Alex Jones and company are not on your side. Show this to everyone you love.
White Genocide Explained by its Architects
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Self-bumping. Time to wake the fuck up.
watching vid
I used to watch both infowars and the young Turks for some frustrating entertainment but they both got so click baity retarded after a while that i unsubscribed from both. They really aren't very substantive (sometimes roger stone is on it though). Tyt never had anything substantive. But I heard they have Shaun King
I thought this cunt quit? I fucking hate his cockney accent
that turns me on a lot, have more pics of that milk maid? good doggo btw.
Laura Katz, Curvy Berlin
PJW, Molymeme, Alex Jones, all in complete fucking denial that any of this is happening. Alex Jones, the man who brought you GAY BOMBS AND CHEMTRAILS AND LIZARD PEOPLE, somehow finds it ridiculous that there might be a Jewish conspiracy to eradicate whites. Jones has always been controlled opposition, but the more I look at this clip, the more people I see who are in on it with him.
They're afraid of loosing shekels. That's what happens when you sign contracts with devil(jewtube). Afterall it was so easy to establish income just by hoping on youtube bandwagon, instead of using independent - jewfree - means.
I don't blame them for keeping their heads low, I've never treated them as warriors for a good cause, but rather "entertainers"
I sure as shit blame them. They sold their people out for the same reason Judas sold out Christ. I hope they burn in Hell.
That fucking backgroud music in the video was put there by the jew, FFS.
>hope they burn in Hell.
They will. They've never convinced me to support them or even subscribe to their channels to be honest. I only watched any of their videos from a posted link or YT suggestion.
We'll see each other when it's over, friend. Those who endure to the end will be saved.
Thats not a cockney accent
Like I care much.
Why britbong think other people are interested in their extinct culture?
Which is it, exactly? Just curious.
>i think it is this
>no thats wrong
Northern, i know hes from yorkshire at least.
>PJW, Molymeme, Alex Jones, all in complete fucking denial that any of this is happening.
So basically when Sup Forums makes endless negative threads of these youtube stars and media people, I should actually be watching them, got it.
>Comments are disabled for this video.
No comments, no watch
Sure. Never hurts to know your enemy.
Stay cucked.
e-celebs are a gateway red pill
majority of the people who watch their stuff will start to see the world more clearly after a while
>necessary evil
welcome to last month or last week...
Alt right, alt left call em what ever, they are all brainwashed, Sup Forums needs to return to base...
oh more anti jewish shit, fuck off...
showing Crowder and other people not getting it makes this less effective. It would be better to show just the hypocritical jews.
>Sup Forums needs to return to base
>oh more anti jewish shit, fuck off...
Agreed. Show them reveling in all their insidious dreams, then maybe a 2-minute montage at the end of (((alt media))) condemning anti-semitism.
I was only part way though when I wrote that but imo it would've been good to start with the PJW clip where he says "they never provide any evidence", then providing all the evidence, then showing the media covering for them.
I love watching them squirm when Jews are brought up. They know.
When our own people just donĀ“t care anymore we see how brainwashed we have been. And it's our own people that betrays us
I'm fucking infuriated..
Can't for public calling for another holocaust.
42 minutes of kikes talking about getting rid of white people
We need a video like this but without all the nazi imagery. Just the evidence by itself. Really we need a JQ database, something we can show to normies who sense something is wrong but cant quite place their finger on it.
yeah fuck you cunts, enjoy what we expirienced 100 years ago
Thats what were trying to avoid Ivan. The world needs to know what (((they))) did to your people, its the greatest tragedy of the 20th century and virtually no one knows about it, let alone that kikes pulled all the strings. I hope one day you get your revenge.
Seconded. It's only because of THEM that America and Russia were EVER at odds. They pit white against white. They are the eternal instigators.
This shit makes me so sad.
Let that anger fuel you, never let it defeat you. I made a thread to make a database but no replies yet.
>its architects
>video shows some irrelevant kooks