Sup Forums humour

Haven't seen a Sup Forums humour thread in a while, I'll start.

Other urls found in this thread:


















Duck me this still gets me

top kek







Isn't it kind of sad that Sup Forums humor threads are 10x better than the ylyl threads on Sup Forums?


Why is nothing in this thread funny? Why can't rightists do humor? Is it because they're so fucking mad and whiny all the time?



What's this from

Why is this faggot on Sup Forums? Why doesn't God love leftists? Is it because they're nigger-loving, cum-guzzling faggots?

Hahahhah hahahaha hahahahahaha
You tried to make a joke. Congrats to you for trying, user

>implying GET's aren't rigged by faggot mods.


>Why can't rightists do humor?

I swear to god. The left is a self-fulfilling prophecy when it comes to meme-stealing.




What did he mean by this?

we miss you tay

this stupid nigger is a good example of why affirmative action is bad

I really fucking hate this guy. He's the epitome of smug twat who thinks he's smarter than he really is.
No wonder reddit loves him.



i have many many more

vice documentary on far-right in sweden

This really is the best nogs can do isn't it folks?

slay yass

This is meant to be a humour thread, not a rage thread.


God I fucking hate stooges who act like they love science. I have met too many libshits who go "I fucking love science lmao Rick and Morty looooooooool."



Salty black nerd still upset about being made fun of in HS by black football team


>ding dong ditch

It's called nigger knocking, duh.

People should tell them that the next time they say they love science so much, they should really thank a Nazi


en par with if mirrors are real




Some of these actually are, if not funny, at least witty. The rest are half-witty.

are you a leftyfag that came here in an attempt to raid but got converted?



come home tay



the jews in the oven will never fail to wreck me



true, fucking pochos


They murdered her. She was a conscious being.




fucking kek
i need some oat posts boys

Nope. Been on Sup Forums since 2007. Also, by breeding, I'm Irish Catholic. Strongly dislike the retarded "jooooos are the devil" ultra-maroon stupidity as much as I hate the fucking humorless left.

Also, After having stayed in the Trump International Hotel in DC last month, I'm now convinced that Trump is an incarnation of God

There will be no scarcity of food, resources, or labor once we implement true Communism

Leftist humour is actually disgusting.
It's all "relateable" "humour", where what happens is the leftist comedian says something, there is no joke present, but the leftist laughs because he gets the reference, or he understands the situation. He doesn't laugh because any joke was told, but because he feels happy that he's part of the "special club" of people who relate to the story, and that somebody else is like him, which validates him immensely. They even make humour about smug self obsession. Laughing because the comedian is like them and nothing else.

I love humor about Canadian natives




never forget


Neil DeGrasse Tyson is a perfect example of what happens to nerds when their ego is stroked for too long.

reddit af
you can tell Sup Forums had already fallen here


I have an idea!

Lets preserve the white race so all of this can repeat itself over and over and over again!
Wow, brilliant, i thought of that! Me! I did!!!!





Pretty good.
