How Do We Take Down Google?

>pushes sodomy, transgenderism, feminism, and mass migration
>anti-gun (Hickok 45)
>anti-conservative (de-monetizing channels)
>collects enormous amounts of data on your daily life via Google Maps, Gmail, search engine, Android OS, etc….
>Gives data to NSA and law enforcement even when it violates the constitution
>make videos like this

It’s pretty obvious that Google is an evil company and is an enemy of everyone who doesn’t want to live a life of degeneracy, sickness, servitude, and stupidity. How can we take them down, Sup Forums? Is it even possible? They are in nearly every aspect of our daily lives and yet they are one of our worst enemies. So far I’ve found these strategies to be helpful:

>use protonmail
>use a different search engine
>try to use bitchute when possible
>disallow as much data going to Google as possible from your Android phone

What else can we do?

tell normies and gently ease them away from the botnet
I got my Dad and all his boomer friends to start using ublock origin and firefox
obviously not the best but every little bit helps

Not use the internet.

The guy mentions joining the NRA and supporting gun rights every other episode.

You can't

Tech companies/social media are in control, and we will all live out our lives and die with them still being in control

They shut down his channel for a while and de-monetized him. Hickock himself is great, Google is his enemy though.

That's fucked up.

Exactly what I'm saying. Fuck Google and I just found out about adnauseam. Everyone should download that bros. It fucks Google right up the asscrack.

Don't forget teaching kids to masturbate.

Mozilla + adnauseam

Not if you murder everyone.

>implying Mozilla isn't run by a bunch of liberal cucks too


>how to take down google?
Your asking the wrong questions, you need to start asking why isnt your government doing more to block jew run sites and remove jews from your population.

All your efforts will fail as long as the jew rat remains.

Moonman making lot of sense here.

mask status: removed

They need to use palemoon
Firefox is marxist

>implying it still isn't better than chrome

Don't put words in my mouth to save face.


bumppity bump bump.

We meme an anti trust legislation action into existence. We break big tech monopolies by forcing them to open their APIs. That would allow you total control over your account from another platform. Gab, for example could use Twitter's API to allow you to follow, like, comment, etc, posts of everyone you follow on Twitter but see it and do it all on Gab.

Google, as far as their products, isn't a big problem outside of YouTube. The government should force YouTube to make an API that allows third parties to create unbiassed video recomenders. This would be an API that gave you the tags, audience retention rates, and the user's watch history for its algorithms. No more shadow banned videos. These third party platforms should also sell to advertisers scared of right wing YouTube.

I hope somebody out there is reading and understanding this instead of lobbying for regulation.
There should only be these forced open APIs for the big three; Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube just to open the markets up again. No fucking over-regulated mess like the government has done to every single other industry.

That's the product side. As for the insides we must break up this diversity hire bullshit. I like James Damore and his whole thing but the attack should be on the lack of any evidence non-whites don't have tech jobs because of racism and sexism. MAKE THEM PROVE millions of thots and shitskins can't get hired because of discrimination. DON'T ARGUE BEHAVIORAL PSYCHOLOGY WITH SJWs.

Just fill up popular searches with bullshit
Destroy the popular results that are suggested with absolute garbage

Excellent thread OP.

Like all metadata i tend to fuck around with them.

I dont use them at all except for trolling. Search from random garden tools, phrases in Swahili, Etruscan pottery, then just randomly bashing the keyboard.

Also I search for 'Qatar blue ladybird steak' every time I'm on there. If another of you fuckers could do the same, even just once from a different IP I'd really appreciate it.