What's the situation over there? What's the average opinion of the EU? Is there a turning of the tide in attitudes towards the institution of late?
Dear Europeans
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Link related an example of event I'm wondering has had any effect on the minds of Europeans?
>Link related an example of event I'm wondering has had any effect on the minds of Europeans?
An even like this actually makes me realize how much better Europe actually is when compared to the USA.
Here it is the muslims and the brown people who are acting like subhumans.In america it is the white people and the brown people combined.
Not actually. About 80 % support the EU, 10 % are critical and 10 % oppose it. The news headlines these days don't cover the EU problems.
It's a globaslist project.
But i think the better is identitarians/natio all over europe, take that project from inside and change it. protecting the europe of the nations but also acting as an euro group/bloc with a shared civilization, blood and roots etc..
EU is already seen badly.
now that other states won't take "immigrants",the average person feel betrayed by the EU.
there is a feeling like we are kicked out by the union since it will not help us.
We can always unite and push all refugees into Germany,kick Germany out of the EU and close all boarders around it.Best case scenario in my books.
We already have all migrants and if the EU falls apart and we get poor the migrants will flow into the other countries like France and Poland.
There is something that Americans and English people fail to understand... I would say British but Northern Irish, Welsh and Scottish have local papers and regional news so it doesn't really apply to them as much.
Americans and English people live in a bubble of news and have a very limited view of the world outside of those areas in the international playing field. This is because when you watch BBC or a newspaper, you're reading the international version / main version that everyone is watching. But then it switches over to the regional one after it finishes elsewhere and people get local politics.
The same applies to European countries and such. They have their news in their language + the English international news. This creates a weird situation where they have their own distinct politics that can inverted from the international news.
This means that when an americlap or English person tries to weigh in on an international issues, they are actually doing so with, at best, half the point of view but in reality it is much worse.
They didn't unerstand why Le Pen was crushed and certain moves of solidarity or politics that European countries do make no sense to them. Such is the problem when living in an echo chamber.
>Blaming the English for something but not Welsh and Scots
every fucking time
The only people who get their news cross-contaminated with american news are 20 year old commie larpers.
ponzi scheme desu
Absolutely true. But there are also people here in Germany who don't watch or read international news and don't get why Trump was elected.
>About 80 % support the EU
Complete bullshit.
So what you're saying is Europeans are cucks.
We knew Le Pen would lose because continentals are socialist morons and always have been.
>shitskins wanting to go to a Slav country
So why don't we have 50 % AfD then? Most people believe what the Tagesschau and BILD tell them.
The Anglo states were always Jewish puppet states.
So achmed only afd voters are against the EU?
So Kosovo and Albania aren't Slavic countries?
So achmed, only afd voters are against the EU?
It's shit.
Don't try it.
i literally can't wait for thee shithole that you call EU to die off.
the EU put some of their men when they made berlusconi's government fell in 2011,and they ruined this country.
Everyone who votes for Schulz or Merkel supports more EU or is too dumb to understand that they will force a pro-EU policy.
We only need to look at my England to know what is going on all over Europe. We are under attack but the looney left are hiding this shit!
I'll guess you don't our money then any longer. More for us.
And here is more bullshit.
EU was good in an economic sense but it went to shit for being too much political
Leftists infested union, it should promote national identity instead of promoting globalism at all costs
Says the nigger getting a 15 bil € surplus EVERY YEAR from the EU.
It's about 20% of your budget.
Just shut up if you are too stupid to form a proper argument, Malte-Sören.
We're the only country that successfully spread whites across the world. Your country is famous for killing whites and destroying their continent. Jewish puppet indeed, white-killer.
>implying Germanistan will have any money left once all the (((refugees))) have drained you dry and Britain fully leaves and doesn't buy any of your shit anymore.
Ach hans. You just claim bullshit and i call it out.
There are many union and spd voters which are not pro EU. And you should know that.
>good in an economic sense
How many currency and debt crises does the EU need to wake up idiots like you?
It's shit. Geert wilders right wing / anti-EU party PVV was I think the second biggest party. It's completely dismissed. Millions of people their voice, thrown away.
Go democracy.
Your countries only spread liberalism and other Jewish lies around the world. Look at India or your other former colonies. By the way you're probably Jewish because you force the D&C.
Like 2008 was EU's fault
They are not
Quite bit more, considering that operating in the single market guarantees us protection form cheap manufactures outside of Europe and creates the worlds single largest market. This is not to mention that being in the EU has risen on average the GDP by 37% compared to if most nations would have stayed out and has in some cases boosted trade between neighboring countries up to 400%.
Well, your New-Pakistan looks way worse than our worst counties.
