>literally just broke up with my black girlfriend of 2 years
>basically told her I still loved her, but since blacks have lower IQs, any off-spring we create would be shit
I think I've done it. I've become completely black pilled. Thanks for ruining my life Sup Forums
Literally just broke up with my black girlfriend of 2 years
No one told you to tell your girlfriend she has inferior DNA dumbshit
So a "shit that never happened" thread?
Your own fault for listening to lonely virgins pissed off at the world.
was she upset
Your former girlfriend probably has higher IQ than you do.
why so?
Who cares? Go get a fucking white woman with a fat ass? Cause if you were fucking a niggress with no ass, youre wrong.
Holy fucking T H I C C
I want to marry this ho
If you really did this then congrats dude. Don't let the Juden take control over you. Together we can make this world a better place. It just takes some discipline.
weak bait kill ys faggot
Because it would take a special kind of idiot of swallow every meme at face value.
/po/ - saving the future every day
I love big asses like that. Don't even care if they're ugly and hairy as shit
listen here nigger. it doesn't matter who you have children with they will always be on the left side of the bell curve.
I did the same with my asn gf
1 Year later it was the best choice of my life.
>literally just broke up with my black girlfriend of 2 years
Good job. You did the right thing.
You're just having normal feelings after a break
up. The most you could have done was bring
more souless mongrel sub-humans into the
world. Just find a white woman and have
human progeny.
that's why I was so into her tbqh.
plus she was way my type
I'd rather date a liberal like ass related than a nog.
what a stupid faggot you are
time to get a white girlfriend fagget
Kek, you let an image board take over your life? What the fuck are you doing with your life, man?
No fucking way you cunt. Proof. If you did though, you're a moron
U don goofed
Idiot. IQ correlates with the parrents' IQ. If she is a high IQ, the offspring will be one. If she is a borderline retard redneck, child will be also
Did you have her take an IQ test first? She sounds smarter than you by default because she was a black woman who dated up to a superior race whereas your dumbass dated down to an inferior one.
It was all a joke potatobro, OP is the one that's inferior to understand that much.
>Implying brown sugar isn't tasty.
Regression to mean
She could have been a genius you fucking moron. Do you not understand how variance works in conjunction with genetics?
Men and Women are different. We should embrace our differences to work together and become stronger.
Quick, before it is too late and women are made obsolete.
Post pics pls. Curious what this magical black woman looks like.
Good job
but blacks being a threat is not a meme
white genocide is not a meme
what do you think is reality?
That everyone is equal and you should be happy with whomever you want to be?
you realize that male partners are easier to come by than female partners right? freeing up 1 white male is not as much an advantage as freeing up 1 black female. it was a bad trade off, retard.
fucking gross, no wonder you dated a negress
I'm pretty sure the joke in question was meant to troll and satire stormfags, not to be taken literally.
nope, the perfect example to counter this is our spic beaners. The immigrants come here and work hard, the kids come out lazy peice of shit browns who only leech leech leech, steal, and commit crimes. Their so stupid niggers look like tesla compared to them.
get a mew girlfriend
This kind of thinking is the result of being born and raised in a backwards shithole like Hungary, where you listen to all this hearsay about blacks without having ever met one in your life and think that you know it all.
It's your duty as a human to improve the world
One of the ways to do that is to take a non white women from their fate of having 10 low IQ monkey children and give them mongrel children with a higher IQ
You're a dumbass, OP.
Hey, I broke with mine brown gf of 5 years for same reason. Sometimes you need to make sacrifices
in all seriousness 14 words
You made the right choice.
t. mixed race mongrel
Of course
Mongrels create more mongrels. A half white black person will attract more whites and mix their gene into the white pool faster
I'm surprised noone called you autistic yet
So I'll do you a favor by noting that you may have autism
See your psychologist
Its shopped
I wish she sat on my face with that big booty
You dumb fuck. You were supposed to get her IQ tested first.
Christ, the state of Sup Forums these days. Can't even wipe their ass without detailed instructions.
Regression to the mean.
>1 post by this lying bait slide thread
saged and reported for being off topic (not that it will matter
Can you tell me the name of the episode or a link to it user?
