There should be a Balkan thread every day. A place for us Romanians, Greeks, Bulgarians, Serbs (regardless of their current denomination), and Albanians to congregate and discuss our culture, history and future.
Balkanistan United
Other urls found in this thread:
Dolma is Armenian/Georgian/Greek
posting another anthropomorphized political map, because i don't know what the fuck this thing is or where the fuck it came from, but it should be gassed.
one moar
yes :)
More like bakastan
Fuck off. There is no "our" culture and history. You have yours and we have ours.
do you have more?
My Greek brother, whether you like it or not Balkanism and Byzantinism are very real and very alive to this day. We also have a lot of common foods. Despite our individual histories we share many things in common.
>implying greeks are not brainwashed
>implying greeks don't have the same culture as us
What the fuck have you to do with Byzantinism?
>implying bulgarians have anything in common with us
he really thinks grooks are different than the rest of the balkans and they are descendants of the romans
Byzantinism is deeply ingrained in Romanian culture and in most other Balkan cultures.
I wish, but I wouldn't know wtf to search. was originally going to post a Balkan map, but found these in that folder and thought, "huh, that's kinda neat"
I just noticed how fucking hilarious Japan is in this one >Shit slays me
>dna results
dumping moar. all seem to be from WWI era.
>is shown evidence & research that proves him wrong
>cue 'whataboutism.png'
These maps are pretty awesome guyse
Where does Romania stand on its Russia-hate scale?
10. Baltics/Poland
5. Hungary?
1. Bulgaria (not at all?)
>jew media
choose one
>different religion
>different culture
>sucking up to germany
>'muh ancestors are ancient greeks'
Older ppl than 20 like em cause 'we wuz sucking their dickz'n'shit' and people below 20 just don't have a political opinion at all.. For those that hate russians it doesn't really matter since society is heavily pro-ruski
Couldn't tell. Opinions vary greatly nowadays. I'm very pro-Russia lately, but others really hate it.
I think that people didn't really hate Russia, but the Soviet Union and communism. Since they're no longer communists and they're having an Orthodox revival a lot of people see them as inspiring.
I got that feeling. To clarify, I'm not anti-Russian, nor are most Americans our age. Educated Yanks can't reconcile the 78-day air campaign against Serbia, and our lost opportunity to partner w Russia. Gotta be the Jews...
Makes sense for you. EU/NATO won't be there when you need it. WELL, the fact that you host our ABM platforms might give you a special status. Our dicks sure were hard when Ceaucescu Jewed us into thinking he was a "reformer" and western-leaning.
What are condo prices like in the Balkans? I have serb ancestry and thinking of leaving this sinking ship and retiring to the based balkans by buying a condo out there.
Ceaușescu was a lowly stupid shoemaker who became a dictator after sucking enough cock. That's how communism works. It turned this country into a real shithole..we haven't fully recovered yet. I hate communism.
But aren't modern day Greeks basically Turks?
if they admit it they'll have to call themselves roaches, and won't have the 'white privilege' on Sup Forums
Modern day Turks are Greek (and Armenian,Kurdish,Mongol etc) would be the correct statement. Do you even know that the first Turks were asians?
>Daily Balkan thread
More like daily Balkan border reinstatement & heritage
joke disregarded
>thinks he is any better
Hey, found the sandnigger that got lost in that place that sold it's fucking airports to Germany..
>implies we have no money
>1 euro = 2 bulgarian levs
didn't even have to squeeze my lemons
>you had no money until germany gave you some shekels
Prove what you just said you fucking communist nigger
>even jew media recognizes it
>nothing to prove his point with so he insults me
usual shit
>jew media becomes valid when it supports his opinion
>plays victim
this whole argument started because you insulted me when i gave you evidence that proves you wrong commiefag, go drive your trabant
Holy fuck are Trabant still around?
>jew media says the same thing as non-jew media, so it's fucking valid for once..
anti-commie btw
oh.. and wheres your car.. oh forgot.. you sold it to the germans..
1 euro = 2 bulgarian levs
i refuse to reply to this faggot anymore. he has a case of mental retardation of some sorts.
