Was ancient Sparta a feminist paradise?

Was ancient Sparta a feminist paradise?

>Beta males were killed at birth
>Women married much later in life than in other Greek City-States
>Could legally initiate divorce and still keep wealth and children
>Didn't have to do domestic work because they had Helots
>Could sleep-around with older Spartans while husbands were off fighting wars
>If husband died in combat, the woman would inherit his property and wealth
>Since women controlled large amounts of wealth, they could manipulate politicians
>Cuckoldry was encouraged as older Spartans would offer their wives to younger warriors in order to produce superior offpsring

Gibs me dem sources

No, since it was not communist society.

Plutarch and Aristotle

>what are helots

Something that they would not need, since society would provide under communism.


I misread the post, I thought you said

"No, since it was a communist society"

>women were always disloyal and opportunistic

It seems things never change

The Athenians were smart, they taught their women not to socialize with young men they weren't married to.

Yes, the ancient Spartans were cucks. This is well documented.

>Believing an Athenian on anything
Wew, next you'll be telling me heavier objects fall faster

There is no such thing as a feminist paradise. Women are perpetually unsatisfied and will continually move the goalpost

Yeah Sparta was a shit society to live in

Unironically this. Women need to be subjugated, sometimes violently or else they cause a lot of interpersonal and societal problems.

It was eugenics paradise I very much admire.
Pros: European, good longevity and health in family, highly intelligent, well off financially, 181 cm, mildly athletic
Cons: no significant cons except for cold calculating mentality
Pros: European, high longevity, highly intelligent, well off financially, 183cm, sport friendly lifestyle
Cons: can be obnoxious
>Cuckoldry was encouraged as older Spartans would offer their wives to younger warriors in order to produce superior offpsring
That's not cuckoldry. Not all genes are worth passing. Not all good and excellent genes are equally worth passing. Racial prosperity is above personal matters. Mine genes are rather good: 90+ longevity, no mental health record, physically fit family, high intelligence and proper professions for the last two hundred years. Probably better than 85% of Europeans. But if someone with genius IQ and history of 110+ longevity pops up, why shouldn't my wife get pregnant from him to better out race, for example? They should be not allowed to bred and to raise kids. To pass their genes should be a privilege of the few best suited to pass them and if you have to raise a kid from a man with literally superior genes, then you should have genetics considered worthy by the ministry of eugenics in the first place.
TL;DR - it's not enough to breed with their women, because your good genetic gift will be tainted with cuck "father". Only lesser alpha should raise kids of superior alpha. Like we wuz Spartans
t. dad of two kids of his own and three from other men

>But if someone with genius IQ and history of 110+ longevity pops up, why shouldn't my wife get pregnant from him to better out race,
Because it's YOUR WIFE and you'd be raising another man's kid you cuck.

didn't Plato also talk about the Spartans?

But the quality of national and racial genetics goes up

then he can have multiple children with his own wife instead of ruining the family lives of everyone else.

How is it a ruin if it's consensual and children are of the same race

>tfw 4 living grandparents aged 102,101, 96,94
>tfw 6'4 blonde hair blue eyed
>tfw iq 144 (actually tested)
when do i get to fuck your wife?

if we are being serious, she would need to talk with you, and if all data confirms - go ahead

send me her pics, youre paying airfare too btw

[email protected]

Someone from Russia, please kill this guy.


what kind of email is that? what do you do for a living and where approx in USA do you live? we were going to visit Orlando and Miami in two month

a throw away, investment banking, nyc


I meant the weird name of your mail service. I'll ask her if she's interested in a hookup. We will be in FL for a month or so. If it goes smooth - just come over for fucking

I'm going to be straight here. I am a cuckold, but I am also a white nationalist. I believe that whites have contributed more to humanity than any other race, space travel, anti-biotics the list goes on. But when it comes down to it, blacks are just better at fucking. Theres no shame in admitting this. There is no shame in admitting that despite the infinite intellectual and moral superiority of the white race, black cock is just better at pleasing women.
The reason white women are turning from the cause and running to niggers is simply because they are not being sexually satisfied. Can you blame them? If you dont get enough to eat at home youre going to go out to eat. The only way to save the white race from miscegenation is cuckolding. My pure white wife is my angel, the apple of my eye. And I want nothing but the best for her. So every friday she gets to fuck a big black cock. And our relationship goes on like normal. We love each other, and plan on having a child soon. She also shares my red pilled beliefs.
Monogamy is a tool of the jew. Just give it a chance once. Its exhilarating. Theres something deeply majestic about watching a toned muscular black stud going in and out of a beautiful white woman. Try it once.

i need pics old boy, dont call me till shes ovulating

we are not old, larpy fuck. unde thirty. I need to talk with her about sending anything. The best solution for you - is to visit our place in Miami
>stale shit tier pastas

>big dicks
Pick one

>honey i have a 6'4 aryan bull with an 8x6 inch cock that going to breed you
not much to talk about, ill wait another 10 mins then im out cuck

ps old boy is like lad or mate

Sparta was very feminist. They often left the women to make the choices as the men were always busy.