Why do you believe that? Of course 80 % are not hardcore fans of the EU but they say a common free-trade zone and open borders between the countries are good. That's how I would define the generic pro-EU citizen.
t. Paki
Has Rutte formed a new government yet?
What else? Osmanic satellite states?
Looking it from italy:
France is gay
England still BASED but suffering from liberal propaganda
Spain is gay
German uber gay
northern countries are swarning in gaysm
Italy half gay but there's some hope, but i fear gay.
Poland apparently not so gay
Hungary BASED
Greece jewd
gay = liberal shit government
jewd = dead by debt
This, the best idea
Please show us your flag
*breath in*
It's pretty shit. The only good thing I have heard for it is that it helps our corporations move their factories to eastern Europe. Also helps us travel without a passport. But that's about it.
Other than that its expensive, unorganized, helps only the rich get richer, very leftist and anti white, open borders, undemocratic etc...
Because pool show that about 60% of all Germans are pro EU.
So your claim cant be true.
The problem is our media and no other alternativ than a rightwing party. And you should know why people wont vote right in Germany...
>Hungary for Hungarians (& well behaving Europeans)
>Europe for Europeans
EU is still ok but keeps getting a bit worse every year because the southern countries can't keep their shit together and are useless faggots on so many levels
plus germany got too many cucks
The tide is turning. Even a number of left-wingers I know are critical of the Islamization. Students are becoming more right-wing.
Ok, I had this poll in my memory. There seem to be other polls with about 60 % approval. So I guess if you care about the exact number you're right.
finland, how are you? i suppose gender fluid liberal shit and niggers also for you, and plus totally random fear of russians, am i right?
The gap between the smart and the stupid is growing and people are copying everything they can from USA, Germany and Sweden, I mean the identity poilitics stuff
Tide against refugees is turned against them because we just had our first terrorist-ish attack.
We gonna be alright but the political tensions follow the global trends.
im ok
I know. Little funfact when Germany joined the EU there was no majority in the population to do so.
the south can't keep up because we are different than northern countries,really makes you think,eh?
well both our countries are run by literal criminals
In Germany maybe but not in the EU members states as a whole.
Denmark is a 60% in favour and 40% opposed right now.
The fact is not southern countries can't keep them shit out, liberal shitty propaganda make you think so.
Italy is the 3rd contributor to BCE in terms of money, for example.
The problem is that EU has shifted into a criminal liberal superstate, spreading his plague in all the countries.
For example: why EU doesn't distribute unoccupied eu citizen among countries, and instead they ALL prefer to introduce niggers?
kom hit och knulla med mig if the things get too rough there
one of our female politician is threatening to close the internet because she is getting insulted every day on the internet and in real life because she defends immigrants instead of the italians and because she is incopempetent.
we want to hang every single one of our politicians.
>80% support it
t. Berlin Transe
Eurobro, humour me and explain me this. Europe is the birthplace of institutional demoracy, yes? Demoracy, or any other formal way of balancing power between the elite and common has been important throughout European history, yes? So given this, why is there absolutely no substantial push to make the EU more democratic and DIRECTLY accountable to the most basic political unit, the individual citizen?
I really don't get it. Explain it to me like I'm a mentally challenged 8 year old.
Because EU is designed to turn Europeans into a bunch of shit-selected consumerist low IQ mongrels under police state and banking control. Do you know anything about Jean Monnet or Richard Kalergi who founded the EU?
fucking suburban retard
about 60% of germans support eu.
>3 days ago
>going with a group of friends to Bremen for the weekend
>as we enter the city the first building i spot is a Muslim Culture Center
>as we leave the bus we get eyed by a pack of Africans trying to distract us from our bags so other bonobos can grab our stuff.
>holy shit this is insane
>walking to our hostel
>beggars on every corner in the city, the parks are filled with them
>on our way over there already saw heroïn needles lying around near kids playgrounds
>after checking in for the hotel try to admire the leftover 'culture'
>the big ancient church is being desecrated by filthy tourist swines
>later that night some noise down the block
>screaming about equality and helping the needy while the streets are littered with homeless people
>these self righteous cucks dont even look or acknowledge the hobos, the hypocrisy is to painfull
>all those cucked election advertisement ads everywhere
>next day there is a fag pride march
>get called a nazi because i refused to hug a transfaggot
Damn Germany. i never went across the border all my life and after visiting you guys for 1 weekend i can gladly say i never want to return to that godforsaken niggerinfested swamp. You have ascended cuckolding as a nation.
Btw i saw more turkish and african flags over there than german flags. Are you guys so cucked you cannot even fly your national symbol?
you assume that government's goal is to make things better.
The first government's goal is to make things (according to an agenda) and keep consent among the public opinion.
