...and just how do you cuckservatives rationalize this?
...and just how do you cuckservatives rationalize this?
>We're going to give you federal aid to help with the flood
>In return you need to ban all guns, open the borders, and stop being white
What a deal
disaster relief is like the one thing I'm sure everybody is happy the government does and it probably does it worse than a theoretical private disaster relief firm would do
Nigger apes are needing to be saved by rebel flag waving 'racists'
Get fucked
Shows how ignorant you are of the situation here, thousands of texans are headed to houston with boats to help our fellow texans... we dont need the government and no conservative here is asking for government help...must be the whiny bitch liberals in houston that are screaming for assistance.
LOL, I'm Houston right now and the only Mexicans out that I have seen today are carrying a barrel around with a tube obviously to siphon gas from cars. This comic is a load of bullshit.
>pay for FEMA because the government makes you pay for it
>"You're not entitled to their service because you didn't want to pay for it!"
You forgot that they´ll use lethal force to evac you if you´re unwilling to go....or atleast try to shoot your dog you dont want to leave behind.
Learn the fucking draw.
Holy shit.
>it probably does it worse than a theoretical private disaster relief firm would do
Nobody does worse than the Red Cross
They should stick to blood, and nothing else
Bodies aren't even dry yet an leftists are laughing about it.
What a shallow fucking retarded country the U.S has become.
I have nothing left in me at this point but hatred and rage for these people.
This, libertarians (not anacap memers) state that the roles of the government should be limited to national defense, law enforcement and disaster contingency
>it probably does it worse than a theoretical private disaster relief firm would do
probably, remember when the canucks had that fire and their gov did nothin, so threy evacuated themselves? and then the people were held in private hotels willingly by their owners?
we flooded here last year and the only people who came to help was locals.lies lmao
Well, that argument does cut both ways, especially here.
I do agree though that the rampant missuse of every disaster or misfortune just to do the smug face is bad though. Everyone is treating a chance to smug face like Sup Forums treated (you)s
this dumb shit doesn't even realize it's a paint job.
he probably thought he stole the whites soul as well when he took the picture
Thank god that proud WoC was their to save those idiot white people.
Texans are rank hypocrites. Both senators vote against aid to other states but now cry when there state gets hit.
>a brown person saves the white couple
Yeah right. FEMA and most government agencies and the military are mostly white, niggers are out looting while white people are out saving others, and spics just dont care either way.
>that argument
>leftists are laughing about it
>cut both ways
this is a natural disaster
not a self inflicted disaster
Easy fag.... You don't need a government to tell you that you should not hang around and watch one of the, potentially, most dangerous storms in American History. Fuck off cunt!
throw logan back into the water, she can die in a fucking fire for all I fucking care, what an ungrateful little whiny cunt faggot nigger bitch whore!
god, what a bitch
whites aren't dumb enough to stick around. that's for minorities and niggers.
>texan ancaps BTFO
Imagine the kind of person who drew this. I bet they thought this clever and totally not retarded
My fuck
Where were you when the brown fema females saved those ignorant racist white wypipo
> lul Fema
boat shortage
water shortage
food shortage