How can we decuck ourselves?
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No half measures this time.
it's even worse then that actually. those top 8 men don't even have half the wealth of the richest family
nice adaptation of the bullhand
It's even worse than that because it's so hard to track the family fortunes of the oldschool robber barrons.
the world vs 8 jews? EZ
The Jew hides himself and spreads out his wealth so no one knows his true power.
I find it funny when people say Bill Gates or Carlos Slim is the richest man when the Rothchild family controls all of the banking across the world with few exceptions like Libya, Syria, North Korea.... all of the countries that are being destroyed.
It's not like they have half of the world's money hidden under their beds though and they're preventing poor people from having shit. Isn't almost all of it is in action, mostly through investment?
People will get outraged at this but not realize that if you make minimum wage in the USA, you're in the 7th percentile of wealthiest people in the world.
Fuck off you filthy communist.
>asking about 8 rich jews
fuck off you brainwashed dicksucker
Spending gap.
The Spending Gap: Women make and influence 85% of all consumer spending.
Really easy to solve honestly. Military op to cut the head of the snake off. Nationalize money supply. Profit.
If you purchased at the Sudan's prices, that would be relevant.
You cannot solve this problem.
try working for a living you fucking parasites
The wealth of these 8 men is theoretical, at best. If, a country, or coalition, tried to freeze the wealth and seize it, somehow, then the global economy would collapse and the wealth would evaporate into nothing.
It's similar to how many states try an nationalize lucrative industries, and a short time later, the industries start to bleed cash and become indebted and worthless.
>doesn't know of the efficacy of bullets in 2017
>supporting crony capitalism
You are a fake ancap, all jews must be hanged for destroying the perfect system of capitalism.
64 million americans make 100k a year.
Calm your tits.
>t. NEET
Because half the world is dirt poor. Much poorer than ourselves.
By pure coincidence all these very poor people aren't living in white countries.
>still believes 'too big to fail' meme
t. Talmud American
>crony capitalism isn't real capitalism
Reminder that crony capitalism is infinitely preferable to the horrors we would experience under the "free" market.
Just think... If you had the wisdom to solve some minor issue for one of these preposterously wealthy gentlemen it would be worth tens or hundreds of millions of dollars to them.
A new aristocracy is emerging, you can toil in the fields with the rest of the serfs or educate yourself and join the kings' court. This is life.
My job pays me $20/hour. How many hours would I have to work to become a trillionaire like the (((Rothschilds)))?
Welp I just did the math, I'd only have to work for 5.7 million years straight. Better pull myself up by the bootstraps and get started, then.
thats a pretty solid infographic
It shouldn't be.
You should've chosen to be born to european nobility then, you lazy fuck. It's too late to complain now.
>welcome abord, Roger, we have plenty of goyim to kill, now if you don't mind come with me into this dark room...
I don't know man...
True words. The wealth of the Rothschilds and the Berenbergs etc. are in the TRILLIONS. Multi-generational, multi-continental, spanning centuries of history, countless wars, arising in the age of feudalism are nothing like compared to today's "paper wealthy".
sure, if your pay stays at that rate all your life. you can live perfectly comfortably at $20/hour, but if you want to be a LITERAL TRILLIONAIRE, then of course you're going to have to put in a little extra elbow grease.
no they don't
>a little extra elbow grease
>just work for a few million years goyim, it'll be fine
>a little extra elbow grease
If by elbow grease you mean owning a nation, then yes.
needs to be atleast 4 women and 1 postop transexual, 1 gay male and 2 cis males.
The diversity quotas must be met
There's only one solution.
its probably the only infographic I've ever saved
it's a handy redpill to post whenever we have one of these threads
>i don't own a bank therefore no one should own banks
what really pisses me off about people who shit on 'the worlds riches' people like bill gates and bezos is
that they changed the course of modern history, they revolutionised how we conduct business and live out lives, they kind of earned their billions.
>no one should own banks
you might be on to something...
How is this allowed?
This is the result of classical liberalism and Napoleon's emancipation of the Jew.
When a nation separates from the Church and the laws of God, it will be come to be ruled by Jews.
Starts with taking back your money system and getting rid of fiat currency. Every country has a right to be prosperous and not have artificial economic depressions like we've been having.
Well yeah, that's really the whole illusion that people who write the Forbes list and similar lists are trying to pull off. They only include self-made businessmen and to the average person it gives some sort of comfort to know that a man from middle class stock was able to amass a fortune. If they included everyone who comes from "old money" the Forbes list would be a lot more depressing.
