Would world be a better place now if whites won the russian civil war?

Would world be a better place now if whites won the russian civil war?

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Probably, you never know though

Tы eбaнyтый?
Бeлыe - этo пидopacы, этo вчepaшниe yгнeтaтeли и paбoвлaдeльцы, кoтopыe в Гpaждaнcкoй вoйнe видeли пoпыткy вoccтaнoвлeния cвoeгo гocпoдcтвa нaд Poccиeй. Ho бpaвый coвeтcкий нapoд oтpинyл бypжyaзнo-пoмeщичьe игo, и гopдым шaгoм пoшёл нa вcтpeчy кoммyнизмa!
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Russians are not white.

Yes, of course.
No Bolshevik Government


everything that happened had to happen to create the world today. monarchy is not suited to the modern world

Is that supposed to be a joke or is German education that bad?

Zionism versus Bolshevism.
A Struggle for the Soul of the Jewish People


This. Australia is the only white country left


Download of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn" 200 Years Together, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate


lol, next youre gonna tell me reds are human

Are you literally retarded, user? Like, are you serious right now?

Also, The Soviet Story, a fairly red-pill movie about the Bolshevik Revolution


according to Sup Forums
Nobody is white.

Hey paki I think you better put down that Qur'an and read a book. A lot of the original Bolsheviks were Russian, they were living in exile in Europe during WW1. The Germans sent them back in the thousands to start inserrections at home. They were Russian speakers, how the fuck did they mobilize the illiterate Russian peasants not speaking Russian?

Communism has always been huge among the Jews. So has capitalism, so has everything because Jews are over representative in everything except sports.

With Jews you lose.

Its not about being white. The "white movement" was an anti-communist force, it doesn't really have anything to do with skin color.

chill out ivan
Ive watched footage by levelcap about bf1s in the name of teh tsar dlc so im quite educated on the matter

Russians are not white. Only Australia is white

You have to go back, Achmed.

that's like saying what if jews didn't rule america.

80%> of top Bolsheviks were Jews.
Same percentages, over 80%> Jews were in Hungarian Boldhevik republic under ((( Bela Kun)))

So was the failed (((Revolution ))) in Germany
So was the failed ((( Bavarian Soviet Republic)))

I would give gladly my life if Tsarist Russia would have survived and communism would have been crushed at its infancy in Russia. Downfall of Romanovs could have been prevented.



Impossible to know really. Might be better, might be worse. There are way too many factors to account for to make this sort of alternative history guess. Most likely nothing much would change. Maybe industrialization would be less messy? But then again Russia was pretty backwards back then.

heh, looks like this too was shoah'd by youtube.

I just... thought Sup Forums knew what the "white movement" was and what it stood for...

shitskin spotted

Even though I wish whites had won, I don't think they could rally the masses to push through WWII. One thing commies did well was give people hope and get them to set up massive industrial sectors all over USSR.

European. Education.

Go to /his/, they know suck things and also theyll suck you off for being a lolgommunist and your ancestors killing many germans

Imperial Russias economy was fastest growing in world in years before WWI. It was fastly starting its industrialization but war interupted it. Imperial Russia would have turned to even bigger powerhouse than Soviet Union was.

Neck yourself Karl Marx


>implying that Germany winning WWII wouldn't have also improved the world
The Ustasha were pricks, though. What kind of a nutcase says Serbs should be killed but accepts fucking Muslims?

>80%> of top Bolsheviks were Jews.
Bullshit. Less than 20%, probably. And a higher respresentation of Jews among communists is understandable and expected due to the antisemitic nature of the ruling regime, it was their only ticket to freedom.

Without commies in Russia, Hitler would've had no reason to attack in the first place. Imperial Russia most likely would've had a real alliance with Germany

We're talking about revolution ending with whites winning though. So it's during the WW1 and after. New government would have to deal with the same post WW1 problems commies did.

Good goyim.

Please see Putin Video
Please see Churchill Article
Please See what Rabbi Yosef said, that indeed Jews made the Bolshevik Revolution

You understand that if Russia would not fallen to communist. There would not even be hitler. No Poland either which would be extreamly good thing. Germany would have stayed also monarchy even if they lost war. Russia would not have allowed monarchy to be squashed in Germany.

