Fuck borders! No human being can just claim part of the earth as their own. Do you see European birds blocking African birds from flying to Europe? No, then why have we made these laws for humans?
Fuck borders! No human being can just claim part of the earth as their own...
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But birds do kill each other
>hurr bcuz animals do it that means humans should too
thanks! i guess that means i can start raping every woman i see because that's what they do in nature
>1 post by this ID.
You know what to do
African birds aren't flocking to Europe, theres plenty of good sustenance where they live now
Cool! Hope you don't mind being murdered or exiled to prison, because animals also defend their territory and their own.
fucked that new cage design up
>implying humans don't murder/exile people to prison already
>implying humans aren't already territorial over their property
Just claim you're a refugee and that would be consistent with SJW ideology.
>next you'll be telling me he's building a bed on top of Trump's wall.
Dude animals claim territory all the time. They mark borders by literally pissing on them. And by violating that animal law they fight often to the death.
O wait I think humans do that too.
Actually most animals are very territorial and will kill or chase away an outsiders.
>we don't see wild animals fighting over territory
there are some pretty territorial birds out there that straight up murder other bird's babies for being too close to them. left can't into logic.
Migratory birds tend to go back to where they came from. Feral species cause havoc to ecosystems where they are introduced.
>spamming Sup Forums with retarded /leftyfaggotry/ has never been tried before
non-issue. it's not like anybody is going to be closing the border
>animals also defend their territory and their own
Exactly. We just want to defend out territory and civilisation from the hordes of unwashed mudmen.
>animals aren't territorial, so why should humans be territorial?
>if you're going to act like an animal expect other people to act like animals and defend their territory!
the absolute state of the left
Shitskins should be kept out of white nations, because they've demonstrated themselves to be crime-ridden, corruption-ridden, Marxists time and time again.
If we let shitskins into the first-world they will literally destroy it, and reduce the quality of life for leftist cucks like you.
This is reality.
>comparing fucking birds to humans
You seem smart
I know this is a shitpost thread but I feel like not enough Americans know that at least 80% if not more of all illegal immigrants from mexico come via airplane on a tourist visa and then just disapear when they leave the airport.
The whole physical fence thing is kind of retarded, as someone who voted for trump.
>No human being can just claim part of the earth as their own.
If they erect a barrier and make sure nobody from outside can cross it, they sure as fuck can.
Birds usually don't blow themselves up.
After I rape you to death with my enormous penis I'll make sure to point out its natural... because DUCKS.
ITT: Idiots who can't into biology
Migratory species that are also social don't fight for territory. Humans, for most of their history, have been a migratory species.
Ever seen caribou fight for territory? Whales? Dolphins?
Also, if animals do it doesen't mean it's ok for humans. Or maybe we should legalize:
Birds are territorial desu
The difference is that when you apply for a US tourist visa, your biometrics get recorded and rechecked when you enter the country through and airport. The border police has a record of who entered and when, even if you lose your documents. If you just walk over the border there is no way to confirm who you are and how long you've been in the country.
one of the most varied classes of animals has over 10000 species THAT ALL BEHAVE THE SAME
>Sup Forums
Pick one.
My country has the sea as a border. It isn't the Med; it's cold and choppy. I'm Northern Irish and we have a land border with the Republic of Ireland. It's a joke. I can just cross it at will. When I go to walk my dog, I don't even know which country I'm in. The only thing I notice is a change in the road surface when I go out in my car. It's funny. No border guards, police, nor controls.
There used to be British Army everywhere. They'd have checkpoints.
Aye but it's a psychological barrier. It's a physical way of saying "fuck off".
We could ramp-up TSA and start making logs of every Mexican that comes through as a tourist.
Of course, the left would screech "RACIAL PROFILING" because they don't want their future voters getting deported.
The problem isn't migratory species. It's feral species.
Think of it as follows:
>tourists visiting and going home = migratory species
>illegals shitting up the local culture and leeching welfare = feral
It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of race-less, culture-less, nation-less, identity-less subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.
In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the present and past in that effort.
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:
Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
Are you stupid. You don't deserve to be in another country. The economy is the foundation of the country along with its culture and traditions. The economy is first and foremost for the citizens and those the government legally lets in.
The only reason you want to go to these countries that have borders like the U.S. is because they're the rich ones. That's the root of any retard advocating open borders. They just mean "let me go to the rich place". No bitch, its ours, we made it, we'll decide if you can come in lolol.
I get that border crossing is still an issue though.
You shouldn't have access to oxygen anymore.
Birds don't pay taxes. and African birds don't ask for social benefits...You can't have a social welfare and no borders. Unless you're willing to get rid of social benefits.
Not sure how it works at the land borders, but at airports every visitor's biometrics is collected. If this data ever gets used by ICE is another question altogether.
So that means "old enough to bleed...," too.
>do you see bird competing for territory
yes I do actually. Every living thing tries to protect itself and its family
Liberalism is a degenerative mental disorder
Reveal your flag cuck.
>laden or unladen?
i used to be for open borders. then i realized how incompatible that is with the welfare state.
i'd gladly trade one for the other, though. that is a fantasy though - there will *never* be a lack of gibs in a democratic system.
Cool if me and my friends shit in your kitchen sink and sleep on your beds. No borders.
and homosexuality. oh wait
Anons, check OP's replies before posting.
Do you know what an invasive species is?
When Libya sends its birds, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you. They're not sending you. They're sending birds that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing poop. They're bringing avian flu. They're flightless. And some, I assume, are good birds.
we dont want niggers you fucking retard. if you want to live amongst niggers got to fucking africa.
Birds have more manners than nogs.
Birds can support by themselves better than nogs.
Birds are superior to nogs.
Birds are cleaner than nogs.
Thank you based OP for making me so woke.
Animals are territorial too you retard