Jews didn't fuck the world, women did
Jews didn't fuck the world, women did
Other urls found in this thread:
Women let them
Jordan Peterson is a pseudo-intellectual
No, Jews did
Adam, Eve, and the Jew Snake.
>Jordan Peterson is a pseudo-intellectual
and you're a muslim
Not Jews or women--femininity, a quality which can be attributed to both groups. When lunar decadence overtakes solar virility, the world is in a phase of darkness.
Men allowed women to vote.
It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of race-less, culture-less, nation-less, identity-less subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.
In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the present and past in that effort.
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:
Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
It was BOTH
You are doing great work, user.
Women are literally useful idiots in their entirety. Funny how they are discouraged from being proper mothers while their motherly instincts are taken advantage of to form welfare states.
The majority of white women voted for Trump. The "women ruined everything meme" is a plot to turn men against women and make less babies
Jewish communists were at the spearhead of the feminists movements that led to the female vote. Because women overwhelmingly vote for leftist ideas and increase of state power, which has already led to over a hundred million deaths.
I agree that JP is a pseud. But that tweet is true. Google presuppositional apologetics.
Women are vectors for Satan to unleash his poison, just as he used Eve as a vector to influence Adam.
It's basically Satan working through Jews working through women.
Weak cucks like you that can't control your own women did.
Digits confirm.
whats the difference?
*Jewish women
>supporting Trump
You aren't white, you stupid fucking potato nigger.
Jews are the ones saying we should take known terrorist refugees into every western country. They promote all of the worst problems with their media (mass immigration, lgbt activism, race mixing of the goy, feminism, etc)
Women are complicit in these things now, but they used to be rightfully enslaved in the kitchen where they made sandwiches and had children. It was the kike who (((freed)))) them.
Jews helped
a lot
CNN promotes all of the worst problems destroying western society. They are almost entirely kikes. How are they not responsible again? lol
man up, it's your fucking fault
Women do what white men allow them to
I was just going to post this. See? They even created feminism. How are they not 100% of the problem?
Even satanist are better people.
They didn't create feminism, that was wealthy Anglo women who thought all men were privileged like their rich and powerful husbands.
That's why they had no problem demanding the vote while shaming men into signing up to die in a trench for a few feet of land in northern France
look here :
Honestly, I think it's about time that we found a way of meeting all of our needs without relying on women. They're really much too difficult to deal with. Bros make the best hoes.
How do you explain the infographic? How come that list a large majority of them that are Jewish?
Can you please post one that shows more women who aren't? You want to be the hero? Compile the list that proves they aren't all Jewish and more of them were not. Thanks.
The Jews got involved in 2nd wave feminism. 1st wave was Christian women.
Look up the white feather campaign and don't be glib
Why does he suggest God is that axiom upon which all proofs are derived? Why not some other axiom?
expel kikes : advice
That doesn't explain why right now, in the modern era, they are most of the movement. I beg of you, please prove they are not the modern movement?
How is that glib? People like you need to step up and create something more. I guarantee you that 100% of current debates have that image with all the Jewish women posted.
then why aren't women in control of all the money? you can't fuck the world without it
A FUCKING MEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Women didn't create and implement the central banks.
FUCKING MOON !!!!!!!!!
>shitting out ugly babies where you eat
gross, that's what the basements are for.
Jews, woman, weak mens and niggers(Subhuman brown turds or anything that comes from Africa and Arabs countries) ruined the worlds.
>eating in the kitchen
3,727 synagogues in the United States alone... each of them having one or more Rabbi. Many more in the EU. So what this image is telling me is that a minority of Rabbis support this.
That's a start. But what is the minority exactly? How does that compare to other religions?
It's like how NASA never counters conspiracy theorist. I can find 10,000 arguments about why the moon missions are fake, like the opposite is non-existent. Understand why these messages win? Are you getting it yet?
Is there just a lack of motivation in the left to create such counter-arguments? Or is it something more? I suppose you'd all want me to choose the first one, right?
I never said they weren't part of the movement dumbshit
See you just resorted to Antifa tactics. Insults right? Should I insinuate you'd be swinging a bike lock as well?
This is why you are losing the culture war.
Wake up.
>Zero understanding of dank suppositions
>t. Brainlet leaf
Audible kek.
What are you even talking about? I don't disagree with you on anything and you're throwing some hissy fit over a misunderstanding. I never said Jews weren't involved in feminism today. I never said Jews weren't involved in feminism period. I pointed out 1st wave feminism and you take it every which way.
You guessed right. There is a lack of motivation to counter gish gallop.
If you had so much faith in each one of the 10,000 arguments you can make up on the spot... you would maintain accountability for them when they're proven wrong. Each and every time. Then only come back with a complete theory that makes sense.
This is true.
He's a Christ cuck
jews made men let women vote. It is jew's fault first, men's fault second, and women's fault third.
> Jews didn't fuck the world, women did
I wonder what made you come to that conclusion.
>Sony, Youtube and Cartoon Network starting going downhill after electing women to be President of the company
This is the exact reason why feminists have been making such a big fuss over equal pay instead of just working for other women
jewish women fucked the world
They are Muhammad-cucks. Literally a religion made by a man who stole their daughters, sisters, wives and fucked them.
jewcucks, literally a religion that devolved into satanism
yeah but jews were behind feminism, checkmate nigger
No, you are victim blaming.
The people behind the corruption and manipulation of women are the jews.
Instead of blaming the source of the problem (Jews), you are blaming the dumb, manipulated creature (women).
Because other axioms would simply fill the same role, whatever they held specifcally. First we must establish that metaphysics is essential, then we can debate its nature.
you are the part of the problem