Why do I never see articles on bigger sites blaming women for anything? Why are men always the ones to blame for society's downfall?
Why do I never see articles on bigger sites blaming women for anything...
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Because a fucking woman wrote that article
Could you at least use a different article for the OP image if you're going to make this thread for this 100000000th time?
Cause if you blame a woman for something that would be sexist
Just sit back and enjoy the decline bro.
Men make up the majority of those in control of corporations,political parties and other aspects of society in general.
I know this gets posted here regularly and attains like +300 replies, but it hasn't even been 24 hours since the last thread
>"How do you write women so well?"
>"I write a man and then I take away reason and A C C O U N T A B I L I T Y."
I don't think it's socially acceptable to blame women for anything sweetheart
I know it's weird. It's almost like this board is inhabited by thousands of people who come here at different times a day.
Because we ARE to blame.
We let them have rights despite all the warnings from the past. We let them vote instead of beating them silent. We created a Frankenstein's monster here. We had the power to say "no" but we relented because we wanted easy pussy.
Well, we got easy pussy and all the baggage it comes with.
because the point of this article is to get men to consume more
look at the staged picture
two properly dressed white men with fancy mugs of beer, ordered junk food and random iProducts laying around playing video games
it says that men checked out of society but the picture shows the exact opposite
Women, like most lower animals, are not moral agents.
Why can't women just have kids with older men if the ones her age don't want to ?
the same reason we don't blame toddlers for continually shitting their diapers
We aren't to blame, boomers are. Seriously.
Because, sweety, women aren't responsible for their own actions
Who cares? We need less people on the planet anyway.
Seriously, stop complaining about it bro. Just chill out and game and enjoy life, its too short for stressing out and getting sick over women and family.
No. Men are to blame. The trouble started long before the boomers were alive.
Sorry bud, you don't get to shovel shit onto your parents. Blame your great great granddad. He was the faggot who let grandma have a say when grandma should have been keeping her whore mouth shut.
And so, another thread of virgins perpetually mad that their infatuations never had payoff circlejerking begins
You faggots whine about how women always go out with "Chad" or "Jamal" but never the "nice guy", but you're fucking lying if you said that you'd give the less attractive girls a chance. You rant about college girls being sluts when you're also lying if you said you wouldn't get some tail any chance you'd get. Man up and stop being such hypocritical children.
Because women click on these articles.
Not a good thing to pick on women. It's a good thing to criticize people, but women lost at birth..Thats why you should start every single day with a thanks for being a man and have willingness to excuse even the most decadent women for her natural flaws..Every single thing wrong with women is the result of men and their abdication of their role. It's that simple. A deer doesn't know why it's a deer..
I think he's saying that men are doing something right. This is the roadmap to freedom
how big of a cuck do you have to be to blame yourself for something that happened a century ago.
Same type of cuck who'd try to live through the achievements of people from the past
>tfw with a women who is also not stupid enough to have kids
>throwing away a relaxed, normal life to waste time on a gigantic cost that will complicate everything you do
>thinking we need more humans when there are 7 billion of them
having a child is bluepilled as fuck, only stupid people have kids now
I think we're actually talking about how it's publicly ok to blame men for literally every problem while women get off scot free.
But, who am I kidding right, the only reason men criticize women surely is because they're bitter virgins.
These articles are all clickbait.
We need less niggers on the planet, white folk you stupid kike. All white countries have their population declining/ being replaced. We aren't the problem with population, niggers and indians are.
Same here. We have a cat. That's more than enough for us.
Wait untill Abdul kicks in your door to rape your family and the British bong police arrested you for being racist for not fluffing him first. Try just chilling out and playing video games then you passive faggot. There are people who fight on the front lines of matters like these. Clearly your not one of them, so keep your hippie opinions to yourself you yellow toothed inbred island fuck.
Women instinctively know they are inferior to men no matter how much the media and society tells them otherwise. Such is the woman condition.
Insane LARP skills from you tonight bruv well done you sound like a propa virgin.
>need less people on the planet
May as well just say we should destroy the planet.
You'll do nothing. Absolutely nothing.
Women are bigoted, and feel awful, so unbelievably awful, if they have to face up to any of their own flaws. They're so tender they just shatter at the idea of being anything less than perfect. They certainly don't subject themselves to information about their own errors an a regular basis. No, they instead read about how someone else is to blame.
Narcissism is a feminine disorder. The stats are warped because male narcissists eventually do something that gets them caught.
Let it all burn down friend, throw your cares aside, just light up that cigarette and pour yourself a little whiskey, and play some Quake Champions. Whores are cheaper than wives, and if you really want commitment, go to Ukraine, or Thailand, don't bother with Western women, just take your mother for example, remember how she left your dad for black mandingo?
White men are never ever ever allowed to have a moral justification for their viewpoints.
The Jews correctly assert that morality is reality therefore if you can control the moral narrative you can control society.
