When will this "women and men are equal" meme end?
When will this "women and men are equal" meme end?
When all women are dead
When we implement White Shariah
women are a meme
Underrated comment
FTFY white pussy
White shariah when
When western society collapses again and we rebuild a society without women's rights.
They are equal in the eyes of the law. Men should be offered same care when they give birth as women when they give birth. Women should be allowed the same vote, the same education as men.
They will make different choices and will take different paths in life. For example, women are more likely to request childbirth care than men are because of biological differences.
it has already collapsed. We're just some of us are just idly riding by, trying to make it in this world.
If you want to see the destruction/construction/reconstruction of anything you desire, do it with your own two hands. Join together with your brothers and manifest your own destinies
>all that makeup
absolutely fucking degenerate
When we become robots
When people stop having daughters because we can control the gender of new citizens and we also get sex robots making women obsolete safe for their perspective
until we are equal
men want equal opportunity
women want equal outcome
still a lot of makeup on pic related
>race war makes me feel relevant and important, so i must be intellectually superior!
ok monkey
Women aren't political, they play the support role in life.
All these stereotypes and the entirety of history didn't just come out of "hur hur you dont have a penis, your not aloud to talk here"
>Not liking a dolled up feminine woman
That's pretty gay.
Jesus fuck you people are sad. I don't think the two genders equal either, but the pictures you post are just so fucking gay. Thinking about boring political shit all the time? Do you not have a life outside of this? Shit man, you act like men are always thinking about this moralfag shit and never think of anything else.
Men want to be Conan the Barbarian.
Women want to be Amazon warriors.
Teach each other.
>Wanting your women to be caked in fucking petrochemicals and baby dicks so she can look like an old hag by 35 without makeup.
when we reach the waifu golden age
The next world war
sauce on the pic?
>it has already collapsed
Until the law can no longer be enforced, it has yet to collapse. Once you can blow someone's brains out in public and not fear arrest, then you know it's dead.
Murder clearance rates in Chicago are down to about 30-40% at this point.
Only betas listen to that
You cant put toothpaste back