Joe Arpaio

What are your thoughts on Arpaio, Sup Forums?

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I like that he makes beaners mad.

I'd hate him if we had an all white nation and I could afford to be a libertarian.

Right now I'm a big fan.


Classic tyrant.



I don't give a shit about Joe, but him being pardoned pisses off everyone I hate, so I'm a Joe supporter by proxy

Don't do the crime if you can't do the time.



Guy is literally crazy. He makes prisoners in his county use pink underwear and live in tents.

Pure gold.

lmao hahahahaha ok my b on that spelling u know what i meant tho

A legit hero.
This guy gets it.

It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of race-less, culture-less, nation-less, identity-less subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.

In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the present and past in that effort.

The truth about immigration, by the numbers:

Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:

Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:

Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:

Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:

also see

The facts about slavery in North America:

Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:

Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)

The Holocaust:

Even I had to laugh at myself there. kek.


Convicted for following the law. What a world.

Seriously what is this?

Joe Arpiao inspecting the prisoners in his tent city.

joe "gringo or they gotta go" arpaio?

i love this guy

loved him when i first saw him 10 years ago

joe "juan go back to mexico" arpaio?

history shows that he is correct

emotion and feels be damned

as it should be

They dyed the underwear pink because the weekenders were stealing a few extra when they were released.

Now they dont steal them.

There's nothing wrong with profiling.
If you're looking for illegal immigrants in the US, you know exactly what you're looking for.

He didn't you fuck. He wasn't feeding his prisoners, brazenly admitted to racial profiling and the death and suicide rate of inmates were skyhigh. He gets his county sued by dozens of people and groups. The federal goverment says stop doing that shit. You know what he does. Keep doing that.

But of course you Sup Forumsacks don't care because fuck the goverment and Latinos. Well do you know he ignored 400 cases of sexual abuse in his area, including many child abuse cases. One of the people he recruited in a poose was later convicted of child porno charges. And he has now bankrupted his county by accepting the pardon aka admitting guilt. Meaning all the civil trials will be slam dunks.

when they washed the whites, someone accidentally put something red in the laundry and turned the underwear pink

the inmates and public bitched about it so much, Sheriff Joe decided to keep them

it was awesome

He looks like the kind of guy who is probably a closeted homosexual. I think he must also be holding something over Trump involving the Lolita Express.


We'll deal with it when the demographic are back to 65'


>Latinos exist so its okay to ignore child sexual abuse

If we had the luxury of standing on principle, I'd be annoyed that he was pardoned. But Presidents gonna pardon, so I'm glad that someone on my side got pardoned.

He locked up random Latinos and would keep them for weeks until the Federal government came and released them, because they were here legally. All while feeding them starvation rations, where the only way to actually eat was to buy from the commissionary. The Federal goverment had to force him to feed them required calories and stop feeding them mouldy food. He is a fucking snowbird Jew bastard.

Sup Forums defending a literal child rapist

its funny how shitty this document is
when you open it in illustrator there are many layers that were never flattened
separate items added at different times let you just pull this document apart and see just how sloppy the asshole was that was tasked with making it was
if someone had just hand forged it it would still be sketchy but not as easily dissected with computers
the press conference talking about the investigation was thorough and left no room for speculation


there is literally nothing wrong with that

Nah thats you guys defending Bill and Hillary clinton you fucking shill

He has a shitton of sexual abuse accusations. Even Child pornography was involved


If whites are superior how come they are so vile?

guy loves BTFO of illegals. he still does it at 85. does he even get paid?

and bill clinton pardoned fyfe symington
he was a raging scumbag that fucked arizona over and deserved to go to fucking prison

Was there ever any rebuttal over his conference and the evidence presented of the forgery?


Under Obama everyone from everywhere was here legally no matter what.

Thats not how it works my CommieCuck friendo.

it was a complete smokescreen to hide from the fact that trump shitcanned /ourguy/ and based (((globalist))) hater sebastian gorka

they knew which way the wind was blowing after bannon and needed something big to bury the lead. it worked too. the deep state is winning

For white nationalists torturing people is totallly ok if they are not white. lol.

just tears and opinions
the investigators were so thorough that people could only yell about being a birther and shout racism
they are still blown the fuck out and that is why arpaio was railroaded so hard

I remember him on that show Weird US and his facility was the focus of a few episodes of Lockup.
He makes some incredibly good points:
>Prisoners are there to pay for a crime, not live in comfort
>Their meals are sandwiches and fruit made/grown by other inmates and cost around fifty cents to make
>Tent City is voluntary (A fact many people miss) and is for non-serious offenders that would rather be outside than in a cell
>Maricopa County was using chain gangs and it was a privilege to be on one because it meant getting out of the jail and being paid something and learning a work ethic
>Pink underwear prevents jail property from being stolen and makes people pill their pants up so it's not seen
Arpaio is a great lawman and someone who understands the purpose of incarceration is to make people not want to go back to jail. He did this while keeping things cheap, efficient, and respectful.
Had he been somewhere other than a border state then few people would raise a stink about him, but since he was locking up illegals, he's being compared to a Concentration Camp Commandant.

Exactly this. When leftists are clamoring en masse for Bill Clinton to be held accountable for the crimes he and Hillary have committed personally, as well as Bill pardoning FALN members, among others - then I'll give a fuck about Trump pardoning Arpaio. Until then, go fuck yourselves.

