck tranny boipussy

Are you that Spanish trap that uses anime reaction faces?

>private hitman
A-are there public hitmen?

Openly declare war on the Jews and we will temporarily accept you.

Do trannies smell like the frozen meat section? That is my fetish

they don't want to fuck me


I don't even hate transfaggots as much as I hate the sociopolitical (((system))) and propaganda that warped your minds and broke your sanity so much that you saw no other recourse but mutilating your genitals and ruining your lives forever.

I pity you more than anything really.

you make me so hard


it's because you are literally an abomination

>Why do you hate us? We dont harm anyone :(
Say strong, trains is hard job.

I don't hate trannies. I hate our culture that validates body dysmorphia. Telling a man in a dress he's a woman is like telling a 90lb anorexic she's a fat pig. Or a person with severe depression they're worthless.

You're cute I'd let you suck my schlong

actually you goofball bitch, we literally can't tell when we see a trans person unless they're literally men in dresses. That's why it's not a real problem lmfao you can even walk in to the girl's bathroom and no one will say shit


>A-are there public hitmen?
kek, user nailed it

You know its not normal which is why you cover your face and body in fear. If it were normal you would have no fear showing yourself.

AGF af

>posting your face on Sup Forums

Because you are degenerate. You make a mockery of life.

Im wearing male shirts in my pics haha.
And u are confusing crossdressers with transgender people.
I dont think its propaganda, we are only fighting for our rights.
i smell like chocolate powder (not the drug)

>We dont harm anyone
you harm society at large by allowing your mental illness to be promoted in popular culture. you're free to live your life however you want, but shut the fuck up about it and keep it in the closet.

Most of the puppets of the ruling class are trannies. Hollywood, politics, sport. Even teachers. Literally They Live! Our reality is a sham.

I dont show my face cause this is Sup Forums lol, show yours.

bc i dont want you in my bathroom and sure as hell dont want u in my kids i dont hate u i just want ya ugly ass 2 stay home

Post picture with timestamp or fuck off. You are unworthy of a serious answer and of our time. We deal with serious issues on this board. Like niggers and jews.

Thats definitely not true, lol.

You say u hate me but then you say u dont. lol.

>Literally They Live! Our reality is a sham.

>girl is not gay
I will never understand this.

How is it then that "transgendered" people never existed in all of human history until the 1990s/2000s, since as you say crossdressers aren't transgendered?

>gratuitous avatar fagging
Stop posting an intersex you found on lgbt. Fucking proto mexicans always stealing shit and pretending to be white

Yes, the United States. Remember your greatest ally.

\pol\ is a JQ public service announcement board.

I lost all the pics you posted of yourself in other threads, can you re upload them?

I don't hate trans people, and know three.

I hate a culture that irresponsibly advocates self-mutilation as a solution to a mental illness, going to far as to permanently damage children with irreversible hormone cocktails based on the whims of mad doctors and virtue signaling parents.

I don't, I love them an don't want them near a battlefield. Real women aren't worth dying for, but pretty fukbois are.

i dont hate transgenders i hate transgenderism . its a virus of the mind and 3/4s try to commit suicide with or without outside bullying. its a disease and should be treated as such

You're born with a penis your male and if you're born with a vagina then female. Deal with it

That's the way it should be and no other way.