what were you doing on the day that changed the world forever.
Where were you on this day
3rd grade
My classmates dad actually worked in the pentagon so some suits came by the elementary school and picked the kid up. his dad was fine and actually came into our class at a later date to talk about it.
After 911, my posts have become more political since there are issues I feel strongly about such as climate change and women’s rights. I also value freedom, so the latest corruption and Russia-related news items are worrisome. However, it’s starting to become more aggressive in tone, so I’m trying to dial it back a bit since spreading anger isn’t really helping anyone
Be me> be 10, ask your parents where the fighter jets are to take out the "hijacked" planes, ask why the pentagon looks like a bomb not a plane hit it.....
Asking how the "terrorist" passports didn't burn up from jet fuel but the twin towers did
Asked why building 7 fell into itself without the jet fuel to weaken its beams....
Knowing that seed was planted about Mossad deep state causing this!!!!
Hating life ever since... be me now >26 with kiddos angrier
On the internet
Had just finished a test in A School, still remember thinking it was a movie until threat con delta was called.
Cheating on my girlfriend with her best friend. I got caught because her friend answered my phone. It was my girlfriend calling me to tell me I had to turn on the news.
was getting ready for school (california). saw my mom crying at the tv, i asked her what was wrong. and she didnt say anything so i told her to turn the "scary movie" off
Drunk in a bar.
In my fourth grade class. Parents kept coming in to pick up my classmates and I was jealous.
In comfy private school in New England
Was 9, when my mother picked me up at the bus stop from school I'm pretty sure it wasn't long since shit had started to go down here in Spain because of timezone differences, I mostly remember my aunt being in tears watching the news, and I have this still image in my brain of me looking at the TV for a moment and seeing the smoking tower before going off to play or some shit.
At home because I went to one of those Monday/Wednesday/Friday alt high schools. Was at school the next day telling my friends it was a false flag
Grade 9 English class.
Felt my first tit the night before. Was waiting to tell my friends. The principal came in and brought us all to the auditorium to watch CNN.
Told my friend it was likely Osama bin Laden because I read about him in Time magazine the week before. I'll never forget that tit.
I was brushing my teeth getting ready for school. I was in the 5th grade. My dad said, "user, come out here. Something has happened" from down the hall. I was still brushing while I watched as smoke billowed from the both towers.
I said, I kid you not, "it must have been a misfired rocket."
I was skeptical from day 1!
i was drinking at a party in Dubai and congratulating Osama for his excellent job
Getting suspended in school, so now I have a framed suspension letter dated September 11th, 2001
Coming back from school.
what did you do
>also why did you get suspended at 8am kek
Was getting ready for school as a youngster, and my mother was watching the tv in shock.
Whatever 3 year olds do during the day.
I was 5 years old still sleeping since it was still like 5am in commiefornia
5 years old and ignorantly happy unaware of the horrors of the world, not knowing what my future would hold. I wish I was 5 again
>changed the world forever
the ego on your, once the fake war finally ends everyone will forget about it
4th grade. Sr Maureen's class, saint mary's grammar school, Gloucester city, NJ
On a plane
Hang on, they "have" the "terrorists' passports"?
Yeah that's bullshit lol 9/11 was unironically an inside job