What does Sup Forums think about this hot new trend?
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I think it's imperative that we scare the living shit out of the Bolsheviks who are pushing the bullshit to make them stop. The same way Pinochet scared the shit out of Communists and made them stop by executing a handful of them.
what a glorious day it will be when all these dogshit genetic incarnations & their dogshit psychologies have all been eternally flushed down darwin's toilet.
Brilliant. Especially since nobody scares easier than a middle aged liberal pseudo intellectual cunt.
Academics outside of STEM fields should not be taken seriously. They are mostly toddlers who really want to impress people, but just aren't that smart.
They should fill formal reports, giving her a chance to play the victim only results in more coverage and most likely, some form of donation may it be money, workforce or rights from the school to further publish her agenda.
People who attend their lessons and are get suckered by those ideologies that can be denounced with only one hour of research, fuck those.
Rather have those faggots as my enemy than my friend, makes it easy to convince others by arguing with their stupid facts.
Tranny professors suck
they really suck
Why don't other races suffer from this phenomenon?
Have we located the gene in whites that causes this?
Was pretty successfully white shamed until I noticed it was only injuns stealing everything from my yard + porch and leaving syringes everywhere.
>She doesn't want to be free and white.
Its simple
Catch her
Undress her
Put her in chains
Shit on her face
Move her through the whole campus so everyone can see her
Wait, so that's a guy in OP's pic?
How many times a day do you think she masturbates to black porn?
She could advance the cause by jumping off a roof. That would be woke.
So OP is prob the faggot calling for a shut down, and is using this thread as bait for retards to threaten this cunt.
Notice how the first few comments strait up say "threaten".
Nice try cunt.
>So OP is prob the faggot calling for a shut down, and is using this thread as bait for retards to threaten this cunt.
>Notice how the first few comments strait up say "threaten".
>Nice try cunt.
As a professor she is working to deconstruct whiteness. In other words she wants to disassemble our modern society and bring about something unknown, and most likely unstable, and she has the nerve to call us lawless. This is insane. She wants to destroy everything her ancestors built and she finds fault with Sup Forums, one of the last places in the world that is both unashamed and proud of the European tradition.
When will it end Sup Forums?
She looks like she could eat an apple thru a chain link fence. Holy fuck that mouth...
probably shouldn't post so close together, spread it out
Has anyone ever asked these self hating white professors why they don't quit their job so that a disabled black ginger muslim tranny can take it?
the masters are preparing a checkmate soon. it won't be pretty at first
Clearly, she will do anything for attention - she could do some real science but she goes for what is easy - low hanging fruit.
I know this a bit off topic but did the CIA scramble Bradley Mannings brain turning him into a tranny?
It's not a good look, he definitely needs some bigger tits.
Professor of what exactly?
This whore needs my dick in her mouth
>those gnashers
looks like a horse is trying to escape from inside her
Being ginger is a burden now?
It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of race-less, culture-less, nation-less, identity-less subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.
In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the present and past in that effort.
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:
Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
When they get out of college and get a job. Once they're occupied with something they'll stop worrying about useless shit.
Ginger kids always got bullied in school, I mentioned gingers as a joke but they're probably the only actually oppressed group I listed since the others are protected by hate crime laws.
>"save me, benevolent state, save me!!"
Digit's confirms that op is indeed a faggot.
Who is this Wayne Lambright guy?
We need to make America barefoot and pregnant again. Barren spinsters can work as comfort women for NEETs during meme wars.
A fat cunt who is most likely the OP
Oy vey
>people with white skin "hate" white people
>these same people think spics and nogs give a fuck about ancestry and won't attack them once their numbers are high enough
my kiked out university, which is ironically considered one of the more red-pilled institutions, now requires a diversity essay for every application to graduate school. every program. they want to know what your "cultural experiences and outlook" can bring to the university. what a bunch of bullshit. i will never donate anything to this shithole
Saved just in case