Why are you against free migration, Sup Forums? According to economists, open borders would double the world's real GDP.
Why are you against free migration, Sup Forums? According to economists, open borders would double the world's real GDP
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Free trade across borders is always good and always raises GDB. It is social policies (welfare to niggers) that ruin economy and bring lousy shit immigrants inside. If cucked eu countries stopped giving away money, the migrant problem would be solved.
And according to my firearm storage, a lot of nonwhites and cucks will die when there is unrest and rebellion in Moscow
But it's not open borders is it? It's open borders for the third world.
>If say a British person wants to move to America legitimately they need money to support themselves, a degree or masters, a job lined up either sorted by themselves or through a sponsor.
GDP is a decent measurement in some cases, but not the only goal that a country should have
>nonwhites and cucks
You mean russians?
I wonder which (((economist))) say open borders is good?
Doubling GDP overwhelms any and all possible disadvantages of open borders.
Anybody should be allowed to migrate around the world.
Behavioral genetics, ethnic median IQ disparities and the fact that tribalism is an innate part of the human condition. We didn't invent biology.
The economy should exist to service the people, not the people the economy.
Take Sub-Saharan Africa where the average IQ is 70. IQ 70 would put you in the bottom intellectual 1% of your average western country, where the average IQ is 100. Plus automation will obliterate jobs for those with IQ below 95-100 over next few decades. It won't work.
Against? It simply wont work. All the people who can work within countries they immigrate to are already doing so. If you eliminate standards things will get bad really fast. Why fix what isnt broken?
Because I bothered polling the people who want to come here, and they all hold views that are atrocious.
Native-born Americans, Canadians and Europeans hold atrocious views too.
Yeah except that the overwhelming majority of GDP gains won't be allocated to migrating populations, you viciously stupid oaf.
we ALREADY doubled our gdp
many times
so giving us another thing that will do something we were already doing, is meaninglesa
I don't understand your point. Doubling GDP is very good. Doubling GDP again is even better. The problem of resource scarcity hasn't been solved so we should always accept increases to our capacity to produce goods and services.
>.t mr shekelstein has the floor
everything should happen to white countries, but not israel right? yea thought so........
I don't care about others' GDP. Especially when foreigners tread on my nation's standard of living.
Where did I make any qualifications for Israel? Israel should open its borders too.
Your government reads on your nation's standard of living. Free trade and migration generally increase the well-being of each country involved.
there are plenty of scenarios in which a nation can greatly increase its GDP without the citizens receiving a corresponding increase in living conditions
in fact, there are scenarios in which GDP can greatly increase and the standard of living decreases
So, no, doubling your GDP at the expense of something that is going to affect the daily lives of most citizens is not guaranteed to be a wise decision
This article explains in plain English why GDP is a useful tool to measure an economy but is not an end-all be-all:
>Your government reads on your nation's standard of living.
Which is why the government should also be removed.
>Free trade and migration generally increase the well-being of each country involved.
kek no. I don't need more people in my country. In fact, I wish there were about 10 million less.
Less concentrated.
>Financial Times
>dumb sensationalist title
Into the trash can. Journalists are retards.
Money isn't everything. Jew.
Due to its effects on trade unions, taxes and markets.
What, pray tell, is more important than 80 trillion dollars worth of extra goods and services every year?
>Journalists are retards.
Yeah, but so are you. That's why the article would be a good read for you. You'd learn that GDP isn't what you think it is.
I know about GDP accounting and its shortcomings as a measurement of well-being. Any economist understands the limitations of GDP. I'm studying economics in grad school. I don't need to read a trash rag when I can talk directly to a PhD economist.
well then you also know that you're using troll logic in your troll thread
Troll logic? It's pretty much the consensus in the economics profession that free-er migration would increase the world's well-being. Whatever the flaws of GDP are, doubling real product is so overwhelming that it's hard to argue otherwise.
it's actually very easy to argue otherwise, watch this:
>I'd rather not have open borders, even if it would increase GDP
there ya go
"I just don't like open borders" isn't an argument.
99% tax on the rich would also increase world GDP.
It would cause the opposite.
yes it is. I value my nation's sovereignty more than I value an increase in GDP
Open borders would redistribute wealth in a stupid manner.
