What's your problem with Israel Sup Forums...

What's your problem with Israel Sup Forums? They are the only democracy in the middle east and they constantly face threats from outside nations like Iran and they face terror attacks daily. All videos I have seen of someone in Palestine getting shot started with the Palestinians initiating violence.

Prove me wrong, protip: you can't

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They're kikes.

What's wrong with being Jewish? They faced persecution historically and now they have to fend for their own nation.

I ain't got no beef with them Jews. No jew ever called me a nigger.

Ever question why?
(Not because they integrate into societies well)

Look at this **BASED** black man

They are the brith of UN appeasement and and a drain on US resources. That's it, man.

>wants to know whats wrong with isreal
>oh wait no they dont

Because they are very heavy about education in they're culture and it gains them a lot of influence over society, this causes them blame for everything wrong with society and thus society persecutes them.

What's good for the goose is good for the gander


I do, what's wrong with Israel as a nation?


Israel shouldn't have open borders, they could easily face attacks from Hamas or Iran.






Israel shouldn't have open borders, they could easily face attacks from Hamas or Iran, thus why they need and deserve closed and secure borders.




You realize every identity poltics issue in the USA is created by the jew to divide us and distract us from the jews fucking over the world.

America is a bi-racial country. Black and White. We have to stand up together if we ever want to overcome the kikes.

I hope you're nuked. I actullay root for Muslims now.


they can genocide sandniggers while our hero is hated for doing the same. fuck israel.



Jews don't control our countries, it's the democrats that do!

>What's your problem with Israel Sup Forums?



Who is your hero?

Learn the difference between suicidal Jews, and homocidal Jews you hopeless retard

>What's wrong with being Jewish?

Guilty whites

>what's wrong with Israel as a nation?

>Israel shouldn't have open borders, they could easily face attacks from Hamas or Iran, thus why they need and deserve closed and secure borders.

>Jews don't control our countries, it's the democrats that do!


>Who is your hero?

>Guilty whites

>Israel shouldn't have open borders, they could easily face attacks from Hamas or Iran.

Israel is better than palestine ever would be
Palestine would be another islamic shithole, also they are ugly

>Israel is better than palestine ever would be
Israel = Non-White country.
Jews = Non-White people.
Judaism = Non-White religion.

Palestine = Non-White country.
Arabs = Non-White people.
Islam = Non-White religion.

Whites should have nothing to do with any of those things.

Israel is still better
If I had to choose between Israel and Pakistan or other ugly muslim country, I would choose Israel

thats because you're a jew


>Israel is still better
No, it's not. It's an anti-White country filled with anti-Whites.

>If I had to choose between Israel and Pakistan or other ugly muslim country, I would choose Israel
Israel is an ugly, Jewish country.

The reason White countries have such problems with Muslim countries is because of Israel and the Jews.

No I'm not, I'm an ex-muslim
I don't hate jewish people, but I hate Islam

>what's your problem with Israel?
It's full of jews.

>I don't hate jewish people
Because you don't know the truth about the Jews.

Give me your address, I'll skull fuck your eye socket. SYRIA is a real, egalitarian democracy unlike KIKERAEL which treats the subhuman former Jordanian Arabs like bomb targets.

Muh one state solution. Those kikes love war, if they kicked all the Paki's out they would have no goy children to sacrifice, rape.

As a female, arab countries are unsafe for me
Yeah also Merkel should die

>hating islam more than jewry

>they stole a country
>they are jews
>they are racists

I agree with what I could read "no good Jews" but that shit is almost 99% unreadable. Sort yourself out or learn to post HD images, fucking nigger.

Link? Nigger that shit is unreadable...

Islam is worse

No Judaism is worse.

Israel created ISIS and Al-qaede

Mossad did 9/11


They needed a country after what happened to them in the holocaust.

>To pussy to attend Art School exam/interview
>Went to prison
>Fought commies every now and then
>Played a major role in 50 million mostly white (Russians are heavily admixtured) whites
>Lost a war and put Jewry into the stratosphere
>Also ran a country like a Maduro, literally "gibs me Dat" policy.

PS socialism doesn't work. As awful as kikes are they can only offer or hide so much, once there is no one to steal from socialism is kaput

wag's your fucking /problem/ with Sup Forums kikes ?