No one in the Jewish coalition can be portrayed as wrong. Ever.
Because blaming women is like blaming children
The true red pill is the state of the world today is 100% the fault of white males for allowing it to happen
You know who you are. If you'd seen the last thread, every other post was complaining about women who "have fun" in college. And acting like some unknown article shows that it's "okay to deface men" is hyperbole. You act like feminists are more ubiquitous and powerful than they really are, and that alone gives them more power. If you think women are childish by doing something like this, you'll prove them wrong by not stopping to their level.
Triggered island people. You'll be out bred soon by sand people.
Divide and conquer kike article.
It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of race-less, culture-less, nation-less, identity-less subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.
In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the present and past in that effort.
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:
Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
>Who cares? We need less people on the planet anyway.
No, we just need less chinks, poos, and africans. If anything, the US is underpopulated, and Europe just has high population density in cities, but that's of your own doing.
>Narcissism is a feminine disorder.
Not really-- It's just a fault in one's ability to separate subject from object. For the kind of person we call a narcissist, they are only vaguely aware of their own existence, either because they were never taught it or it's too terrifying to face.
They've never had to think in terms of other people's lives. They only know one life-- their own. Values that they hold personally therefore become things that all existence should strive for, which is why they're surprised that other people sometimes don't want to go along with their plans.
The same can be said of normal people, but they are at least AWARE that other points of view, other loci of consciousness in the sea of being exist. Though this is a very humbling thought, most accept it as a matter of course.
>"You're the ones triggered when I'm the one spouting memes!"
My mother actually had her own problems just like anyone else. She was human-- with the same conflicting forces of incentives, dreams, guilt and the permanence of her decisions that we all have to face.
That she actually ended up sticking with my father and wasn't too terrible as a mother to me and my siblings is beside the point.
What meme? Is anything I stated untrue?
The reason I wrote this post, BTW, is that it applies to all of you just as much as it applies to the women you don't like. You fail to understand their incentives-- you think they should want to be a character in your story just like they think you should want to be in theirs. They and you can't collaborate on a shared future, and that is why you have none.
Great, you've uncovered the great conspiracy. Are you going to do anything about it? No? Of course not.
Because deep down women wanted us to stop them from being crazy and getting all their stupid ideas out there.
And we need to apologize for not manning up and putting our foot down.
This is our fault as much as theirs.
I think your lost friend. Seems to me reddit or tumblr is more your speed.
>Thats a meme you dumb ass
This is right though.
How much of this is due to jewery?
Because women are useful idiots. They vote for the most liberal candidate in which a chance every time.
>Get called out on being a fat fuck who doesn't have the spine or strength to change anything in his society
All this "enlightenment" and you'll never do anything with it.
Women are the privileged sex. Said privileges include not being accountable for their actions, while also passing the blame onto men. Never forget we live in a very gynocentric society.
Eh I don't know just make up a number.
blame melanin
Ahahaha where did you get the impression I was fat? Because I'm posting on Sup Forums and American? Could say the same to you stupid ass hole.
You don't know what I've done, for all you know I'm fucking Hitler incarnate. Tell you what though, maybe get back to your safe space drum circle, you'd be less triggered there. Let the adults discuss the fall of western society in peace.
>This same image.
>This same thread.
What the fuck are we supposed to do? Like, I get what you're saying, but one man cannot a resistance make.
The rest of the USA is convinced that white males are the problems and even f that isn't true, the media will sure portray that as truth.
Just look at charlottesville. One man inadvertently kills a a white woman, yet days later, multiple Muslim attacks occur and people are still talking about white supremacy.
I don't know what it's going to take for people to wake up, but it's not going by to be a few people from Sup Forums.
Again, thousands of people use this site at varying times of the day. I know you want to think it's allllll one person, but it's not.
Just sit in the pub have a pint and wait for it to all blow over
you're a retard if you think the momentary comfort and lack of responsibility that living without children brings is worth the lack of fulfillment longterm. Hedonism may work today, tomorrow, and next year but look at anyone over 40 without children and the general rule will demonstrate all too clearly the path that lies ahead of you. Even while conceding overpopulation it's important to consider who is rearing the next generation and what values humanity will shift to hold. If you can't understand that we exist to procreate and want to be a genetic dead end then that is your business, but to be snide about it and deny any merit to procreation is to admit that you and your partner aren't having children because you may as well be old children yourselves.
This is the attitude that lost you that empire your always reminding us of. Grow some balls Nigel.
>Why are men always the ones to blame for society's downfall?
There fixed it for you.
Great flick.
Bring back slutshaming, let women know worn out cumdumpsters are useless to society
Legalize prostitution so women have to provide more than sex in a relationship
Quit glorifying single motherhood
Emphasize feminine ideals as housewife, mother and domestic goddess
>the lack of fulfillment longterm.
This might be an alien concept for you and your ilk, but not everyone gains fulfilment from raising children.
