Redpill me on Baltics

What's going in these countries and what are their links to Russia / communism?

I hear they're 3rd word countries

Other urls found in this thread:

It's the Africa of Europe together with Russia


Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania are victims of communism.



They hate Russia so much that they're willing to suck Western dick for anything

Countries that the soviet union sought to take advantage of for their warm water ports that the soviet union so badly needed to stay economically viable as all the Russian ports froze over for most of the year.

tHoEs fOkEn JeVgEnIs VviLl PaY FoR VVhAt ThEY DiD Tu AS VVe VViLl FuCkInG KilL EvEry SiNgLe OnE Of ThOeS IvAnS VVhEn VVe GeT ThE ChAnCe AnD ThEn CrUsAdE To GeRmAnY VViTh My BaLtIc BrOtHeRs AnDTaKe OuEr YUROP BeCaUs Of ThE SlEiVeRi!!!!!

BuT FiRsT VVe NeEd GeRmAnY To GiVe Us SeCrEt To NuClEar EnErGy!

I might let Ireland be Ireland but otherwise, I'm OK with this.

We got sold to USSR shortly before WW2 and then again during WW2. This made some people upset because they didn't want to go to gulags. Fast forward fifty years and some hippies decided to get together and sing a little bit and for some reason, that led to the collapse of the Soviet Union, and now every time a member of the US administration says that Estonia is a part of the NATO, everyone in the country has a collective orgasm.

You allright man?


Yes. Don't come here.

Ironically enough, the bolsheviks would probably have lost without the help of latvian commies. The bolsheviks won 70% of the vote in Latvia in november 1917, far more than anywhere else.

I'm incredibly sorry my natural senses got a hold of me.

For real?
I'm planning on going to Riga on holiday

No problem, you get em good lad.

ok go there, but dont come to Estonia like seriously fuck off vvere full vve have like 60 refugees already.

Have a latvian meme.

i 2 of the caramel ones today, they are very good my 6 toed brother

I'm afraid I'm not following


one time my w key broke aswell. my thoughts and prayers go to you brother

Damn, I know those.
Had them as a kid and damn they're good.

What about the nazi bird though?


The bird is the mascot for karums...
>vvhy the make him a nazi?
Can't really explain this to a foreiginer because the autism levels are too high for them to understand.
vve have vveird sense of humour

Haha, thank you.

But would you mind telling me a bit about your life and experiences with Latvia?

np, thanks.

You got more memes?

Which live in Germany by now

Life is semi-ok.
School is free till the university, the education you get is also good, public is really fucking redpilled on refugees, i vvish the vvages vvere better not for only the families that are in the middle class but also the people vvho get through a month 420€


I'm poor, it rains a lot, the booze is chap.

vvell our old president made selfies... that vvas kind of a meme.

But you still have internet?

Seems to me like an extra luxury, or is it that you aren't that poor at all? I can imagine living pay check to pay check though.

Oh in estonia you can accsess internet literally everyvvhere. not freely ofc

Minimum wage 360 euro.

baltics in general have a very good and cheap internet.

Yeah vve used to have it on 355 in 2014 asvvell... novv they have raised it to 470


My setup

Can i come to your country and buy your cheap beer? I feel depressed again after talking about my nations capabilities.

Oh, that's nice to hear!

The minimum wage per what?

we have pretty decent internet

yup per month 30 fucking days

Lithuania has African flag colors. Hell, even the country looks like a miniature version of africa, only squished.

>russia gets east konigsberg



Thank you.

Damn, nice setup
A while ago I still was going on windows XP haha



>albania exists
Wow shit map

also the jews are trying to subvert us
pretty soon our cuck-gov will give in to ahmeds and we'll have a terrorist attack.
not like anyone will care though, sadly we're too lazy and fucking docile to protest or think differently

That's right, it's actually 380 Euros atm, it has been significantly increased lately and will be in the coming years

One of the fastest interwebz in the world m8

tru. It's supposed to be our traditional colours.

fucking sad tbqh

kek didnt even notice

How did you know!?

I have toothpaste flag though

Kārtējais biezodēliņš lielās internetā. Nekas jauns.

The redpill on baltics is realizing that they have aesthetically pleasing borders

netherniggers get out

>How did you know!?
Re-routing your IP through various channels intra-changing the dynamic code via UpDog


Siberia is high up too, had a good laugh back in HS during Russian class

Vilnius, our capital.

Setaps dārgāks par manu iedzīvi pie velna

Turn us around

Lūdzu, saglabājiet to angļu valodā, lai es varētu sekot bez google tulkotāja


Are you the backer know as leaf four

Sry minimālā alga + pacietība


>redpill me on the country I live in

is that a MAGA hat?

kek nice job latbro

>What's going in these countries

> what are their links to Russia

> communism


I had a thought of picking one up, but I really don't want to buy some chink knock-off

Es teicu, ka izmantoju tulkošanu google, arī es mācu latviešu un krievu valodu, jo mana sieva nāk no Latvijas

>oh man, sure told them, now back to slurping some ZOG cock ;)

>[OP's shitty country]'s education
glorious estonia is still occupied by bydlo shits in the east

Well okay, what has she said about Latvia?

It's not that I'm unable to find information about it myself.

It's just that I value the people of Sup Forums their experience and opinions more then what google tells me how naiive that may be of me

Big Siberian Cock is real

She didn't like the people and wanted to move to my country.

Well that's rather trivial, 99% of people that have left have done it out of economical struggle, the other 1% is refugees that had been brought in but fled away for better gibs

is she black or muslim by any chance?

You think I'd marry one of those?
Where do you think you are haha

her reason just seems bit weird, that's all

and to that other part, you'd be very mistaken if you think this board is exclusively browsed by whites only lol

Kaut jūs visi nosprāgtu


You saying you're not white hmm?

Best Europe coming through


But for reall, the latest events have shown that from USA people who browse are very much from many backgrounds

Haha is this thread for us?

looks good

But I thought paul was one person

Not completely, but yes


You had one job Vytautas, one job!

Thanks, whats your motive though?

OP is a finn

What makes you say that?
Have you read the thread?
What about you mate?

what a shitshow

Are the Baltic countries developing? Also, how long until Putin stages a """popular uprising""" among the Russian population?