>reddit spacing
>arguing about currency conversion
>slave of the eu currency btw heheheh
>i refuse to reply cause im a fucking faggot and cant defend myself
>they are descendants of the romans
they are, ancient greeks and romans
people always act like whole populations were replaced during the last 2 millenia, they was never the case, even in the places most affected by the Great Migrations. Wandering Germanic tribes for example were relatively small in size and never amounted to a few % of the total population at most.
>1 - take off the meme flag
>2 - the turks fucked the balkans up starting with greece WAAAAY before europe got cucked..
source is stated
>Posted in: ArchaeologyEurope
as indicated by the DOI index it is a peer-reviewed academic journal.
I noticed it is especially Balkan Slavs who like make outrageous claims about the displacement of whole populations, including their own.
>especially balkan slavs
take off the meme flag
Balkan Slavs started getting high on Illyrianism in the 19th century claiming they're native to the Balkans to justify their territorial claims
Man those Turks aren't even Turkics, there's 10% of Turkic DNA there at most.
Look at the Goths for example, they ruled parts of Europe for centuries and they left very little genetic traces, naturally as they were the aristocracy and few in number.
Take the Burgundians for one, they came from a tiny island south of Sweden, called Bornholm. Even if the island was overpopulated and they all migrated (which was not the case, only a handful of families migrated after a feud), compare to the areas of land they held, naturally they leave almost no print. Many such cases.
Japanese filipino here, dating a romani girl.
Why so they age like milk and can i prevent this?
I believe you m8 but why the meme flag?
Is Canada Balkan?
Another thing, why always assume that a conquering tribe massacres the native population. When one conquers they establish themselves as the ruling class, do you think they will start to plow the soil themselves? Of course not, they let the natives do that, and tax them in harvest time.
I'm Belgian, I usually use the meme flag because it is the closest here to a Christian flag.
You wish.
I bet that place doesn't even use vegeta.
They should add some. I want to use the Orthodox flag lel. You're a historian by any chance?
because cultural genocide is a thing that happens
>bulgarian is infested with disgusting turkish words nowadays
>all the bulgarian turks never left..
>turkey has been in our politics even after more than a hundred years of us being independent
>tfw romanian quarter kike but dont know shit in romanian except for descidi uşa and incidi uşa
Wat do
>Deschide ușa
>Închide ușa
What region of Romania do you originate from? You should visit.
Have no idea honestly, family ran from communists in the 50's and got into israel
I still ocassionaly eats mamaliga, dad speaks fluent romanian but didnt thought me when i was kid
Mămăligă is the best my friend. Why hasn't your dad taught you the language?
Because he was born in israel aswell, so i guess he didnt had the willpower to teach me language that isnt the common in the land
Many Romanian Jews living there?
>not using vegeta
That would be heresy
I never encounted one, most of jews that declare some part of them is romanian usually got gassed in the 30's so its not really something because they can be anything
Someone should shop Okay Pepe as the Vegeta chef
No I'm a biochemist, but with a history fetish. I like haplomemes because it gives us a tool based on exact science.
Ok but do you care about diaspora joining the talks?
Albo born in Greece with family from Turkey, Bulgaria and Montenegro and Greece again.
Cultural genocide most certainly, I never denied that. But that doesn't imply an actual displacement of the population. Look at the Turks, aka the Greco-Anatolian population of Asia Minor, they got cucked really hard by a group of steppe nomads that they outnumbers fifteen to one at least.
Same with the French, the Gauls adopted Latin in place of their own Gaulish very early on, so culturally they became Romans (especially since from the mid 3rd century all free men within the Empire could call themselves Roman) and there certainly was some intermixing, but as a people the French are still mainly the descendants of the Gauls. The invading Franks became the aristocracy.
That all said, Turks were fucking barbaric, what they did to Bulgarians was outrageously savage and plain evil.
Nice. You have a p good understanding on how things went down for an "amateur". I'm a historian BTW.
>Turquie D'Europe
balkaniggers btfo
serbs are better than other balkanites
False. Montenegrins are the supreme Balkanites.
montenegrins are serbs
They're special mountain Serbs