It's symptomatic of what is essentially an existential societal collapse, but these articles are written to incite a response out of you.
Stop consuming buzz content and commercial thinkpieces.
>we exist to procreate
Spoken like a true animal whos only goal in life is to breed
You're bloody well biologically wired to, and the percentage of people who don't feel anything for their children is inflated by immature assholes who've been conditioned by society to avoid growing up and taking on responsibility for anything more than their own instant gratification. If you haven't had a kid then you do not know how your brain is affected chemically by the damn thing.
It's not a one size fits all solution for fulfillment, but it is a path with great potential for it in the pointless oblivion of existence and it doesn't need to have its merits downplayed or smeared to discourage first world people from doing it. I mean just look at the cultures who aren't procreating. Do they really get a sense of superiority from opting out of continued existence?
>domestic goddess
Fuck off, that's some of the most beta shit I've ever heard. Are you gonna do everything they tell you and be a good little slave?
>Emphasize feminine ideals as housewife, mother
>is inflated by immature assholes who've been conditioned by society to avoid growing up and taking on responsibility for anything more than their own instant gratification.
>if you don't want kids then you're an immature asshole who needs to grow up
Honestly fucking kill yourself, faggot
White mans burden user
I sure as hell see nobody making the effort to spread any of this outside of Sup Forums.
women's natural MO for getting anything done is either:
-bitching to get a man to solve her problem
-using her vagina like a carrot dangled in front of a rabbit to get men to do shit
add to this that women are perpetually unsatisfied and will always take a mile when you give them an inch
>Want women to contribute to society
>Promote feminine things like being a housewife
>Shame single mothers, the hardest working women
This is the logic of someone who desperately wants to get laid. Too bad the only way that would happen is if the government gave him a wife in a box.
most men don't even run their own households
If you set up a bear trap and a bear gets stuck, is the bear a dumbass animal or are you an evil oppressor? And you act like there are no men whose only goal in life is to take, and take, and take.
Becuase women share more. That's why everything you see on the internet, from headlines to the slug for Facebook thumbnails, is written not just from a women's POV but in a woman's voice.
>whites already a global minority are being outbred and killed off in places like south africa
>heh thats good we need less people
>meanwhile China and India exist making up billions of "people"
Go fuck yourself
Worthless roasty detected.
Spotted the boomer. Die already you sack of shit.
Because men ARE responsible. Women do nothing but Mimic their surroundings and act on primal insticicts. If men would have kept them in check they wouldn't be like they are now. Every downfall to a society is weak men letting women do what they want
It's you're responsibility to not pay any mind to the "queen bee" type of women and instead get a subservient qt wife that will bear you children that you can raise to be like you (a strong man) and the daughters to be subservient future wives. Only the ultiment Chad or Slayer can get the queen bee to bow down to him. Also when all the non chads stop paying attention to the queen bees they are knocked down a peg when the beta orbiters stop orbiting
im not calling the women smart or dumb for using their natural assets to get men to do things for them. You could easily argue they're smart for doing so and the men are just tools.
obviously there are manipulative men out there too but it isn't engraved in their DNA in general to the extent it is in women. The vagina is an extremely powerful asset
also post your tits whore
>In a monogamous romantic relationship
>doesn't want children
I completely understand not wanting children, I never want children either. But why the relationship? That just fails every cost-benefit analysis
Watch the logic
1. There is a market demand for articles where one gender can lay the blame for all their problems at the foot of the other gender
2. There is a difference in the reaction to these types of articles between genders
Man who sees an article where women blame men for everything: "Meh", closes window, stops going to that website
Woman who sees article where men blame women for everything: rrrREEEEE THIS IS SEXIST RAPIST MISOGYNISTIC SUE SUE SUE
3. So you wind up with the situation we have now. There's a market for both types of articles. However, anti-man articles appear in more mainstream publications, where anti-woman articles appear in more edgy publications that don't have to worry as much about the bottom dollar.
>obviously there are manipulative men out there too but it isn't engraved in their DNA in general to the extent it is in women.
Your phenomenology is backwards, friend. Anyone who's treated like royalty for simply existing will get it in their mind that they're entitled to it.
You are the one who has it engraved in his DNA to serve women, to put them on a pedestal.
>only stupid people have kids now
Therefore, in the distant future, there will only be stupid people.
>pic related
because women can do no wrong
it's the current year, sexist. get with the times.
Women who don't think they'll want kids when they get older are obviously stupid.
What nobody tells you is that even as men, as your prime years past you by, inexorably speeding towards your own twilight, you'll start to wonder what the point of it all was.
And you will despair.
>It´s never womens fault
pls go with your gynocentrism, i can´t hear this anymore.
women give birth to 100% of all murderers, rapists, pedos, homos, and retards.
"but but but raising them to be functional adults is the mans job"
then stop divorce raping them and taking their kids away
>Need less people on the planet
Unironically shoot yourself if you think that's true
beta male coward