I think we're losing, lads
I think we're losing, lads
Are there any patriots left in California?
California has been lost for awhile
Violence is the only solution, if you aren't willing to kill for what you believe in a group who does will always 'win'.
Losing? Just keep planning fake right wing rallies until soros runs out of money
California is a proxy state. Hardly American.
And yet my twitter is full of pictures of them attacking journalists. Left wing ones as well
>until soros runs out of money
might take a while
Once the war starts they won't stand a chance, user. It's time Sup Forums took on an accelerationist stance and hasten the colllapse.
Wag the dog my friend
Sup Forums is a collective hivemind of failed individuals who come together over something basic as skin color. They ARE losers, and from this resentment escalates racism and other garbage ideologies. I look forward to war, as an upper class citizen, to purge America of whiney losers, both black and white, whom of which have no respect for the work and cultivation that defines the individual.
every one of these rallies was a missed MOAB opportunity
I hope one day to swim in the Arizona bay.
Who cares? Let them split off into another country and be over run by Mexico.
They are a population so demoralised that they are now self destructing.
Il be telling my kids what Cali used to be like before the tech giants and cartels took it over.
You dumb shits need to stop saying this. It's not trolling anymore.
Use your fucking brain.
Was it alt right? Or was it something like the Republican Ladies Garden Club? They've been calling every fucking thing alt right larely
I keep seeing this shit all over the front page. Fucking slide threads, sage.
Any live streams up? Looks like a lot of people came there prepared for a fight
thank you juden!
Fucking nigger lover faggot.
Wasn't ANTIFA recognised as a terrorist organisation by some USA states? Or has our media lied to me?
You're an idiot.
Please kys
nice bait
I'm not advocating anything. Just saying, there are armed mobs, literal terrorists in this country called Antifa, that actively work to stifle free speech.
Do you suppose they will go away if asked nicely?
No, probably not. It's unfortunate, but it's true. Violence is the only solution, and the only answer at this point.
You can't reason with a wild animal.
Hmm its like they were tricked to go there in the first place
If you got webms/video post them plox.
Concern shill
>Shout"fuck you"at antifags
>Get quoted for shouting"thank you"
The government can't do that. A private store could bar people for not doing it but the government can't punish people for what they do and don't say.
Why is it always anime loving lanky faggots who get scared right away.
It's Commiefornia.
Sweetie, we only go to Berkeley to stir the libtard hive. Of course nobody there likes us.
>something basic as skin color
You have no fucking clue what you're talking about.
>we only go to berkley to get our skulls bashed in
Soros won't ever run out of money, but the idea of planning fake rallies is a good one. The more antifa trashes property and get arrested, the better.
a bunch of masked socialist cucks doesnt change this, user.
alt-right won in April
That is what happened to leftists last time.
Still part of the USA. The constitution can't allow them to do that.
Post them
lmao, these people are so far gone.
Falling for bait this easily. First week here lads?
Antifa is being used to drive Americans to the right.
Welcome to the Wiemar 2 script, "smart guy."
Checked also please bomb them, show them what you people are really like.
Hello there FBI
I thought Antifa was declared a terrorist organization. How was this allowed?
gross under appraisal of opposition if true
Your think these people will simply disappear? That they will calm down after trump's terms are over?
Do you really think they will do that after all the hatred and madness they have shown?
Nah it's just that these fags literally have nothing better to do. They're either students or "professional" agitators.
excellent strategy
I thought that they were just shitty downtown punks, but they do seem to stand in front of other protestors when things turn ugly.
I honestly would never have even thought enough about them to have shred of respect until they were running interference to keep priests from getting hurt during Charlotteville.
Seems kind've pointless to try to drum them up into this big bad enemy.
>(((upper class citizen)))
>People saying thank you
>implying it isn't themselves thanking the black xers
Shane Bauer is antifa, don't believe the shit he says.
> Tiannenmen square
We are all thinking it.
What did you expect? It's a solid blue state.
They literally cannot punish you for not saying someones pronoun.
It's ran because it happened in the past and it only happened once you fuckwad. It's A SINGLE OCCURANCE.
>respecting faggots who use sticks to beat down free speech
look at you and your fucking spacing
As the name clearly states the board is about being politically incorrect. Its about refusing censorship. When the establishment pushes for a bolshevik war between the right and the left pol will go the other way.
It's also a message board not a single group of people, faggot
they all hide their power level in order to not be ostracized and segregated.
It cost them more than money to do these rallies.
It cost them Public Relations.
who's we? you neonazi niggers, or you communist niggers?
Great. Do multiple cities on multiple days so the communists come out and destroy shit.
Show up with some communist flags and get them in front of media cameras so there is no mistaking who is there.
>Seems kind've pointless to try to drum them up into this big bad enemy.
Except for the fact that they show up at any non-neoliberal/non-communist assembly and try to disrupt free speech and assembly through political violence, you fucking obvious shill.
This is pretty fantastic. You have to praise the antifa people for knowing how to protest peacefully and effectively. They're keeping our communities safe.
This shit is weak af. The Antifa and BLK want a war, why haven't you guys given them a war yet?
They think they have numbers over you guys, but it only looks that way since all the fags that
go to the protests don't have jobs or responsibilities.
Dont forget who your enemy is: a bunch of fags and nigger savages.
imagine painting this for some bullshit abstract art class
antifa are winning. This is fucking horrible.
You're absolutely right so nobody will listen to you.
t. Agent Johnson
Losing what, Berkeley? That was lost decades ago. In the meantime, real Americans are waking up.
No. And they never will be.
is he (((verified)))?
antifa are the only americans standing up to racism
We aren't losing. Everyone single one of those people are literally a walking campaign ad for republicans. They're literally helping us.
>Nixon and Reagan home state
>TFW people who vote nixon and reagan are dead already
>california is 30% white that control by enterpriser who live in gated community
>So called "Red" Orange County already be conquista gone to blue
We never had California not want that shit hole
Fuck off shill. The day of the rope is coming for you antifa shitstains. I'm looking forward to gunning down you subhuman leeches when R.W.D.S's start deploying in the streets.
They can and will. New York is already doing it.
>we plan dozens of fake rallies over a course of months
>media and everybody is saying Antifa has BTFO'd alt-right
>Antifa lured into a sense of security
>we plan one real rally
>2k people come, Antifa pisses themselves
When dozens are arrested every protest, it's hard to keep up numbers.
I don't mind, it's no secret that we see killing communists to be about as immoral as throwing a steak on the grill
are the shilling paychecks good at least?
must be demoralizing cucking yourself and your country for shit pay
Literally kill literally your literally self
>But we want to secede from Drumpf
>bay area jews, cat ladies, (((political science))) students, wetbacks, bay area drug addicts and gooks
No, we haven't, sage.
Motherfuckers are using our Lord`s park for fucking brainwash playdates