Destory the corporate internet

repostin from /leftypol/:

Google just paid out 7-10% of its ad revenue back as refunds to advertisers due to AdNauseam. There's a new adblocker that uses the same filter lists as uBlock Origin except it sends false data to trackers and false clicks to advertisers. Google is dependent on advertising to an extent no other major corporation is. We can bankrupt Google and disrupt the entire internet.
Install this browser extension and get everyone you know to install it.

I hate your guts but we should both agree that google needs to be kneecapped.
Thank you.

Other urls found in this thread:–Ribbentrop_Pact


Finally, a /leftypol/ faggot posting something I agree with for once. We can finally get together and STOP THESE KIKES!

I already have it downloaded.

it doesn't block ads, it's shit.

Bump for the Goolag take down

Oooohhh shit I like this collaboration. It gets my juices flowin. Bumpity bump.

>I hate your guts
thats not very tolerant

7-10%'of goolags revenues in 21 days isn't shit



Man if this thing gets huge on both side of the political spectrum. WEW

>goolag has become so hated that communists and nazis will work together just this once to destroy it
what a time to be alive


>I hate your guts
But why? Let's be friends and gas the kikes together. You can call them bankers or w/e but still

Sorry for the rudeness. Please accept my apology. My biggest dream is to annihilate google and I would work shoulder to shoulder with Sup Forums to do so.

How much of their revenue has this disrupted?

This is frightening, but it excites me.
Hey guise? What could i do with a hypervisor and wget?

I don't know an exact amount but It has done a ton of damage already.
When you download the addon and go to a crappy ad-ridden site, it will even show you how much money you have screwed the advertising network out when you click on the icon.

Anyone using Pale Moon will find that it blocks them from running AdNauseam because the Pale Moon devs are cucks. Time to switch back to Firefox.

>switch back to Firefox
Mozilla is extremely cucked. Use Brave, it's owned by the co-founder of Mozilla that got fired because he was against gay marriage.

The desktop version is a buggy POS though. Android one is fine.

What is the point of this? Do you jobless degenerates really want so badly to have to pay for online services? Ad blockers already let you control the content that you personally see, why not let the plebs who still look at ads continue to fund your entertainement?

>Google just paid out 7-10% of its ad revenue back as refunds to advertisers due to AdNauseam.
Sounds like bullshit. But I'm not surprised /leftypol/ doesn't have sources to back up their claims.

Brave locks up every few minutes when I use it. I use Pale Moon now.

I remember I met this cool lefty guy in a Facebook group I was trolling with TRS. We agreed that whoever wins the bankers hang.
If lefties win then I'll take solace in the fact the (((1%))) will get their comeuppance

Holy shit, I only heard of this thing like a month ago. How is it already such a menace?
Well I'm happy to side with (white) commie cucks if it means taking down the Jews.

>came from lefty pol
Post a picture of you shoving something up your ass and I might help out desu

Google is Poland, leftypol is Stalin and pol is Hitler.–Ribbentrop_Pact

Its not about paying for services. Its about fucking over a company who has its slimy tentacles all over the internet. Google gets most of its revenue from collecting and buying data to use to advertise. If people used this in mass it would be nearly impossible for google to collect useful data.

>google is Poland
My sides! oh how they hath fallen

Always Vivaldi, you dumb faggots

Where can I see this screen? Cant find it in the adnauseam addon options. Using PaleMoon.

Why would /leftypol/ want to sabotage their most effective allies in censorship?

>mistaking /leftypol/ for liberals

>when you finally find that 0.1ù% of /leftypol/ that is not cancer.

I'll fly an helicopter in Goolag with you.

>Implying Google isn't being subverted by /leftypol/aks-tier ideologues.

How bluepilled can you get that you think that Sup Forums and /leftypol/ dont share 90% of their goals...
Just lurk there a bit and you can form your own opinion.

they are persecuted like thought dissenters now. Things got to the point were there are no useful idiots anymore

Corporations are not on our side. They are not on yours either. They put a lot of effort into taking down videos about Rojava AND white nationalism while leaving ISIS videos alone. It is in our interests, both left and right, to bust ultra-corporations like google.
I use Opera and I get the screen by just clicking on the icon that appears in the top right after installing.

>How is it already such a menace?
Bots click al lot.
The day that shit spreads to normies, Google is fucked.

I'm pretty sure lefypol is just a more contrarian ./pol they call people faggots more than this place.

That 10% difference is the most important part

>commies working against jew
What the fuck. Actually, this proves that many decent men who want only good for humanity were just tricked by kike into following (((left-wing))) ideology and can be redeemed.

