Do you guys prefer to be friend with a based black man or a liberal white cuck?
Do you guys prefer to be friend with a based black man or a liberal white cuck?
Based Black Man all day everyday. The liberal white cuck hates not just himself, but by extension me, for being white. Why would I be friends with someone who hates me so?
There is the Trump cruse, and there is the Trump bless.
Praise Kek.
based black, traitors are subversive
the thing is not being redpilled with your skin, but with your mind
AND THIS is where the alt right falls apart completely.
holy shit reddit fuck off
Did the based black man lose in the Olympics and does he try to hide this from his record?
This is vital to know before I answer.
Need a safe space snowflake?
Exactly OP.
Why does Sup Forums like the bragging Potato Nigger so much?
Mayweather seems pretty based to me. First or Second day after Trump won election, he was there in his office shaking his hand.
Any African colonist trespassing in a white country is in need of immediate neutralization.
B-...based black man?
fucking BASED
Thank fucking God he lost I was getting sick of every white guy larping as Irish because their great grandad ate a potato once.
Have fun in your liberal commie white ethnostate.
neither but always an enemy before a traitor
all my friends are black
that being said they hate niggers learn the difference
at least you admit you're from redditt
what does some individual black guy liking trump have to do with the ethno nationalism?
Neither tbqh.
So fucking much this
I think we should harvest more based black men from Africa so that we can kill the white liberal scourge that infests this country.
I prefer a based black man
I'm sorry but have you seen how many white people are in antifa. White people who become commies are bigger traitors to our humanity than a black man attempting to make himself/others better.
That being said. FUCK JEWS!
Based Black man
how is that even a fucking question?
sage this shit
Yeah honestly Nazi LARPers will call me a reddit cuck but there's literally nothing wrong with genuinely patriotic black people who don't care about getting one over on "whitey"
>preferred friends between 2 individuals.
>people talking about ethnostates.
You niggers need to read.
I'm 1/8th Irish, don't insult my heritage plz, just because I'm American doesn't mean I'm any less Irish.
Oney is the only white paddy.
Ooga bugga niga where whyte womyn at
Ooga bugga fellow friend where can I find the closest library nigga
Would you rather share an apartment with 3 black confederates or 3 white antifa blue haired cucks?
le funny scraem
I'll take a based black man any day. Together we are strong. Liberals just want to divide us.
Mayweather brought a poor irish immigrant who was literally on welfare into megamillions before his 30th birthday, when he has a new child, and zero real world skills.
Mayweather taught him the production side of the business.
Mayweather thanked Ireland for coming out, told them to be proud of their guy, commended McNugget's performance.
McNugget blamed everyone but himself, insulted the man who gave him this amazing opportunity, and should have been disqualified earlier.
Mayweather said ALL LIVES MATTER
McNuggets said fuck Drumpf
Mayweather is clean cut, conservative, and a class act.
McNuggets is degenerate in every way.
Here's Mayweather at his friend's inauguration this year
civic nationalism is all right as long as it takes the form as a superior culture with 80% white. the goal is as collective as possible
Id rather be mates with a cool black bloke.
Liberal no matter what damn race is fucking annoying.
3 blacks confederates. Antifa are traitors they may Stab you while you sleep
Blue haired cucks, their part of the rent will always be on time (because the checks are from their parents) they're more submissive so you can easily stop any dumb crap they want to so to the house(though they'll be passive aggressive afterwards) and when their dumbass girlfriends come over you can get drunk head.
Like hell if I'm gonna deal with a Dixie nigger after he's had a few beers.
Everyone rooting out for Conor because he's white is just a cuck. In their mind it's the better version of themselves. These people would give him their wives because he's "a white guy", they secretly feel intimidated just by hearing him sprouting threats. What a pitiful bunch. And by the way if you are american and still supported that irish idiot, you're a shame to yourself and to your country.
this is all well and good but someone sent me a recording of mayweather's celebrations and it was literally all big booty bitches twerking for the camera as he made it rain with the fat stacks of cash he won for the fight
it was the niggerest thing I'd ever seen, and it looked ridiculous cause floyd is like 5'3 manlet and shouldn't be allowed near the thicc hoes in that room
the limited enthusiasm involved in the twerks was glaringly obvious too
This fucking fight shows that Sup Forums needs to change or be an instrument of its own destruction. For the last month, we've been bombarded with morons going on about how this fight would BTFO black people, when in reality, the black dude was the one most aligned with our goals.
friends are for faggots OP. real people spend their times with their family.
Nazis rooted for McConnor
MAGA Masters rooted for Mayweather
get fucked manlets
Answer the fucking question and quit dodging it.
>mayweather is a clean cut conservative and a class act
let's not get carried away.
idk about this. true antifa -like the ones that go and and brawl, are homeless, drug abusing squatters. They are on the same level as a crack nigger.
I guess it would depend on what meant by "cuck"
if you just won a multi-million dollar fight, i'm sure you would also be throwing money at twerking ass girls
also the (((producers))) probably did that on purpose, the guy just plays along.
conor looks like a dumb nigger with all those stupid chinkshit tats
I'm not a "LE BASED BLACK MAN HEHEHE XD PRAISE KEK" but I'd rather be friends with Based Black Man than Liberal Cuckold
I'll take the solitary life for $5000, Alex.
Mayweather is redpilled as fuck. I don't necessarily hate Conor, even though he's a shitlib, but I was definitely rooting for Floyd.
he owns a strip club, it was just advertising for that
I never get why so many folks hate on boxers on here. Boxers are some of the most based folks. Mike Tyson is very intelligent. Floyd can't read arguably, sure, but they do call him "Money" Mayweather for a reason. All these guys work hard as FUCK, and lo-and-behold, hard work and production makes one want to keep the fruits of their labor, thats why they become conservative.
>no tattoos
>doesn't drink or smoke
>Trump supporter
>shits on Black Lives Matter
Floyd is great. He's rejected ghetto degeneracy, and that's why he's a champion.
Most black conservatives have their shit together, it's why their a so few of them. They are successful and don't blame whitey so other blacks despise them even more than whitey. This is because they reveal that their own failings are really they're fault because they are dumb nogs and not because of whitey.
Stop doing that in every page 1 thread you fucking redditor
floyd said all lives matter
this potato nigger said fuck trump
based black nigger wins
This. The blacks on our side know their place and many realize how awful most of their kin are.