Do you still remember the time when you weren't racist? I remember being fan of Bruce Almighty and how Morgan Freeman was a God, Alyx Vance was my waifu even though she's blasian and GTA San Andreas was one of my favorite games. Living life where you don't divide people to "whites" and "niggers" and "gooks" etc. was more enjoyable.
Do you still remember the time when you weren't racist...
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Blissful ignorance, but there was a feeling of dissatisfaction that ended up taking its toll.
Same. It's their fault I got redpilled, though. When SJWs started spouting insane shit, it forced me to look up arguments for and against to determine what the truth was. I frankly never gave a shit before, and still don't for the most part -- I just know the truth now.
It's all on them.
Yes... fug :(
Yeah. It's really a shame that SJWs wouldn't just let us have our fucking videogames
Nah I was always racist, I remember taking a family trip through St. Louis as a kid and telling my parents I refused to stay a night there because of all the black thugs in the streets. They laughed it off but I was dead serious.
Of course when we got a hotel there at night, there was a huge fight on our floor and some gunshots were heard outside later. I felt pretty smug about it.
I do, and it's not much different than the current time, since niggers were irrelevant to me then, and they are irrelevant to me today.
San Andreas is the best GTA and one of the best games ever, btw.
You're a nigger and you steal a bike at the very beginning of the game, then go bury your single mom just to steal some more bikes with your gang afterwards. Just let that sink in.
Alyx Vance is still my waifu. My first and only one.
yes it was more enjoyable. and we can never go back
yeah then the blacks starting committing hate crimes.
>you still remember when half life 2 episode 3 was supposed to release
Yeah, I'm still not.
>Do you still remember the time when you weren't racist?
Not really.
nah i was aged like 10 at the time, then i moved to an area full of nogs, and all that innocence and childhood goodness went to shit from there.
the only thing thats changed really is that i dont want to breed with subhuman races.
I'm not racist, and I have black and Asian friends. How can I blame blacks in America for being violent and uneducated when there's groups of poor whites who fit the same description? I was watching 'Cops' and it showed me that white trash can act more like niggers than actual niggers
C'mon, Bruce Almighty was an okay movie, and Morgan Freeman as God legit made me laugh more than anything, now I can't even watch a movie or play vidya without being pissed off at how ''diverse'' it is, for the sake of being diverse.
If they just left our videogames alone there would be no reactionary right-wing movement, and all that brought about
Remember how all this fucking insanity started
They had diversity in 90's too, i think we just pay more attention to it now because of massive immigration and SJW:s
Basically this
Always stuck in my craw that whites were going to become a minority, then the cranked the "kill whitey" rhetoric up to 11 after BLM and I had no choice but to reject the programming
>black people in an advert for videogames
That's not (((diversity))) If it were a white woman and a black man using their Gameboy Game Link Cable to trade Pokemon while they're on a date, then you'd have something to complain about
You can still enjoy Morgan Freeman and Alyx Vance, and so on. Just like you're perfectly allowed to hate on the wal-mart white trash degenerates, you can acknowledge exceptional members of other races.
The diversity wasn't as anti-white as it is now
>I was watching 'Cops' and it showed me that white trash can act more like niggers than actual niggers
Yeah, it's not like they would avoid showing too many black people on COPS or anything. That would be silly.
No and you're a faggot. San Andreas was a fine game about niggers being niggers and some old niggers have nice deep voices. The point is you're a faggot.
>Do you still remember the time when you weren't racist?
Yeah, it was a better time. Before high school. It's true what they say, how no one is born a racist. You learn it. I learned to hate niggers by being around niggers.
The difference is in the past it was more lighthearted and fun
Look at thay pic, they look like fun guys, especially the fight club looking dude on the right
I can remember clearly, although I have always disliked jews, ever since childhood, maybe because of how they look idk. It was a better time, but I wouldn't want to go back to that
I'm not a racist, not even if i'm committing genocide. you might as well call nature racist for causing extinction.
I don't hate other races. Just Jewish political activity.
yeah but I still felt a disturbing emptiness when I didn't get to be around my own kind, I didn't understand the feeling
and I found life far more painful
Wanting to express your own ethnic identity does not mean you hate other races.