The rich would retain their wealth..
The middle class (in developed countries) would see a huge decrease in wealth.
The working class might see a slight improvement, depending on where you live.
The poor would see a huge increase in wealth.
Since i'm middle class, i'd rather die than see open borders.
Economists cant predict the next quarters GDP of a nation, how the f*** can they predict a world GDP with the implications of such an aggresive reform (they dont even know who would move where)
>Everything is about money
I'll take a nigger free country over money.
Let German and Sweden keep all the immigrants and have uber GDP, ok meet back here in 10 years
Uh, what? They can, just not with 100% accuracy. You'd need a quantum computer for that, at the very least.
bot thread
anyone replying without saging should kill themselves
>I'll take a nigger-free country
it's a little late for that, you're only 49% white!
According to my calculations if we killed everyone in the world except one person that person would be the most wealthy person in the world.
Third worlders vote politicians in who remove the bill of rights. Top 1% make a shitload. Third worlders become first worlders and begin consuming like first worlders. Global resources run out faster. Highway traffic unbearable. My kids schools teach 50 kids who speak different languages. Crime goes way up. All open spaces become housing projects to house all the third worlders. African birthrates continue skyrocketing and they all come here and continue the cycle. I cant say shit about or defend myself bc they nixed the bill of rights. Sounds great. All so zuckerberg and bezos can make a few more billion and so ahmed can have a better life for little muhammed. Fuck all of that. Id rather depopulate those people than enable them.
Smh, this rethoric. Basically the lowest definition of a human being. Homo economicus. The man walk on earth to create wealth wherever he is what ever he feels. You can't put human on an accountable balance and expect to work it out.
Trade is NOT THE SAME as immigration.
Leave your doors and windows open at all times and you'll figure out why soon enough.
kek, based
I thought private ownership of guns was severely limited in Russia though
>according to economists
i stopped reading when you mentioned quack science propagandist "economists"
Are you retarded? If world GDP doubles, then GDP per person in the world doubles too.
>the economy is this sun god that we must continuously provide human sacrifices to in order to ensure the sun will rise again tomorrow
As opposed to the high school dropout white nationalists on Sup Forums.
Increasing the world's economic output serves the world population. We produce goods and services exist to satisfy our needs and wants.
gdp is a useless metric if you are taking actions meant to specifically boost it
.t economics student
It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of race-less, culture-less, nation-less, identity-less subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.
In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the present and past in that effort.
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:
Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
>just trickle my economy down, senpai
If you were an economics student, you would understand why that comic strip is retarded.
you are ignoring the concept of purchasing power. if capital is allowed to flow into under developed economies standards of living world wide would increase much more than bringing third worlders into the first world
Increasing the GDP doesn't mean shit. GDP/capita vs the cost of living. Plus social trust and low crime rates. The more black and brown people means the shittier the place is.
I understand that the comic is in fact retarded, but what it does show is what gdp actually is, and thus is shows the flaws in using gdp as a measurment if you are not careful.
in most cases gdp is a relevant figure and useful, but not if you are fucking around specifically to boost it
A person's productivity only depend on just capital equipment. There's many other factors that make a country like USA much more productive than a country like Somalia.
*doesn't only
I have seen the consequences of it. National minimum wage is £7.50 per hour and we have a tax free allowance of £11500. Unskilled migrants dont realy contribute much when they work.
> They need housing.
> They need to send their Kids to school
> They claim benefits such as child benefits, maternity grants and maternity allowance.
> They get sick and need to use gps and Hospitals
They increase the demand for public services, they lower wages and increase the cost of housing. They are apparently a benefit because the might pay £400 tax a year.
They only benefit those that employ them while we pay for them.
you assume that Somalis will be just as productive using the same capital equipment as americans, which is very big assumption, particularly because if someone doesn't speak english they are essentially useless for an english speaking economy. The idea that someone can be unemployable doesn't pop into your head. There are few reasons why this is the case in the current US economy
>minimum wage
>welfare making it more incentivezed to not work for certain workers that are not as productive as others
>cultural differences leading to disastrous conflict. IE muslims.