>Please see Putin Video
Great argument.




you wanted counter-argument.
I gave you the opinion of two statesmen Winston Churchill, and Vladimir Putin
I gave you the opinion of a Jewish Rabbi
I gave you the opinion of a Nobel Peace Prize laureate ( please read 200 Years Together)

Пpивeт, тoвapищ

Russia would have been ending in winning camp if bolsheviks and other agigators would have been crushed early. Russians could still organize offensives like Brusilov offensive even quite late in war. They could have outlasted Germans. Also if they havent done few hurried and badly planned offensives earlier just because Allies demanded it to make Germany to more troops from west to east they would have saved so much manpower and morale. Nikolai was always too eager to appease french and english. It makes it even more tragic how they betrayed him and just left him and his family to be killed.

So is the Zionist movement good or bad?

for you... maybe good?
for others... I don't know, I would rather not


What Putin or some random rabbi said is completely meaningless. Regarding the last one:

>Solzhenitsyn purports to document the over-representation of Jews in the early Bolshevik leadership and the security apparatus, claiming, for instance, that of the 22 ministers in the first Soviet government three were Russian, one Georgian, one Armenian and 17 Jews. However, the first Bolshevik government, the Sovnarkom, was composed of 15 People’s Commissars (ministers), of whom only one (Trotsky) was Jewish, and of the 25 individuals who held that position between 1923 and 1930 only 5 were Jewish.[16] Vadim Abramov’s monograph "Jews in the KGB" demonstrated that although Jews were trusted by the early communist authorities as formerly disenfranchised victims of the Tsarist regime, their number in the security services at no point exceeded 9%, and from 1927 never exceeded 4%.[17]

You're citing the opinions of non-experts.

But the Weimar Republic was established in 1918 and the Russian Revolution was happening at the same time, so even if the Czar stayed in power Russia would have been too weak to save the German monarchy. Also, the Germans had slaughtered millions of Russians just before that, so who in Russia would even want to protect the Kaiser?

It was founded by Benjamin Zeev Hrtzel, and stated that Jews have no place in Europe, and will always be persecuted, unless they will have their own country

A few years to the movement and because he spent a lot of time with prostitutes and dies of an STD

>Less than 20%, probably
that's actually legitimately bullshit you retard, you didn't even try to fact check which is shown by you saying "probably".
4/7 of the Politburo, the highest ranking power in the Soviets, were Jewish. This doesn't count Lenin, who was married to a Jew and had Jewish lineage but didn't know about it. There was another non-jew in the Politburo married to a Jew.
So out of the entire Politburo, only Stalin was unconnected personally to Jews and also not a Jew. So fuck off.

I'm citing the opinion of Nobel Prize Laureates, a man who spent his entire life in the Soviet System, a man who was one of its most vocal opponents, a man who spent his life in trying to expose to the World the crimes of Communism

Zionism is sometimes regarded as Jewish Nationalism

Jewish Nationalism is seen as detrimental to every other nation.

But in this thread I am not interested in Zionism, but Bolshevism and Communism

Ti debil? Beliye hot i dolbayobi no hushe komunistov ruskiye nichego nevideli.


>Nobel Prize Laureates
Yeah, in Literature.

He was wrong, as I have demonstrated already.

bro wtf I've been studying the Russian language for the past year daily and can only understand one, two words tops. How do I get this good?

I am speaking of situation where bolsheviks and other agigators were crushed at very start. Civil war would not even have occured.

This song makes me almost cry every time I hear it.

Also this song does same thing.

General Mannerheim of Finland could have prevented this by storming Petrograd with his Finnish whitearmy and killed the Bolshevik intellectuals.
Sadly this did not happen.

I have quoted multiple opinions. What about Churchill? What about Putin? What about the Jewish Rabbi? What about the fact that during the Russian Revolution,

What about the fact that the Bolshevik Revolution did not overthrow the Tsar, that was accomplished through the March revolution.