I believe we should allow other races to form their own nations, rather than topple their governments for Jews.
at least writer released the summary of episode 3
This shows how fucked up cultural Marxism is. No one, not I, would care about seeing some stuff like that if we had a dominant culture intact. But when it is part of an orchestrated effort to undermine your culture and society it is intolerable.
SJWs made everyone racist more than anyone else could desu
Great taste.
In part it was because we were younger and didnt care that much for sociopolitics, so a nig here and there didnt even register as a problem. Then we got older and started to see patterns and that something was fishy.
But if that was all, we wouldnt have the current political discourse and radicalization of opinions. The leftists coming out of the woodwork and starting to shout extreme ideologies pushed many to more right wing thinking as a means of reaction to the insanity, wich in turn changed the way we enjoy media
In which film is Morgan Freeman a mere god? His whole niche is playing the Magic Negro in every lilly-white leftie movie he ever produced.
Look at the new Live PD show, they're sticking camera crews in predominantly white counties to avoid showing the true crime statistics of the US. When have you seen NY, LA, Chicago on these shows.
Still watch them, funnier that hell. Even in the white counties a lot of the crime is (((minorities)))
It's this.
You can tell that someone is evil just by the way they look and act. Their intentions say it all.
I skipped San Andreas because I didn't want to play a game about blacks.
I'm still not r*cist.
I'm not racist, I play lucio all the time in Overwatch
what about Doomfist you racist?
Or Pharah?
Racists disgust me
>Still watch them, funnier that hell. Even in the white counties a lot of the crime is (((minorities)))
Oh so true. That is what makes it so funny. They think "we will show whites now" and it turns out once again to be niggers.
I think Ana is sexy if that counts
if you can't trust your senses, then, i can not trust you.
when I was little if a child was nice to me I was also nice and did not care much about skin Color. When I was 13 I got hit on by a group of grown negros in the subway and I instinctivly was afraid and repulsed. But the strongest impact had the sjw and this BLM shit. They forced me to constantly reflect about color and race.
And i have noticed that ethnical homogenous societies or areas are safer, wealthier and better to live
A lot of news outlets called it a "leak".
Only a retard would let his racism get in the way of the things he enjoyed.
>Implying alyx vance isnt still my waifu
I remember when I wasn't racist.
Then my black friend stole my copy of Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tenkaichi for the PS2. It was all downhill from there.
Powerful forces are trying to make you "racial aware" in order to push the United States to civil war.
>Within the United States itself, there is a need for the Russian special services and their allies “to provoke all forms of instability and separatism within the borders of the United States (it is possible to make use of the political forces of Afro-American racists)” (p. 248). “It is especially important,” Dugin adds, “to introduce geopolitical disorder into internal American activity, encouraging all kinds of separatism and ethnic, social and racial conflicts, actively supporting all dissident movements – extremist, racist, and sectarian groups, thus destabilizing internal political processes in the U.S. It would also make sense simultaneously to support isolationist tendencies in American politics…” (p. 367).
>Alyx Vance
Please don't fucking remind me user, I was really sad about what happened and now you opened the wound again.
Alyx was an awfully made character
That may be it. Also I've always thought they look scruffy, a bit unclean. They often have dry, pale skin, curly, scruffy-looking hair, weird old clothes and rags and even their alphabet looks squiggly and scruffy. It's like everything about them is somehow dirty or unhygienic. If that makes any sense at all
Yah me too, until I moved to Baltimore and interact with actual niggers.
that shit redpilled me harder than this board ever could
This is so important to understand, unfortunately neither side seems to be willing to sit down, and really understand the extent of the subversion.
It all went south after 9/11 come to think of it. fear of the other became a currency
Yes goy, don't act in your own interests, let your country become Brazil 2.0 because (((the russians)))
Never really been racist, don't really care. I'm more of a bigot against other cultures and religions.
Half Life 2 is the Matrix of videogames. The more you play it the more you realize how mediocre it is.
Yes, I was a child. Multiculturalism only works in the world of children where you and all of the other children think that racial differences are only skin deep. When you get older and realize the extent to which racial groups harbor in group preferences and how large the divide in IQ is between these groups, it gets gradually harder to justify the fantasy that all men are created equal and that we can all just get along.
The left is racist against white. Go fuck yourself, it was the left who started to play with fire when you jumped into POC vote grabbing by going id politics against whites.
You are the most racist pieces of shit around and you flip it and accuse whites of racism. Now you're going to get fucked so hard politically up your asses you'll wish you're never born.