If we were tryin to maximize world productivity then the best course of action would be to recolonize africa and let american farmers farm all over africa. that would solve hunger immediately, but for some reason people don't want to do that, perhaps because africans value not being colonized more than they value having a high gdp
Don't provide welfare services to immigrants (or native-born people either). Problem solved.
>you assume that Somalis will be just as productive using the same capital equipment as americans
No, I don't make that assumption. I'm making the assumption that a Somali in America is more productive than he would be in Somalia.
They are just the ones that do work. We have an even bigger problem with the ones that don't. We have to pay for huge houses worth many million just to house their 7 kids. It has to be in London because of Human rights or some shit. They cant possibly live in a free house somewhere cheaper.
of course they would be more productive in america, but they are still Somalis. they aren't going to suddenly become good at governing themselves just because you plopped them into another part of the world.
your worldview only makes sense if demolish welfare, and also democracy so that people can vote themselves welfare again.
In a dictatorial authoritarian capitalist world what you are saying is somewhat true. unfortuantely there is 100 things we need to do first to make sure your open borders policy doesn't destroy civilization, and if we don't do those 100 things first everything will collapse and your precious gdp will plummet
Current theory is based in innacurate modeling. The idea that yoh need x number of people to grow an economy. However, with automation, this model is innacurate. If you're following me, check out Japan. You'll see you're worshipping a false god.
>labor mobility
in short what I am saying is the reason somalis are more productive in america is because they aren't surrounded by other somalis
the marginal effect of open borders makes it seem like a good idea, but the cumulative effect of millions of people is decidedly negative
what they don't seem to realize is that "removing all barriers to labour mobility" also effectively means we can recolonize africa by buying large plots of land and making covenant communities.
simply getting first world countries to have open borders is not the same thing as removing all barriers to labour mobility.
Who said only first world countries should have open borders? People on Sup Forums have been attacking Jewish, left-wing and "Cultural Marxist" strawmen. The economist who produce the studies behind this idea are all neoclassical economists.
actually the more I think about this the more I am beginning to agree with liberals for all the wrong reasons.
the issue is that the people who push this crap are always doing so to make developed countries do this unilaterally
if you effectively let me buy namibia I wouldn't have so much of an issue with this
the only issue I have with this world view is essentially what is going to happen is that all around the world, jews, asians, and whites are going to be the upper classes and this is only going to make marxism that much stronger, and eventually communists are going to getting really fucking annoying with their riots and shit.
Putting capitalism into overdrive with no regard for humans is just going to make communism stronger and communism is by far the worst idea in existence so its worth sacrificing some gdp if it means you can keep marxists out of your society
borders function as containment cells so that diseases like marxism can't destroy the world.
If the world's income increased that much, nobody would listen to communists because the entire world would see the benefits of the free market.
shit skins would flood the good parts of the world and we'd end up in one giant shitty planet while the elites live on elisium
you don't understand the psychology of leftism. they don't care about reality.
I suggest you read the unabomber manifesto, in part for the criticism of leftism, but also for his anti-industrialization criticism. He actually said it would be a good idea to support stuff like you are proposing so that it would be easier to take down the entire world system in one fell swoop as opposed to trying to take down multiple systems.
again I'm agreeing with liberals for all the wrong reasons here
Muh trickle down. Scarcity still exists so everything good is still unattainable to the vast majority and persistent income inequality will drive more to communism especially when the worlds wealth increased so much but was concentrated in the hands of few.
a world wide caste system is what you will end up creating. leftists currently don't understand the concept of personal responsibility so they will think the reason caste system created itself is due to racism, so they will continue to be annoying until they destroy everything that is good and proper in an attempt to have equality
leftist don't give a crap that american blacks are some of the richest people in the world and have the best material conditions they have ever had
case in point:
> open borders would double the world's real GDP.
Stop sucking Globalist cock
>If you make the elite richer, they will pay their workers WAYY more
According to economists Futures were a big deal.
why would i want shit skins infesting my ancestral homeland?
Yes. Stay in your own country.
I'd rather be poor as dirt and live among fellow humans than be a rich man wading amongst subhuman filth
GDP is a bullshit measurement for the wealth creation of a nation.
If we all spent a day smashing windows and paying to replace them GDP would jump boost but no wealth would be gained.
You can't double zero-sum game, you moron.