And it just worked? There are only two possibilities: One, europeans are literal retards traded guns for candies. 2. The actual is much more nuanced, but your limited brainpower can't grasp anything more complicated than a Disney's afternoon level conspiracy.
The EU started as a coal and steel deal between five countries. How the fuck is that a cuck creating conspiracy? You guys and your governments could have, called for more demoracy in 2004, but neither your citizens nor your national governments has. What the fuck gives, cuck? Don't give me an answer that amount to you admitting that you are a mouthbreathing retard.
You elected trudeau, canadian, so please don't talk about retards.
I know that canadians give a shit of politics, so they vote random, but it's curious that also your bald guy is a liberal.
I see the same scheme in all the world, and also your country is part of it.
>just worked
In a way it did. Most Westerners are good for nothing animals that in love with comfort and "feels good" attitude
It's not even conspiracy. It's out in the open, embedded into EU constitution. YOU CANT BE A EU MEMBER AND HAVE ETHNICITY-BASED LEGAL SYSTEM. Jean Monnet or Kalergi never hid their views and goals proper. Once you claim that there is White genocide - they call you a paranoic, when you prove that there is a framework for it - they ask "how is it a bad thing? We are all human anyway"
>The EU started as a coal and steel deal between five countries. How the fuck is that a cuck creating conspiracy? You guys and your governments could have, called for more demoracy in 2004
Brussels ignored several referendum, chang de somali. For now all Europeans deserve terrorism and suffer for not rising up the moment the first pack of nonwhites arrived.
If it takes to wipe out 80% of Europeans to establish the racial laws in one nation - it's a good price to pay.
There is, have you heard of European parliament? You cannot get more democratic than directly elected ruling body across Europe.
Why Bremen? W H Y? That is without a doubt the worst part of Germany.
>tfw Berlin is the anus.
There is. In Germany there is a pro-EU march every Sunday. Many speakers there want more democracy in the union.
Yes please make it so.
EU is cancer.
Ah marchs, useful.
>What's the situation over there?
bad, i try to ignore it now and focus on improving myself. if you take this madness seriously you'll lose your mind.
>What's the average opinion of the EU?
i hate it, majority doesn't care.
>Is there a turning of the tide in attitudes towards the institution of late?
most people don't acknowledge it at all because they do not care
when will this shit end seriously? fucking german cuck fags. muh democracy, muh equality, tolerance and human rights XD no human is illegal XD
i'm so weary of this red nightmare
Yeah, what a horrible thing human rights are, we should abolish them and democracy!
It's allright
People are either mildly negative or mildly supportive of EU
Main issues are usually local issues. EU has actually quite little powers and thus relatively little relevance
People hate EU because it's useless and doesn't really represent anything (since it doesn't do anything). And if they like EU it's because it doesn't do much evil (since it doesn't do anything).
EU parliament has intentionally almost no powers
Complete disenchantment regarding the EU and those "pickle benders" in Brussels pretending to still possess something like agency by threatening governments that dare to act in their own peoples' interests.
2 days ago a group of 100 *denied* Afghan asylum seekers and leftist enablers occupied a park in Vienna, protesting against deportations and demanding "negotiations". 90% of Austrians are like: wtf arrest and deport them immediately.
7 weeks from national elections this is an impossible situation for the leftist administration in Vienna, because if they end this nonsense immediately they alienate their remaining supporters. They do nothing, more angry people will move to the right than already have.
Right now the Socialdemocrats are at roughly 25% in national polls, and the Greens might not even make it into parliament. Oct 15th might actually become a bloodbath for the left.
thanks for the (You)
you can change your flag back now, anti-finn
The EU can fuck off.
>90% of Austrians are like: wtf arrest and deport them immediately.
Then why did you vote for GREEN PARTY? WTF
Still the FPÖ will "only" get the third place and Kurz will be chancellor. Sadly he is nearly powerless against Merkel.
No seriously we should restore the grand duke XDDD
Also we should srap post-french revolution constitution all all the human rights bullshit that came with it, like habeas corpus,separation of of powers etc.
go taking a bath with a nigger, fag
Greens have twice the support of basic finns. Your politics are dead, leave this country if you`re not pleased with it.
pointless to reply to a eurobot. wiser men have told to never bother with leftists, for a reason. think of them as religious fanatics.
As there should be. What's their makeup and how much influence/interest do these marches garner from parties and media?
Just like your presidential candidate denying evolution?
Greens, can you see that?
He cames back from his family and says
"hello dear i voted for greens".
"good for you honey let me finish be fucked by this other man, can you go in the kitchen and prepare dinner?"
"of course dear, FASH WONT WIN dear"