The October Revolution 1917( celebrated as the Bolshevik revolution) overthrew an early fragile Russian democratic regime.

Also, please note how you refuse to engage with the argument at hand.
You are either jewish, or you are politically indoctrinated to such extent you refuse to process the evidence and think about it.


What about the fact that during the Russian Revolution, other Bolshevik revolutions occurred throughout Europe and again the vast majority of those revolutionaries were Jewish

Bolshevik leadership was holed in Moscow already that point. Civil war was kinda lost when Romanovs were killed. Whites lost figure they could have rallied populace against bolsheviks.

>You are either jewish, or you are politically indoctrinated
Forgot your tinfoil hat.

>What about the Jewish Rabbi?
Do you even hear yourself?


True that even though a big part of the Communist intellegensia were still in Petrograd.
Well it did not matter in the end as Finland had its own civil war to take care of, But one could have wished that Mannerheim fullfilled his plan to storm Petrograd and remove the communists from power.


>oy vey, more silly MS Paint infographics is bound to change his mind

Based Stalin, gald he took over. He killed all the Jewish scums yet died from a Jew

Also whole fucking western intervention wasnt even that interested in helping up white against soviets. More about preventing germans getting weapons and materiel. Soon as they started getting casualties they retreated. Estonians even directely backstabbed whites led by Yudenich. Mannerheim was symphatetic to white russians. But most of finnish leadership wasnt. Hell in vyborg Finns massacared lots of russian civilians and white soldiers that had nothing to to with reds.

There you are, now you have their names

As much as I hate Stalin for many things he did. But he was instrumental of freeing Soviet Union from jew control.

Ov vey, a bunch of photos with names? How can I escape from this?! This Bong is only seconds away from discovering that the Chinese Communist Party is at least 90% Jewish!

The relationship between the Reich and the Whites would have been different.
Who knows if the eastern front even happens.

you know there was a republican revolution before the Boleshevik revolution right?

So I randomly pick out one guy there. Max Weber. Turns out the guy is neither Jewish nor a communist. Great data, there, friend.


Hundreds of brits, italians, greeks, even americans died in that civil war in the whiteside.

Had the whites won, I doubt the Nazis would've even gotten into power. A lot of their rise to power was and ability to recruit was their anti-Bolshevik propaganda, which was fueled by Bolshevik atrocities at the time and their exaggeration.

yes, but that would require the (((germans))) to not be jews and support the bolsheviks

I don't know shit about how to teach another person my own language but you can always ask for help. Russians are very helpful.

Found a version that hasn't been Jewed yet.


Damn, doesn't this make (((their))) plot a little obvious?

Aren't Russians 60% Mongolian mix? How can you call yourselves white?


>Also whole fucking western intervention wasnt even that interested in helping up white against soviets. More about preventing germans getting weapons and materiel. Soon as they started getting casualties they retreated.
This, I believe the western powers had the attitude that this was "not in their yard anyways" so they did not care about what was going on there, The big boogeyman Germany was more important to control.
Mannerheim was symphatetic to white russians. But most of finnish leadership wasnt. Hell in vyborg Finns massacared lots of russian civilians and white soldiers that had nothing to to with reds.
It was sad what happend to the Russians in Vyborg, I have never gotten an answer to why it went down like that, A simular thing happend to us in Sweden when the Estonians and Baltic people came over with boats only to be turned over to Soviet forces where they most with a very high probability got killed or if lucky deported to Siberia.
One of the most shameful moments of our history i believe as many of those who arrived on these boats were coastal Swedes..

yeah, the only reason Hitler got power was because he could hold up the atrocities committed by the Bolsheviks and say "the KPD wants to do this to you, and I'm the only person who can stop them." White Russia means the conservatives in Germany stay in power for a long time

>Aren't Russians 60% Mongolian mix?

Yeah hundreds which never even participated in important offensive against soviets. Mostly used to secure shipments of war material that Russia bought from allies before monarchy was toppled.

Thousands of Russians died in pointless offensives that french and british begged Russians to do to pull pressure off from west.

Some of those aren't even Jews.

thank you annon.
I am downloading it from Youtube now.