I need help pol

How do I tell my parents I'm a National Socialist?

With words

You don't

Tell them outright, pussy

don't i also don't.
they would fucking kill me.. ww2 had a very large impact on my family.
so i just keep it to myself

>hasn't redpilled his parents yet

why do you want to tell them?

chances are they probably already know you're a dumbass.

show your flag give some context


They already know you're autistic user.

only tell them if it doesn't hurt you in any way, as in you already live outside of home. otherwise your future doesn't look bright, if you are dependent on them for anything.

you also should already know, by talks of the past with them, how likely they would react harsh to your "outing". this implies you know your parents, i know, witchcraft, eh?

Tell them Hitler wasn't such a bad guy.

I told my mum and she didn't take away my tendies.

The same way that you tell them that you're gay.

suicide letter?

You don't.

Told my liberal mom (who harbors some very conservative views but still says she is a liberal) about my political views. She accepted them and who I was

If you're in germany, DON'T.
This will not do you any good.
If you're in any other county, you may try your luck.

literally tell them "im a national socialist"
they wont know what it means, boomers are stupid

Fuck off. Why would you tell them? Do you know your dad's specific political opinions on all subjects? Ffs they're your parents. Grow up, move out and act like a White man instead of an emotionally incontinent little bitch.

Get married, have children and raise a wholesome traditional family. They'll get the message.

That's just going to make them go 'hur dur communism no work' thinking that natsoc is related to marxism.

This is the only acceptable answer.

Shit on the floor in the shape of a swastika.

When I revealed little bit of my power level my father told me not to try to teach your father to fuck. Turns out he was redpilled all along.

So is watching/teaching your father to fuck part of national socialism?

my sides are on the fucking orbit

>be a Finn
>don't know phrase 'älä yritä opettaa isääs nussimaan'

Pro tip: You don't

I actually migrated form Maroko 2 years ago. I don`t speak your snownigger language.

Tell them in German.

Why do you want to tell your parents faggot? You realize nazis are seen as the spawn of satan.

Remove yourself from our gene pool. NOW!
Finno-Ugric masterrace!

So you got arrested for terrorism and they still let you online

Got my mom redilled on JQ, refugees, race. Nasa fakes and Michelle Obama is a Tranny was over her limit. Guess i leave the reptilians and interdimensionals be for now.

masterful bait

In your suicide note


Start with redpilling them, one year later the shock wont be that great.

anything but national socialism is just bluepilled normieism

Just kill yourself instead

begin with how much you love nigger cock and they will figure out the rest


"hey mom what do you think about this?"
>equation for how the holocaust was mathematically impossible

>uses nazi flag
probably an american

You don't. You give them one small redpill after another until they too are closet nazi.

Then you tell them.


Easy, just say it. I said it when I found out my dad is also a NationalSocialist.

Get a job

>Ywn know that feel.

Why even live?

Tell them that you're a social nationalist and that you admire A. Schicklgruber.

Tell them ALTright xDDDDD

the same way you tell them you're a world class ass-blaster

you make sure you can live without them first

Be a good Jugend and turn them in to Gestapo for subversion of the Reich


dad calls me "the exercise nazi."
casually say "i'm just a regular nazi."
dad says "hitler had the right idea but the wrong group of people."
say "hitler had the right group of people."
That's how my parents found out.

>1 post by this id

Tell them you are a Authoritarian Libertarian and you want to heil the constitution. 1476. They will understand that much more then the fact that you are a bohemian brown shirt.

ebin larp /leftypol/
now fuck off

i wish i had a friend to do a benis swastika with

Easy, just do it. I kinda did with my distant family. We also come from a long line of drunks too.

My discussion with my dad. Right idea just crazy.

show em this and ask them what you are, if they don't answer 'a nazi', they're stupid, because how could you make it any clearer

someone shot that man to stop him from living

They probably already know that you're autistic so theres no need to be redundant.

Since when did being natsoc imply that you were autistic?

>How do I tell my parents I'm a National Socialist?

First and most importantly, move out of their basement first. This way you won't be homeless when they throw your pathetic ass out on the street.


You tell them that you're a true American, fighting for a country that was explicitly created for European stock as per the 1790 Immigration Act and the views of the founding fathers. If they ever disagree with you, fight them on the basis of them being anti-American and incorrect. Turn your family and everyone you know into National Socialists without ever saying the name, just call it being a true American. Don't be a sperg and call yourself a Natsoc, convert the country to your views. I have been doing this for awhile and it is stupidly effective.

The American flag is an explicitly White Nationalist flag.

Tell them you're a historical reenactor. Because it's true.


Just start defending national socialism, they'll get the hint

The year when the jew won?

All of you are either shills, kikes, cucks, niggers, or some god-forsaken combination.

Kill yourselves

Lol what a fag

Tell them about the J. Really, beign nat. soc. is stupid and people thinks just because you hate (((them))) you're a nazi. This need to end. Everyone hate the Jews, not only nazis.