How can you both accept whites are the master race and/or superior to Jews if you also believe that whites are so gullible to fall for Jewish tricks and schemes?
Shouldn't a superior race be immune to this?
How can you both accept whites are the master race and/or superior to Jews if you also believe that whites are so gullible to fall for Jewish tricks and schemes?
Shouldn't a superior race be immune to this?
Whites are honorable. Jews are not. Whites play by the rules. Jews cheat. Whites won't lower themselves to cheating. Jews win.
National Socialism, Fascism, and other expressions of the same are the Whites realizing its time to start punishing the cheaters.
When Whites do play Jews' Rules, they're better at it. Like the Afrikaner Broderbond which successfully took control of South Africa away from the British through infiltration of the government and political institutions in less than fifty years.
Sage'd with extreme prejudice.
even wolves fight for the spot of the alpha
So if whites are wolves, what species are Jews in this analogy?
The white race is extremely empathetic as well. Not to mention Jews look WHITE. Jews come into society, act white, climb the ladders of influence and then promote other Jews to ALL other positions of authority around him or her.
In this way they take over every sector of society, pretending to be white as possible the entire time.
But they do not assimilate, they do not join the white tribe. Instead they stay isolated, working towards their own ends.
They are the lizards in disguise. The fact white people have realized this at all is something, being the Jews have ENTIRELY take the media and most other sectors.
Other races still have no clue it seems as they've been hoodwinked by Jews too.
You must also keep in mind the Jews wandered around Europe for 2000 years due to their tricks and schemes and never learned a thing, and once again, the world turns against them for the same. They're not half as clever as you think them to be.
>Whites are honorable. Jews are not.
>Whites play by the rules. Jews cheat.
>The white race is extremely empathetic as well
Hmm, yes, this white nationalist board sure is the epitomy of emphathy