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also post some sauce motherfucker


there all dressed in black. like an army. scary.

is this red terror reborn?

Antifags, watch out for the Dodge. VROOM VROOM MOTHERFUCKERS

Escorting new England patriots out. Why they protesting the football team? Why they even there?

Berkeley Antifa are crazy but generally weak.

w...why are they even there?

To protest..... something




Because the Nazis are literally everywhere

Don't know I think there was suppose to be a free speech rally but ended up being cancelled at the last minute.

Some dude was just chanting "FREE SPEECH!!!!" started calling him a nazi literally 15 or more people surrounded him threatening to beat his ass!

gud luk dodgers :^)

The reason is right in their name, patriotism is wrongthink and worthy of the gulag.

in before based stickman gets a third strike by getting in the uni with weapons

Typo" liberal left started calling him a nazi

can we just civil war already?


Queers hate nazi's you bigots. Just another place where you nazi fascists are too afraid to fight us. Everyone knows we're on the right side of history

Did the pedo Berkely Mayor tell the police to stand down again?/

a-are they under m-my bed too?

That's what (((they))) want, keep it peacefull

>right side of history

> Turns on stream
> Nasty giant tranny on screen yapping about something
> Close stream

>dress as antifa
>get in the middle of antifa crowd
>drop explosive
>exit from a different angle
>walk away and take off antifa costume
>dedodate bamb

It's so easy when everyone is wearing the same clothes and maskes. Just saying it's such a safety hazard. Please don't do this.

What is a Nazi. I have been Conservative all my life and I have never met one. I saw the actors with the flags on TV but that was just a stage show. Nazis are Communists. They sure would not be Trump supporters?

Police radio scanner link?

Don't know. I wonder if a fellow Kekistani will post link for one.

Specially under your bed, sweaty.

What happened to the /ourguy/ Puerto Rican that was being stalked by a bunch of alt-left?

Did he died?

Cant we just ignore these stupid hippies? Its the one thing they dont want us to do. Enough walks in the hot sun wearing all black hoodies and scarves, amounting to nothing, they will get tired of it and stop showing up. Lets all their efforts go to waste, lets be the better party and let them have their fagparades unmolested. The whole reason they are there is for conflict.

You're an idiot. Communism and UBI is going to be the future, all you Nazi LARPers hiding behind your computers will never have public support. You guys will be arrested and sent to the gulags where you belong with your fascist ideals.

Get a couple challengers

Their pink "no hate" shields have spoopy owl heads sprayed on all of them...

fox news is doing exactly that, been watching it all morning not a peep about this smelly little shits

Post pic

heres some more
cant counter a non-argument

Thats where you are wrong. The radical moderates will kill us all. Right and left. You watch

We're gonna need a bigger challenger


kek. says the faggot using an Antifa flag posting behind his computer. You smell like shit and you're dumber than shit

Holy shit those digits! Praise

But it's just so tempting to unload a magazine into these crowds


Things are so convoluted now

damn moloch wannabe foot soldiers



The owl actually symbolizes Pallas Athena, goddess of democracy and faggotry.

They must literally smell terrible all wearing black hoodies in 90 degree weather. Just when you thought hippies couldnt smell any worse.

We all wanted to be happy sneks but we can't we have to collectivise to stop the commies. Fashies are a symptom of resistance to communism. Tolerate commies: Get Nazis. Can't have one without other.



This sounds like gta3 radio.



rip america

You people are losing and losing hard.

The Jews know what they're doing. Mass immigration from incompatible societies has created a country where no one feels at home, and no one is willing to defend it

If all this "anti-free speech" rhetoric happened even 20 years ago, we would already have 5 more Mccarthys plotting to put progressives in camps

I want to wear a white polo shirt to my first day of classes tomorrow, but I'm not going to because Leftists might attack me.

looks like a barricade is forming at the front of the black bloc. facing the barricade is merely cameras it seems, few police that i see


whose park? our park

they have nothing else to do literally. they have multi-million dollar mainstream media apparatus validate how cool and important they are so that makes it fun for them and they can feel superior. this is all a big money show

Ahem - the taxpayer's park


it's so obvious this is a state project
they aren't talking down these lunatics like they did with the occupy wallstreet protesters
the FBI isn't targeting the antifa leaders, they are encouraging/paying them

Communism doesn't work well in reality.

there arent enough jews out there to make something like that stick lad


whatever denmark ;)

no trump! no KKK! no fascist usa!


Digits for this sparks civil war

Challenger approaching?
Or is it gonna be a cavalry Charger?

OMG.... kek has spoken

They want unrest. They need blood for ratings otherwise their whole apparatus falls apart.

I don't understand why Antifa aren't shot on sight. They are violently protesting the core values of your country. What the fuck America? Don't let these hysteric retards cuck you out of your own country. Make every single one of them eat lead.


Dunno, I had a pretty productive day today, meanwhile those losers waste their days dressed in black that only makes it even more hotter outside. They will spend the entire day screeching and sweating, amounting to nothing. Meanwhile, we're silently getting stronger, smarter and wealthier. Our time for speech didn't come yet, media is silencing us big time.

h-how did they know?

Watch out for "ebil right wing nahtsee terrorists".

Don't worry. I got Horatio coming there ASAP.

Lefties say the same thing.

This guy's a terrible host. This is unwatchable.

s-sorry go ahead an repeat what you just said for the past minute I accidentally clicked on some button for no reason that just fucked up the audio.

Yeah but just like toddlers they break things and cause trouble when ignored for too long. If everyone ignores them they will just take down more statues and destroy local businesses.

"Rally Against Hate"

You don't really get how wrong you are and how hard you're losing yet. One could almost feel sorry for you.

Still too many people who think these commies can be stopped democratically

not really
this is how its always been
If you are white and not a communist, you are the enemy

Did they build a fucking wall???

anitfa squads chased off 2 or 3 right wingers in a foot race

There's a huge fucking riot, why is this so slow?

Saying is not the same as doing. Actions speak more than words and I don't see the right being this violent. It's just a trick they use. Accuse the enemy of something while you are doing it yourself to make people think you fighting against that something instead.

You couldn't even get Sanders in on the democratic ticket.

>people bring their children there

jesus fuck these people are retarded.

>how wrong
please stop breathing
>one could
i see that college education is really paying out

you hit the button on purpose you lie! you fake news

right wing streamer got knocked down, police arriving to save from from antifa, antifacalling out "BPD" warning bweeeee--yooooooo plice ariving
This ones filled with much more action.