You seriously deserve a punch in the mouth if you believe anything on here...damn son.
Google "regression to the mean" you fucking moron
Recently through fasting and some dank weed I induced a psychedelic vision and was dragged through the surface layers of hell. Among other things I was forced to account for myself before millions of eyes, and could see how obviously ugly and base of an act it is to engage in fornication, particularly with other races... as I have done. I was honestly surprised, and I do question whether this was a true revelation or a mere paroxysm, and what am I really supposed to do? How can I live a holy life when society is being destroyed? I certainly can't start a family. Anything I could think of doing to make enough money has some kind of corrupt element to it, there's no living off the land, so what is it I'm to do? Sacrifice myself? Does anyone know these feels?
I love how supposedly superior people don't understand probability distributions.
As long as she's a decent, self respecting woman that makes him HAPPY then I don't see why they shouldn't be together. You only live once people, don't waste it for
>muh huait rase
inb4 you end up with white trash woman who gives you even more retarded kids
that isnt how genetics works faggot
high IQ+high IQ of any race has a very strong possibility of creating a high IQ child
get back with her, BLEACHED.com her, have some high IQ nigger kids and then have some bright White children too
You are a piece of shit for robbing her of those two years. Should have just straight out said what your intentions where, but then that would make you the bad guy, right?
Funny story, there's nothing in the black genes that would make them dumber than whites.
Who the fuck is this thicc bitch?
I mean, your child's IQ would depend almost entirely on her IQ and your IQ.
Just because she's black doesn't nessarily mean she's an idiot, it just means that she's more likley to be an idiot. You do realize that right? Just because there are a lot of black morons doesn't mean that black geniuses don't exist, it just means that they are statistically rare.
Did she seem stupid to you, or did she seem to be of reasonable or above average intelligence?
If it's the latter, then perhaps it's for the best that you broke up with her, because in that case your kids would probably have been fucking retarded and it would have entirely been your fault.
If you're having trouble catching the implication here, I'm saying that you might just be stupid.
Moral of the story, don't be OP...
Also, just gonna say it to get it out of the way...
>1 post by this ID
Ever heard of the regression to the mean?
>doesn't want dumb kids
>1 post by this ID
Regression to the mean doesn't mean what you think it means. Read wiki before embarassing yourselves and parroting smth
Good job OP.
We have a lot more low IQ nigs and spics on Sup Forums than I thought
Fake, but good for you!
It's not just a meme though. Blacks really do on average have lower IQs than whites and as a result they don't do as well in the free market. We don't know how much is due to genetics or how much it is due to environment. You could make a strong argument that their environments are the way they are because of their subprime IQs. OP made the right decision to set up his offspring for success. I don't see what the problem is. Why are you trolling people in every thread? It's kind of sad.
Nigga are you retarded?
You obviously don't tell someone you love the real reason ffs. That is just intentionally hurting her without any benefit.
>Copypasta acquired
You get the fuck over yourself and get it done. Don't obscure your feelings of financial inferiority with Sup Forums grade antisemitic horseshit. Be fruitful and multiply, my dude
If this is true, kys.
Otherwise sage.
I became engaged to my gf of 1.5 years after I began browsing Sup Forums
We can still save society
>You obviously don't tell someone you love the real reason
this couldn't be more wrong. it goes like this, my virgin friend:
>You obviously don't tell someone you have a crush on the real reason
>You obviously tell someone you love the real reason
Average Black 85
Which is why they seldom thrive
Orientals score much higher
And they never seems to tire
With mixed race it's been seen
That they average in between
As Brazilians and Mestizos can attest.
IQ Tests IQ Tests IQ Tests
DUNNO WHY YOU LISTENED TO Sup Forums...fck sake.
It's not the race that develops bad offspring, it's the parents themselves through not teaching their kids discipline, good/respectful attitudes and teaching them the importance of getting a good education and contributing to society. Instead we see kids talking about coming from the ghetto and because they came from the gutter they feel the need to act like thugs and wannabe criminals believing they were born into it and because of that, its all they believe their life is about.
Hahahahahahahaha, you can't be this gullible ahahahahahahahaha.