Fuck off.
Alyx just looks like a tanned italian or spanish to me. Not black at all.
Though ive become a race realist, I still don't really think I'm "racist" (obviously to the left I am, but so is everyone else so wtv).
Like I don't really give a fuck about other races. I never get angry about blacks or latinos or even jews (ok, I sometimes get upset at the jews, but even then I'm kind of impressed by what insane bullshit they've pulled off). I mostly just get upset at progressive whites for being so unbelievably stupid, they've become my "outgroup".
>Do you still remember the time when you weren't racist?
We always were, user.
Except games had already taken a major turn for the worse thanks to the new crowd of lazy as fuck gamers.
in that case, I'd say Gladiator is the opposite. gets better every time you watch it.
Nigga as a racist i still love San Andreas because within the first 5 missions you've been arrested, done drive-bys, been drive-byd and gone to KFC
I remember the first ass I ever stared at was hers. I didn't know at the time but I wanted to fuck her.
Games have also been including more women. We have to let the companies know what we want with our wallets.
>That feel when you realize that you are racist not because you hate other races, but because of how (((they))) use other races as pawns in an attempt to destroy your race.
Imagine how much more tolerable the black community would be if free od (((their))) influence.
I have strong feelings on feeding starving africans and muslims invading our countries, but I don't actually care about skin color.
i am racist since i was like 8 years old , lolz
but indeed, i love CJ and gta sa
true racism is about loving your race, not about hating other races
>they were kids born after Half-Life 2
>there are people that never even played Half-Life 2
diversity wasn't so bad untill they started to outbreed us.
This bitch was the first half breed babypoo skinned smelly bitch i've ever hated for purely racial reasons.
i spoke to various dutch house niggers when i was at wacken open air in germany he was pretty conservative and respectful, you guys should be grateful. then again you guys really do have a muslim problem.
HL/HL2 was only okay for a single playthough.
The magic was the endless amount of fun to be had on the mods. Which makes me wonder why so many people want HL3, when most of them probably didn't even bother to get down on the mods. for the previous two.
It was more on a token basis. White/black couples in advertisements were still taboo.
GTA San Andreas is still a favorite. It's a good white mans game where he can play as a ghetto nigger and grow from their into an investment master.
pol is satire user
no one here is actually racist
heck most of the posters are asians/blacks pretending to be nazis
written like a true nigga
Yea kinda leaves me slack jawed. Literally never thought of it until I became the privileged white hawnkey. Whatever, fuck niggers.
I was not racist, became racist because of Sup Forums, and then became anti-racist due to
>I remember being a fan of Bruce Almighty and how Morgan Freeman was a God
I remember even when I was younger before Sup Forums that didn't sit right with me because he was black.
I just figured it was a one off thing that would never happen again.
Vice city is the best GTA
Now stfu
What fragile children you people are, claiming it's the fault of SJWs that you turned out how you are. As much as you bitch about them being sensitive snowflakes that can't take responsibility for their own actions....
the left is just racist period. if you are a black republican you are a coon or an uncle tom or what ever. basically saying if you don't agree with the democratic thought plantation you're a nigger. its the exact same thing as republicans. they just get used as voting bots.
>heck most of the posters are asians/blacks pretending to be nazis
That's nu Sup Forums, yeah
Every old fag on 4/8 Sup Forums is racist as fuck
A white male is diffrent to another white male , its almost like there are individual diffrences in humans.
Sure generalization are An "okey" way to easly judge people you never met , too bad you will have plenty of false positives (trusting white trash) And some flalse negatives (not trusting black people who have more in common with you individualy)
O well, its a Basic system for Basic people, nothing for someone who wants to be able to juge everyone accuratly with a perfect system , but probaby too much work for an anti-intelectual movment such as the alt-right and alt-left with their gender generalizations
I went to a school filled with niggers and was naturally pretty racist as a kid. Then I went through a liberal phase in my teens where I religiously believed that everybody was the same, but I never was able to completely convince myself of this. Then I went back to being racist after realizing that I was putting in effort to not be racist while every other race on the planet was concerning themselves with advancing the interests of their own race above everyone else's while white people were the only ones expected to be truly tolerant.
>You respond to the world around you and shape views and opinions on the events you experience? LOL, SNOWFLAKE
mixed race