26 years old

>26 years old
>been lurking and browsing since i was 15
>mfw: i owe this specific board for my development into a - i think - fine, respectable man more than anything else outside my family
>mfw: i could've bought into the official state-sponsored narrative the commie teachers in highschool sold to every gullible teenager or i could've been stuck in the edgy phase just to turn into a moderate in my late 30s
>mfw: i dodged a countless bullets and pursued the true path of self-improvement mainly because of the material i've been exposed to on here
>life's in order, jew-hating to the core, promising career, few great friends, a loving, politically in tune fiancee to build a family with, understanding of what goes on around me and where we're heading

thanks, pic as a sign of my gratitude


>i owe this specific board for my development into a - i think - fine, respectable man

Im a jew. Why do you hate me OP? What the fuck have I ever done to you, or your family?

>claims to have been here for 11 years
>can't even hulk type properly


i dont care



Fuck yeah user, now it's your turn to do the same.
God speed.

source is Ketik Novoselova, feminist activist. Y'all fell for the bait