Arpaio is a piece of shit hypocrite. He does not respect authority but you had better respect his. The day that he dies should be a day of celebration.

How so? He was enforcing the laws which specifically applies to jurisdictions like his. ID and Immigration laws may typically be overlooked in some areas, but not somewhere like Maricopa. To do so would be a huge risk to those living in the County and a failure to protect them.
Some bleeding heart federal judge (The same type who kept trying to overturn President Trump's immigration order, which was based on a power explicitly afforded to the office under the Constitution) got upset and told him to stop without any legal obligation.

You're lying. And he proudly called tent city a concentration camp.

Congratulations, you are vile person. What does it feel?

>What are your thoughts on Arpaio, Sup Forums?
He is a boomer pos

I really hope some Latino gangster kill (And torture) that motherfucker

Who gives a fuck if he did say that? I wish it was a fucking concentration camp so we wouldn't have to deal with the shitskins anymore. Sheriff joe is a goddamn hero.


Congratulations, you are a vile person. A totally repulsive and disgusting human being. WHat does it feel?

Feels good. Now kys you fucking hippie peace of shit

>vile person
>meme flag
ah r[edit]
i live in arizona
a drunk driver killed my brother while he was riding his bicycle
knowing that that piece of shit was subjected to harsh conditions feels comfy
fucking kill yourself immediately and painfully


based Arpaio the latino booty blaster

Also, learn English you stupid foreign fuck. It's how does it feel. Not what does it feel. God I'm so tired of fuck faces

What the fuck are these niggers doing here?
Someone spam some gore. Please.

Why would they all he does is harass random nobodies. Anyone who is with the cartel has the money to never be in that situation anyway.

>a drunk driver killed my brother while he was riding his bicycle

We are not talking about drunk drivers. We are talking about latino immigrants you only hate because they are "shitskins". You are repulsive because you support torture, child abuse, sexual abuse, etc. You are in the wrong side of history, and i hope you pay for it.

Hahaha. You wish that was true. I know Feds who put cartel shitskins away for a living. Plenty of high ranking cartels in prison shitting themselves and ratting on others.

Liberals hate him so I love him.
As a general rule, whoever leftists hate the most is usually best for society.

he is an old man and concentration camp meant something different back in his day
like gay used to mean happy and now we use that word to describe your sexual activities
you are a stupid piece of shit
go look something up before you just apply modern liberal understanding to something

>You are in the wrong side of history
And you're on the wrong side of the border.

arpaio did his job and people were happy before liberal faggots from out of state started coming here to influence our politics
go look up all of the hard work he did with animal cruelty and youll see there is a human side
keep saying hes a pedo or whatever and not looking at shit he actually did
take my earlier advice and die you meme flag faggot

No, i'm not, along with millions of other latinos.

You can cry now

I'd rather not join you.

They wouldn't be here if we weren't the movers and shakers of our day. Ineffectual as they are, take it as a compliment.

Are you a retard. The Holocaust happened in the 1940s. That wasn't 'before his time'. He was born a year before Hitler took power. He would have grown up with information about the Holocaust and Communist camps. But he still decided to copy them.

great guy, ben fischbein literally raped 6 million children though desu

>along with other latinos
personal motive does not mean you have an argument
haha you stupid piece of shit
you are just mad because you are brown and your feelings are hurt
now i know there is no point in responding to you any more because you are reacting because you are a mexican and emotionally triggered
adios motherfucker

Brits invented concentration camps.

I'm not going anywhere ;)

>the virgin prisoner
>the chad prison guard
just look at this pumped bastard on the left holy fuck


are you aretard
he is the child of italian immigrants and he used a term his father used to use
>his father predated the holocaust
go read up on something for a change instead of using modern definitions for old school shit
>tattoo used to refer to a beat or rhythm
again go read something and showing your lack of knowledge on shit that predates your miserable existence

I'm friends with some smart American Latinos who can actually articulate their thoughts and spell.
They all want the wall and hate their retarded fellow Mexicans who dont follow the law.
Your own people are betraying you, you have no friends except dirty anarchists. Goodbye.

Quite honestly this.

The left is eating their own entrails in rage right now. So he has to be a good thing.

niBBa no

>latinos are violent criminals

>go look up all of the hard work he did with animal cruelty and youll see there is a human side

You mean this?

That's great. Why do illegal prisoners deserve any mercy.

i just meant adios as far as talking
seriously i have nothing against mexicans coming here
that is why i am not using some racist term when talking to you
but i said i wouldnt respond and did i just wanted to clarify that
ill move along now

Trump needs to make the left so frenzied that they start bombing shit and kidnapping politicians like they used to do in the '60's and '70's, then he can label them a terrorist org and destroy them.

>peace symbol
>"I hope a Mexican tortures and kills that motherfucker"

>lord of the flies
He is a corrupt faggot who thinks he stands above the law. And got rewarded for it.
I don't want to be the one searching his hard drive, though.

/our paio/


he should have built a concentration camp for those too desu

arpaio himself led the charge to end dog fighting in this state
bestiality is now illegal thanks to him
greyhound racing was impacted by him
go look it up