>no one should own banks
this is an unironically good idea though
maybe in the future when AI is developed a law can be passed nationalizing all banks and giving them to AI management, while programming the AI to operate by maximizing human happines and productivity but not so much that the bank can't operate
you don't need profits if you're a robot
They have no force of their own. Their only power is in lying. Redpill the Whites, expulsion follows.
Aw who am I kidding, gas 'em so the cycle doesn't just repeat again
> How can we decuck ourselves?
By learning what jesus spoke of.
By resisting the jewish influences and disciplining ourselves.
By minimizing our sins and living conservatively, minimalizing our desires, modest, frugal, making wise choices about our investments and spending.
The issue is clear.
People want much more than they need and the jew knows this... takes advantage of the goy's compulsive and impulsive behavior.
Women are easily exploited due to this behavior and beta males empower them.
Need to create a separate system altogether.
> hat they changed the course of modern history
The only thing they've changed, is the size of their bank accounts.
> they revolutionised how we conduct business and live out lives
They haven't revolutionised shit. All of their wealth is based on stolen tech and stolen ideas.
> they kind of earned their billions.
They haven't earned shit. 100s of thousands of employees/slaves working of them, did. They just hoarded all the wealth/profit generated by these workers. That's how capitalism works.
>Starts with taking back your money system and getting rid of fiat currency.
No. Start with removing capitalism.
Don't fall for the rational management meme, banks are just warehouses if no one's (((lying))) about their reserves
Who cares? Does this affect you in any way? It's not like them having money means there's none left for you. If this bothers you, you're literally just jealous.
>what really pisses me off about people who shit on 'the worlds riches' people like bill gates and bezos is
>that they changed the course of modern history, they revolutionised how we conduct business and live out lives, they kind of earned their billions.
Yes, and none of them is really living obsence wealth. Its not like they sail around in golden yachts, making scat porn with super models or flying around in a private airbus that has a garage for their very own lambo. They fly private jets and all that but its not like Bill Gates can fly around with the plebs without getting harassed all the time, he has to fly like that and he has to have a mansion with a huge wall and security.
The only ones that deserve the hates are rich asshole arabs that have done nothing except inheriting oil money and a royal last name or people that have gotten rich from usury and war, like the Rothschild.
Also most of the rich guys have their assets in their company, if they liquidate it all and give it to the poor their company collapses and thousands gets laid off.
>>no one should own banks
>this is an unironically good idea though
Just get rid of fractional reserve banking and bail outs. Let the banks play with REAL money and let them suck up their own losses like any other company.
Blame the jews all you want... it is you and your ancestors fault for failing to just say no.
It's like listening to a crack head complain about evil drug dealers.
I believe the numbers include families, so more like 64 million households make 100k or more.
Lol, look at the fat ben shapiro in the white
>people not understanding the difference between assets and disposable money
You talk as if they were even asked.
You eliminate the government which funnels these people all of their money. Read Ryan Dawson's Separation of Business and State, literally every single problem here from the start has been not that people with money exist, but that the government can multiply their wealth through the manipulation of markets and currency.
They then simply buy the government and have it do that. If your plan to resolve this is to employ state actors, your plan will fail.
>It's like listening to a crack head complain about evil drug dealers.
Yeah, if those drug dealers held down his mom and injected crack into her veins while he was still in the womb and then continued to inject crack into the baby after it was born.
You OWE the FED over 61 thousand dollars as soon as you are born and that number is growing all the time and it will never be paid of. Its over 160k per tax payer and then we aren't even touching on all the unfunded liabilities.
This is an excellent post except for the reddit spacing. We don't need everyone. The fags and transmyn are lost. Many normal white men--and especially women--are too. If just the most woke redpilled men focus on getting non-slutty waifus and houses in the country and MULTIPLYING we can fix this country in two generations.
bill gates didn't change the course of human histroy. i guess henry ford didn't change the course of history either. considering bill gates is going to give all of his money when he dies to charities dedicated to killing off africans he is Sup Forums approved. mark cuckerburg is a piece of shit who doesn't deserve to be on that list, i can agree with you there.
you don't owe the fed, the fed uses your birth as collateral. technically they owe you, also part of the reason why so many countries with heavy debt love importing 'refugees' and making them citizens, once they become citizens they can be used as collateral to offset their national debt.
It's true: a nation gets the Jews it deserves. That's the worst part of it all. The Jews are such a ridiculous little people; that they are on top now just tells you how shitty the world is.
