Questioner: ''Hey Ben, as a Christian who is exploring my faith, I'm interested in exploring more about Judaism...

>Questioner: ''Hey Ben, as a Christian who is exploring my faith, I'm interested in exploring more about Judaism. How welcoming is the synagogue to Christians?''

>Ben Shapiro: '' Well, you can show up. I mean, like, no one is going to throw you out. We don't do conversions, so it is difficult to convert to Judaism. We actually discourage conversions, mainly because you are taking on an enormous number of commandments that you actually don't need to do to get into heaven. But if you are interested about learning about Judaism, there are a lot of books on it. The synagogue probably wouldn't be the best place to start is the truth, because we mumble a lot to ourselves for two hours, basically. That's what an Orthodox service looks like. There's some singing, but there's a lot mumbling, so if you're not ensconced in that, then it's not where you go to for a great time.''

>From The War On Children | The Ben Shapiro Show Ep. 370.

What do you think of his answer?

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Jews are cursed since they disregard the Torah



They don't want converts(goyim) to see the Talmud and what their rabbis actually teach

Honest, clear and not selling anything.

>Caller: Can I convert to Judaism?
>Ben: Fuck off nigger we're full. But remember to die for Israel goyim kthx

What the fuck? They just mumble? What's the point of that?

Why don't we start our own Jewish sect and start converting people

>The synagogue probably wouldn't be the best place to start is the truth, because we mumble a lot to ourselves for two hours, basically. That's what an Orthodox service looks like. There's some singing, but there's a lot mumbling, so if you're not ensconced in that, then it's not where you go to for a great time.


>just come on over and chill

well can't really argue with that

I bet its some proper Protocols of Zion shit, can someone please drop a mic into a kike house?

that's basically Mormonism or any number of Christian off-shoot cults. I'm a Presbyterian and up to about a decade ago we were supporting some church and organization that actively converted Jews. Now *that* really pissed Jews off

Like they're going to mumble that shit when the goyim are present.

>D-don't come to our meeting, goy! It's really boring, I promise! We're not planning anything in there, I swear!

Thats why you leave the mic in you dolt

they are praying, the jewish prayers are really long and boring.

Summoning demons

I believe they have one prayer that nullifies their promises to the goyim. I don't know what it's called.

they go like this
"oh father in heaven save your people, oh father the graceful, oh father the merciful, oh father the patient, oh father the omnipotent, oh father the allknowing, please dont let brothers fight, dont let friends fight, dont let the wealth dwindle, dont let the crops dry, dont let the poison spread among families, oh father hear us, oh father forgive us"

its tedious, boring and pointless

He basically said "No Goyim allowed".


Actual Jewish services are pretty boring. You definitely aren't going to see the juicy stuff in it. Ben is right in that if you want the meat of Judaism you gotta read. He's wrong about converts though. Jews allow converts they just don't openly advertise converting. They also prefer female converts to male converts for obvious reasons.

>He basically said "No Goyim allowed".

But that is not tolerant and diverse. Shouldn't we enrich Judaism?

Especially matters concerning conversion for marriage but Ben didn't mention that. They're an exclusive club!
No diversity allowed.

That's basically Messianic Judaism. A bunch of white people who larp as Jews except they do believe in Jesus. Black Hebrew Israelites are blacks who larp as Jews.

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Jews will claim otherwise but most just see it as an ethnic social club with a religion attached. That's why they don't really want converts. Religiously they'll claim though they're doing goyim a favor since goy only need to follow the Noahide Laws while Jews have to follow every inch of the Old Testament.

Yeah sure. Sounds like they need a pack of niggers with some drums and a keytar to spice that up.

You'll see some blacks in Reform Judaism but Reform Jews are like the Episcopals of Judaism.

Jews have their own Kool Kids Klub and normies aren't welcome.

But Reform is also in practice almost a religious extension of the leftist wing of the Democratic Party.

Reform Jews are white atheists SJWs who pretend to be Jewish in order to have a victim card.

One of the best anti kike speeches you will eve hear.

Define the line between good and evil and how do identify either.

the 10 commandments.

Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain, goyim.

It's a good answer. It's very difficult to walk into a strange liturgy and get anything out of it.

I come from a jewish family on my father's side, but am not a practicing jew. I've been around jews, particularly growing up in NJ and PA, as well as my father's family (mom's family lives on the west coast, where I now live).
"No conversions" isn't true, it's that converting is meant to be an ordeal like in every religion (except Islam where they force that shit on you) to test your resolve.
What Ben's trying to say in the rest of that shit is that for jews, the religion is the least important part and the most important part about being a jew. And by that I mean this: there is a lot of ritual, ceremony, proscriptions, prohibitions, and so on and everyone (except the crazy Orthodox retards who are viewed the way most people view the Amish) knows is absolute fucking bullshit.
And, like every religious text, the various books alternate between common sense "be good to each other" and totally bonkers nonsense born out of ignorance that has no place in modern society.
Most jews throw out the fucking nonsense, but they still follow the various rituals and so on. Why? Because the rituals are mostly community or family events and their real purpose is to be a public and private affirmation that you are a jew. Doing the rituals doesn't MAKE you a jew, that's something you do in your heart for yourself, the rituals are your affirmation.

This shit is true for every religion. Whether you're getting together as a group to swing around a loud metal clanker thing, or lighting incense, or leaving food for your ancestors, or whatever ceremonies and rituals and practices your religion has you do, you do them to affirm to yourself your faith and identity.
Also what Ben is trying to say about going to Synagogue is that it's about as useless as going to a church without ever having the read the bible; you're not gonna get a lot out of the sermon, you won't understand the hymns, and the standing and then kneeling and so on is going to seem confusing.

whatever doesnt feel nauseating

fucking kike rat
christcucks and muslumps are begging people to convert to their shitty religion while jews are doing anything they can to keep you out of their tribe
their religion is not a religion
if anyone whos not in the tribe reads into it they will see it for what it is, a sick perverted racist tribe who's teachings are to hurt the world and non jews for the benefit of jews and jews alone