Transgender transparency:

Transgender transparency:

What are your thoughts on transgender people disclosing that they are trans to perspective partners BEFORE committing intimate physical acts such as kissing and oral sex?

Personally, I consider not disclosing this kind of information to be an act of deception and I believe it should carry the same weight of punishment that people receive who purposefully withhold that they have AIDS/HIV to their partners.

I don't hate trans people and wish no harm upon them as individuals or as a group but I have no sympathy for those that are beaten when it is discovered by their partner that they withheld this kind of information.

This is not a troll post.

Trannies are mentally ill.
They shouldn't be fucking at all.

I believe that deceit to sex is considered rape in my state. And I would press charges immediately.

I fully support this.

>left wants laws that make it illegal to lie about your job/wealth to get someone to sleep with you
>totally ok to lie about your sex to get someone to sleep with you

The left are mostly idiots.

Victims have the right to defend themselves from their rapist by any means necessary. I bet we see a controversial murder case like this real soon.

I wouldn't be surprised either.

I don't advocate killing someone because they never said something along the lines of 'hey, I have a dick/pussy, just so you know' but I can't speak for everyone.

If it ever happened to me I'd be furious but I doubt that I'd be violent. I would 100% go to the police AND the media though.

Some people will sadly never tell their partners. Thats why gender tests are as important as hiv tests these days. Dont end up a homo, get your partner tested

Big pharma is a thing, this is just their new niche, and transsexuals are getting hussled.

if you fall for a tranny you're either shitfaced or secretly gay. because come on ... dat adam's apple and those hips

If you couldn't tell it was a tranny before fucking it the you should stop being so drunk all the time

I don't drink much anymore and this has never happened to me. I was just curious what /pol thought.

I'm sick people people like that rocky dennis or whatever she calls herself waving the transphobe flag at every opportunity.


Do you not know about people like jane marie and bailey jay?

Maybe you COULD tell they are trans but you could be tricked by trans people who look that convincing imo.



I first heard that word in R.E class and though it was 'youth in asia'. Oh those retarded timed. How I miss them.

If scamming is against the law, scamming for sex doesn't make much a different, if you're so """brave""" to be a tranny, is it that hard to tell someone?

Petit cochon

Your position is stupid. People are punished for not disclosing HIV because it harms their partners.

Finding out your partner has genitals you did not expect them to causes you no harm. Unless you are a homosexual in deep denial, I guess.

My thoughts exactly.

I saw a video a long time ago of bailey jay and she said she introduces herself in a way similar to 'hi, I'm bailey, I have a penis'.

If someone wants to try and hide something as big (no pun intended) as having opposite genitals than what the rest of their body would suggest, it's basically fraud.

If you buy a TV from someone and get the box home just to find bricks inside the box then you have been conned. Same with genitals imo.

gassem' either way

Deuteronomy 22:5
The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the Lord thy God

You think its stupid and that's fine.

I'm just not down with deceiving people for any reason. Unless its criminals in a sting type bust.

I don't believe in religion so that means nothing to me.

>Finding out your partner has genitals you did not expect them to causes you no harm.

I've done 0 research on this but I'd bet my car that there is someone somewhere who was deceived by a transgender person and ended up taking their own life directly because of it.

It's not that I "think" it is stupid.

It's that your position IS stupid. You have made a false analogy by claiming that the punishment should equal punishment for something else, when the punishment for something else is predicated on the assumption that the something else has the potential to cause serious hard.

Your position is stupid because you are not good at thinking. That's not a matter of my beliefs--it's about yours.

tantamount to rape

people deserve to know if they're fucking another dude


Fair point

There absolutely is not one person who has ever done that.

But I there are plenty who have killed themselves over their own inability to confront their sexual confusion.

Totally, I just hope people irl don't get trigger by your example, crying for being objectified, i guess a "more daily" example is like, after the honeymoon period people will easily be disappointed by the partner's "true self", so they break up. We feel ourselves is being scamming and we hate it.

Anyway it saves our time, the world is huge, it isn't hard when you're really searching for someone.

Who is to say what kind of effect that has on someone mentally? I'm no shrink.

And yes I believe they (deceptive trans people) should be punished like the deceptive AIDS/HIV people, whether it be a prison term, fine or community service.

Have you done research on this matter yourself? To state that it has never happened is very definite. I simply made the statement that I'm sure it has happened somewhere.

I think of it as slightly modified Murphy's law. Not that I think being trans is wrong. But hiding it to partners you wish to be intimate with is.