>A picture for ants

>Antifa and fascist ally to destroy Google

Like Poland all over again.

kek, no. I lurk that place all the time and it feels more like reddit than reddit.

This is the equivalent of gazing the Jews. Good job.

AddOn acquired.

Wtf, I'm nazbol now

I unitonically really like the idea of antifa/ancoms and Sup Forums both despising google so much that they're willing to overlook their intense hatred of one another to fuck them over. Shit warms my heart.

call them porky

>using a chrome fork
>just a pre-riced chrome
>relying on google for actual progress of the browser
>hating google tho xDD

Nazi/Communist alliance when?

Alright /leftypol/, alright. Let's bipartisan this bitch.

>What is the point of this?
Crashing this internet monopoly WITH NO SURVIVORS

Fuck off back to Sup Forums you autistic retard

If anyone wants to hurt Google all they have to do is find the best ad blocker, preferably one that works best on Youtube.

Google's business model is unsustainable. Deny them revenue streams and they'll go under quick. Plus ad blockers can be popularized with normies. No one wants to watch ads on youtube.

That'd be a first, and whatever they'd be fighting would have be so terrifying that they have to band together.

News Flash: No one is an actual Nazi

it was like that even before the schism, google is a Big Bad

>tfw installing this addon
>tfw visiting all lefty pages

heheheheheh that'll teach em

>inb4 because it worked so well the last time...
You know what, fuck it. Yes please. It is time for that monopolistic cult of globalist chucklefucks at google to get some.

Threadly reminder that Sup Forums needs to get their HAM license and get connected to AMPRNet:

>Sup Forums needs to get their HAM license and get connected to AMPRNet:


Get out leftist.

I installed it as well. Given the reach that Sup Forums has on the internet and gamergate being sympathetic to us, this could actually add a nice pricetag to google's censorship endeavours.

Just downloaded Brave. This is the browser I should be using?

So we can learn the basics of setting up our own internet if the shit hits the fan and (((they))) control the internet.

AMPRNet is literally the internet over a network of HAM radio nodes. Even has its own dedicated block of IP addresses.

>Google just paid out 7-10% of its ad revenue back as refunds to advertisers due to AdNauseam.
Also: source?

I have a little problem with it: it works perfectly on chrome, but it doesn't in incognito mode, any ideas?

Maybe stop using a botnet as your main browser?


I dont understand. Google is a jewish company but this addon is also made by jews. Jews often try to outjew other jews but they never do it to help the goy.

I suspect that this is some kind of a jewish trick. By using this addon we will sustain some kind of damage or at the very least just help some jews make some shekels while we gain nothing.

>go into extensions menu
>hit the toggle button to activate addon in private mode

Chrome disables addons in private mode for some reason you have to manually turn them on

Why do i need a license for ham?

What did you say, faggot?


Stop using Chrome you retarded faggot. Chrome is Google's own browser.

if google is only paying back the fake clicks then how are they losing money

any1 care to explain

Alright, you commie bastard, I'm in.


Haha I agree my friend. The differences between left and right about things like gay marriage and cannabis far outweigh petty similarities like overthrowing the jewish capitalist world order. Keep fighting the good fight!


I'll work will you on this... never trust a commie though... but I do believe that Google is a horrible enemy and we can work together on this.

Back to the gas chamber with you once google is dead though :)

>repostin from /leftypol/:
Did you actually expect me to read past that?


So what should I use? TorBrowser, Firefox?

Youre right about the unsustainable part
We should start meming up ten hour videos to take up space whilst producing less revenue

Firefox is good
Waterfox is better for hiding data from google analytics
Of course youll need addons too
As a general rule, anything that says its based on chromium (check wikipedia to find out) is a botnet

>10 hour relaxation video relaxing music to help you sleep
>insert high volume foghorn sound effect at the 3 hour mark



Android users should use a custom rom and NOT install google services or gapps
Instead use apkpure or fdroid for non google apps

What addons would you suggest?

CopperheadOS seems great!

go to
They have a huge list there.

Chrome os users should switch to ubuntu, its very easy to learn and there is lots of friendly documentation as well as many there being many variants to best fit your hardware requirements

I dont know much about it but it should be worth a try
I use paranoid android personally

Bump. All get in this anti-Google thread. boards.Sup

another failed autistic Sup Forums project

Smart https
Privacy badger/disconnect/umatrix
Ublock origin
Random agent switcher
No referrer
Self destructing cookies

There are lists on the mozilla addons store about privacy, but to be able to use most you should use waterfox browser because firefox wont support them much longer

>truly the greatest generation