I thought you guys liked captialism???
Let the free market do it's stuff.
I mean, it's worked so well till now right?
capitalism =/= (((capitalism)))
So all these leftist retards can figure out who these people are and demand they give up all their cash to give to Asians, Africans, and Indians.... Problem solved.
Also, be prepared, those 8 people are probably Jewish. Oy vey. You don't want to be anti-semitic now goy..
Whats the point of having many dollars when you are still nothing compared one who prints these dollars? They point at the wrong people at most wealthy ones, i dont even sure if we know the right people and is Rothschild influence real or they just another decoy for someone whom goyim dont know.
I thought there we're 9 Rothschilds.
and this is a red pill that went beyond the red pill, or you can call it shorter simply red pill 2
they ate the ninth one in an accidental ritual.
^ this
You can send a white woman out with $1000 in her pocket and she comes back with less than $40 in production materials.
> blame the jews
blames yourselves for being stupid fucks who keep buying their over priced crap.
>you don't owe the fed, the fed uses your birth as collateral. technically they owe you, also part of the reason why so many countries with heavy debt love importing 'refugees' and making them citizens, once they become citizens they can be used as collateral to offset their national debt.
So when i use my house as collateral for a loan the bank owes me?
Get the fuck out.
> You OWE the FED over 61 thousand dollars as soon as you are born
No you just owe the hospital money... that's how capitalism works you silly little far left faggot.
Jews are 2% of the population but 50% of the US billionaires.
Why is this allowed?
I am not talking about medical cost you retarded nigger, you can be born in a cabin out in the woods. If your parents register you're automatically a debt slave for life and you can't even pay it of if you wanted to.
Where is James Alefantis on that tree?
you use one of your physical assets as collateral.
the federal government uses one of their physical assets as collateral. when you use your house as collateral then you have entered into an agreement with the bank where if you default they will take your home, not you. if you entered into a loan contract with the mafia for example you are using yourself as collateral, and then they own you until they feel you have paid your debt.
Just wait until the debt/GDP ratio forces your country to monetize debt. Then you'll be a trillionaire and bread will only cost ~$900,000,000 a loaf.
>the federal government uses one of their physical assets as collateral.
>federal government owning the federal reserve
You are approximately this much retarded
You already know the way. Discard this alt-reich nonsense and take the real RED-pill... We've already figured out exactly how capitalism works more than a century ago
the federal government is indebted to the federal reserve, the federal government uses their assets as collateral while borrowing. the federal reserve is not a branch of the federal government
You are really brainwashed or a shill.
I bet you can't even fix your own car.
capitalism everyone
>"Look at all these shitty rich people, while everyone else is poor!"
>"No! Look at the Rothchilds! They have more money than the rest! Fucking dirty Jews!"
Seriously? Their still all fucking billionaires that got rich the way most of the other folks did; being fucking shitty human beings, stepping on the backs of everyone else, and fucking us all over.
Jew, Christian, or fucking atheist... Fuck 'em. All of 'em are dicks and if you focus on one, they other will fuck you.
> capitalism
It works fine. Lazy NEETS are the only ones complaining.
I have enough skills to build a house, custom vehicles, engines, machines, agriculture, even chemistry.
NEETS are lazy communists, no matter what side they choose, left, right, up, down. They are all pieces of shit.
not an argument
REVOLUTION ! who's with me comrades ?
Everything i said was correct and that was not an argument
here's a notion: the last 100 years have demonstrated that marxism is an excellent framework from which to critique capitalism. however, those criticisms are essentially constructive, deepening the alienating and dehumanizing capacities of industrial capital. marxism is an inoculation. it might have a similar form to the eventual solution, but it needs to be redesigned in a much more rigorous manner, on much more rigorous foundations than fruity hegalianism.
i'm inclined to think that marxism's over-reliance on materialism, and its lack of integration with any kind of community spirituality, is its main flaw. a political system that functions ruthlessly to prevent a (((tiny minority))) from fucking everyone else over, and yet respects the true spiritual hierarchies of the world, would be much more effective.
> NEET buys an automobile with NEETBUX and Daddy's money.
> Automobile breaks down and NEET is too lazy to learn how to fix it themselves and doesn't own any tools.
> NEET comes to my shop and asks me to fix the car
> I tell NEET... that's going to be $500
> NEET screeches autistism, calling me a jew and evil capitalist.
Fackin lol.