>BURN IN HELL ALREADY kikes and israhell

what the palestinians had to do with it?

I don't have a problem with Israel per se, I actually wonder if we stuffed every kike in Israel for a generation or two if they'd come out normal. Perhaps that's the solution. Peaceful and everyone wins in the end.

If all jews that control the marxist shit go and live in Israel and give up their power in western countries I would be #1 fan of Israel

Because our red pill reach the masses and jews are getting more and more exposed each day.

>As a female, arab countries are unsafe for me
And the Jews are trying to destroy women via feminism.

>I agree with what I could read "no good Jews" but that shit is almost 99% unreadable. Sort yourself out or learn to post HD images, fucking nigger.
You got a free way of taking screenshots of entire pages for articles and still be able to fit under the size limit I'm open to trying it out.

You're literally the first person that ever bitched about the format of the image.

Most of these people were born to good old Jews. Stuff em all in Israel for a generation or two and then let them come back in if they've civilized and learn to live with others.

Perhaps we can leave a few Jews in the west, but they need to be marked somehow. Perhaps marking them all would solve the problem. Hmm. Plenty of paths besides violence.

I wish I would born as a sexy white american/swedish girl, but I'm just a turkish motherfucker

they attacked my country, twice as a matter of fact.
is that a legitimate reason to hate them?

Democracy my balls, jew.

>I literally believe everything the Jews tell me about WW2, Hitler, the NSDAP and National Socialism.
You think the Holocaust happened too?

National Socialism

Yep. If the kikes invaded my country i'd definitely scrap my peaceful means only approach. If you're invaded what other choice do you have? Defensive war is lawful and necessary under certain circumstances.

I have a friend from leb and he's 100% convinced that Israel was finished once it lost that war. It's all downhill from there he claims.


See? Im jewish and the things people say about jews here terrifies me to no end. Do you people realize what you are doing?



>I wish I would born as a sexy white american/swedish girl, but I'm just a turkish motherfucker
Then support the White race by deporting yourself from the White country you're living in.

Non-Whites don't belong in White countries and it's the Jews who allowed non-Whites like you to flood into White countries.

>the things people say about jews here terrifies me to no end.
Telling the truth about you Jews terrifies you to no end?

>Do you people realize what you are doing?
Yes, we're awakening the masses to the genocide you Jews are perpetuating on the White race.

Maybe you shouldn't have been so genocidally anti-White?

We're waking up the world to how evil you fucking kikes are

Your same jews probably sacrified their own people to nazis to obtain moral validation and invade another land.
Are you happy whit this?

Honestly if jews weren't such fucking kikes America would be fine. But you kikes play games and pretend like you're always the victim.


Holocaust never happened. There dont make suicide out of buthurt feelings.

Yeah, play your gaems you jew. Educate the next generation of jews by feeding them zionism and say that being jewish is undeniably connected to the goal of owning a state aka. selling zionism as judaism.

I don't het za jews, but fuck zionists, they are not better than ISIS.


lurk more, they are worse than rats faggot

Israeli state funded tv show makes fun of Christ. Don't listen to their lies.


>They needed a country after what happened to them in the holocaust.
The Holocaust literally did not happen.

Holocaust Handbooks

I fucking saw it coming

No, I love Germany

Why do you guys always say they're the only democracy in the middle East? Egypt isn't/hasn't been a democracy? Libya wasn't a democracy? Lebanon isn't a democracy?

Major Bump

>No, I love Germany
It doesn't matter. You're not German nor can you ever be German.

Germany is not your to love.

You simply don't belong.

Your presence in Germany contributes to White Genocide, if you recognize it or not.

I still be here for ever, I have a job
Sup Forums is just stupid..

All half turkish girls are pretty, look at this chick

>I still be here for ever,
As long as you're in a White country you are harming the White race.

>I have a job
A job that would've otherwise gone to a White person.

>Sup Forums is just stupid..
You're the one saying that we must accept White genocide so you can be "happy."

fuck off kike.. or fix this

What's wrong? Let's ask Rabbi Shapiro.

>All half turkish girls are pretty, look at this chick
I do not give a fuck what you non-Whites look like.

You do not belong in White countries.

Someone took a shit in your breakfast
Brainless virgins
