*sips white tears*

*sips white tears*

Other urls found in this thread:


It's called conquest

"go back to your reservation"

go back to Siberia


I know you're baiting but it's amazing how lefties actually believe this is a good argument for immigration

and it's currently happening to europe, and it's beautiful :)

conquest motherfucker. fucked those native retards good.
wtf i love small pox now

*dies from smallpox*

>a pic for ants

*ding ding ding* We have a winner.

Go back to Asia, because "Natives" aren't native to the Americas and they were obviously too weak to hold their ground.

Go back to your reservation that we so graciously allocated for you instead of wiping you out

Don't cry when the counter-attack happens

"Go back to Asia!"


>White tears
Is that cum, faggot?

"Here are those shiny beads you wanted."

I was gonna post this.

>Go back to your reservation

Was that so hard?

Why do leftists keep importing 3rd-worlders to sully Native American lands?

End imperialism now! Close the borders!


Siberian natives are extremely cruel and violent (literally can stab you for no apparent reason, even negros pale in comparison), also heavily addicted to alcohol which makes them even more cruel and violent. Burgers dont even know themselves how right their ancestors were to purge most of these fuckers.

"Once these blacks and mexicans are out of America I'll make better use of this land that you sold me"

"go back to your casino you rich bastard"

>claiming land that you cannot defend


Ya see my nigger friend, you cannot claim that which you cannot defend.

Wish I still had my edit of this that said go back to Siberia.

>this thread again


He has a reservation he can go back to.

"Have a free blanket"

>*sips mouthwash*

They sold it for shiney beads
*sips own piss with straw in urethra*

and this is why white people are in the pathetic situation youre in today, so as a native american, i can either send you all to hell or turn things around. Your narrative is linked to ours and i know both of ours well. Good day gentleman.

Go back to Asia you fake Indian.

"Let's fight. Whoever wins owns the land."

You know, the way humans and even animals have done it for millions of years.

Mass replying should be bannable.

Based a.f

t. Alberto barbosa

>being Canadian should be bannable

You're a paleo-leaf. Pathetic.

Go back to Siberia


Go back to your reservation and learn the value of land loser.

Is it implied he has a problem with the last guy? Maybe they're best buds, both being American.


*signs indian removal act*

Go back to your Reservations.
Was this really that difficult?

Do you really think you will be better off with Hispanic rulers than white ones?

What makes the meme fail even harder is the fact that many Indian tribes sided with the Confederacy, and the image of the white man portrayed in the meme seems to conjure up images of a "redneck" which is commonly associated with the South.

You're not a native United States Citizen.


>.t South Dakotan

europeans were actually the first ones here


