Press F to pay respects
Press S to spit on grave
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More like press L to laugh
>cant even market juice without having to virtue signal in your ad
the absolute state of western society
Ahahaha what the fuck does this have to do with juice
Is this really what it looks like?..
Count the degeneracy:
1. Negros
2. Faggots
3. Racemixing
This isn't any plain ole degeneracy, this is off the charts
I just don't know what to say anymore. It's like the whole world has gone fucking mad.
I don't know swedish but I think this means ''God is dead''
its means good morning but it might as well have a double meaning
this shit is disgusting
Your days are numbered Sweden
How the fuck is this relevant to juice?
The world has indeed gone mad
wew lad
more like yo sven-dog hold this L, brah
I literally spit my drink on the screen.
We will never die!
Fuck you haters!
Sweden has way more females than males IIRC.
That alone explains all that retarded behavior from that piece of land west from binland.
Wtf pewdiepie is gay?
inb4 sven comes to try and insult USA
fucking nuke sweden already
sweden what the fugg?
The double meaning isthat the morning signals a new day, new times.
This is the new normal.
Every day I wake up disapointed because no nukes have fallen yet.
I wish I could have seen Sweden before it became islamo-marxist shit hole.
Can't say I expected less
Could it get worse?
Its finnish LOL
yt link?
Fuck you. every swede I talk to online is a smug arrogant pos.
I hope you suffer until you die...and I hope that is a LONG way off.
Jesus Christ, is this what civilization collapse looks like? I always imagined a nuclear bombing or a huge war, or some cataclysmic natural even, but societies themselves purposefully dying?
They did this to themselves.
>Every day I wake up disapointed because no nukes have fallen yet.
i know that feel.
everything seems so surreal.
i can't tell if it's reality or not.
It's got a lot to do with juice if you get what I mean.
Enjoy your personal Deluge, Sweden. Don't worry, I'm positive they won't tear down all your Karl Adolphus statues and replace them with Mosques.
>finnish ad
>sweden has fallen
Godmorgen doesn't sound Finnish to me, son
Only animals wish a slow death on their enemies.
Men grant others the mercy of a quick end.
Oh fuck I just realized the video IS FINNISH
>god morgon
>literally means good morning in swedish
That's a big turd but I think Randy Marshes record still stands.
Every no and then I think it can't possibly get any worse, and then it does.
there is no way this is real
this has to be satire, right?
swedish company
Ah so it's a video from Sweden but aimed for Suomi?
>this damage control
Anyone here can just copy the first sentence in the commercial and google translate it from finnish
Feels good that this commercial haven't run in Sweden but did so in Finland
Its over for them.
That's a Finnish ad
I'd recognise that autistic language anywhere
thats clearly finnish at the start
the muslims will discipline their women, and bring them to heel if the Swedish men aren't up to it
Swedish are literally the definition of shitskin rapebabies
>even the finns taking after our bs
Anyone who buys this juice in Sweden might as well be swallowing immigrant cum.
it's a swedish company
stop spreading your cancer into our country
>a company does everything do increase it's profitability
>doesn't run cuck my shit up ad in Sweden but does so in Finland
Really activates my almonds
>Think it's a man and a woman and the birth of their child
>Think it's a man who got cucked
>It's actually an interracial gay couple and used a woman to give birth to their black son
what the fuck is wrong with this ad.
I don't speak Somalian, what's it mean in English?
>feels good spreading my AIDS to my neighbors
You don't deserve sympathy.
Send me instead, i.e. deport me instead of my precious shitskins
What's this mean in a white language?
That was a fucking juice advert? oops I meant jews
Are you actually going to make a case for Sweden being less cucked than Finland?
Do you really want to have that conversation?
Day of the rope, when?
No mercy. More weeping. Burn.
Did you send them with their precious shitskins?
>turkd gayreek telling anyone that they have fallen
Why are you reminding us the percentage of your asshole that's filled with migrant cum?
I feel so bad for Swedish anons, press S for solidarity
The text is in Finnish. This is a commercial aimed for Finns made by the Swedejews.
Should've gassed the Swedes
You deserve even worse cuckland.
but that's the finnish language
So, it;s not funny for you?
>Hell incarnate telling me I have fallen
Shiggy diggy
Why do they push it so far? Why not just show an interracial couple? Why did they insist on making it a literal cuck and her bull?
I'm not making a case for it, the free market proved it Pekka. If you don't understand, just ask the nearest hurri to teach you
It's a Swedish video aimed for Finnish audiences
Disgusting I know
At least we re not bankrupt debtnigger
Sweden needs to feel pain and hardship.
I suggest we boycott overly cucked countries like Sweden and Germany.
At least we are human, roach