"Only Spartan women give birth to men" -Queen of Sparta

>exceptionally big
That will take some time, no homo. She's at her mom's with kids, I'll see her tomorrow evening

>not having group sex at the beach house in Miami with young hot fit Russians in 2017

Nice VPN

>mfw degeneracy will be purged during the Day of the Rope

sparta was a slave society, and a socialist dump..

Serious answer: Being a Spartan woman was the best case scenario for females in the ancient world, on account of their education and unprecedented level of freedom.

Don't romanticize Sparta though, it was an absurdly hellish society, even for the VERY few (never more than about 8000 men) lucky enough to be born full citizens.

Elderly women having children ruins good genetics

This is some faggy fucking pasta

So a feminist paradise then.

sparta is an example of national feminism which is the only type of feminism that works and isn't self destructive

u wot m8

Sparta also quickly met its demise

My favorite little tidbit from the Sparta page on Wikipedia:

>When Philip created the league of the Greeks on the pretext of unifying Greece against Persia, the Spartans chose not to join, since they had no interest in joining a pan-Greek expedition unless it were under Spartan leadership. Thus, upon the conquest of Persia, Alexander the Great sent to Athens 300 suits of Persian armour with the following inscription: Alexander, son of Philip, and all the Greeks *except the Spartans*, give these offerings taken from the foreigners who live in Asia [emphasis added].


include me in the screencap desu

pet commies

in your pathetic interpretation of feminism as something that means women fuck successful men rather than you, yes

you go to such greath lengths to preserve European genepool while some slut gets knocked up by three niggers in a row. If you find someone with a higher intellect you should still procreate, it should be the dumbest ones that shouldnt.

and then Alexander the "Great" ruined it all anyways by encouraging faggotry and racemixing

Unfortunately it's quite the opposite nowadays as the dumber people take less factors into consideration. It makes interaction for them much easier as they are blissfully unaware.

We Muslims are the real geniuses

>Boitians and Barbarians
This guy knows.
I was reading based Xenophon and he doesn't say anything like that.
Men took their wives by "raping" them.
But if a woman fought off her attacker he could no longer pursue her.

>tfw to intelligent and genetically superior to not raise other men's children

No one talks about breeding more autists via 35+ sows
"People" like that won't exist soon enough. If anything, it's good that inferior bloodlines are getting terminated.

It was a Greek gay shithole run by wh*Te subhumans

It's not, because a feminist paradise, ie a hypergamist paradise, is literally unachievable. Not hard, it's LITERALLY impossible. It's the same corporations who expect infinite growth. Infinite competition between males for more and more "better men" cannot be achieved, because constant struggle and conflict will never result in progress. Periods of peace and corporation between men are required for any progress to be made, and most of these men tend to be selected against by women, because they're not hyper aggressive, confident, social, and very physical. Female sexuality is the antithesis of civilization.

Those fucking Nazis

found the feminist cuck

That's the Hellenic-Slavic spirit of eugenic progress

Strong women breeds even stronger men! Think a little.

Is that why our prisons are full of men raised by "strong" single mothers?

plutarch was not athenian, he's boeotian

>Cuckoldry was encouraged as older Spartans would offer their wives to younger warriors in order to produce superior offpsring

lol wtf? why would the age of the man matter? only the age of the woman matters for bearing children.

The thing lost on you retards in the whole "women are MUH brood mares" is that you can't actually reproduce without women. Women with NAMES.

Sure you could bang 1,000 slaves and have 1,000 bastards, but that meant NOTHING in the negotiations of Fathers who were kings.

Women knew "feminism" from the beginning. While you half-wits are in bantz about whether Cleopatra was a KANGZ or not, you missed her whole story of playing the fuck out of the Romans.

This is like the threads thinking GAME OF THRONES, a medieval set fantasy is "pushing incest." It's pushing history that isn't palatable.

Dig deep enough and you'll find out Spartans loved to fuck boys. Samurai's liked to fuck boys, the Mongols, the Persians, the Germans all liked to fuck boys.

Dan Carlin had a great line, where he said if any of us could time travel to ancient times in any part of the world we'd ask: "What's with all the incest and pedophilia?"

It was the norm for barbarians. Because those people didn't know where the sun went at night.

niggers and mestizos you see. Eugenics don't work well with subhumans

>you can't actually reproduce without women. Women with NAMES.
You don't need to know their names to impregnate them, faggot.

Because Ancient peoples didn't understand how genetics worked.


And people call Christians cucks.

You think "those" women are strong? More like DUMB AS FUCK!!!!!!! Think a little.

>tfw more smarter and more peniser for not up big man little man

Fix the it for (You)

Your eugenics paradise was the work of old sows
They killed the wrong retards

Don't be so gloomy. After all it's not that awful. Like the fella says, in Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love - they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock.

Are you talking about food?


>hard times create strong men
I can't wait until the USA gets its savior

The way Germany got theirs? Face it, our only hope is Mars. Do your part and buy a tesla

Christians are fucking cucks. Behind every dysgenic aid program or tolerance camp you will find a Christian cross

>anti-racist universalist jewish cult
>not cucked

>Is a cuck

I'm disappointed ,"""""""Russian"""""

That sounds like some Latino drug lord's rant before he executes the traitors or when he shows off around his castle k

Sparta s a poorly organised collectivist society where the aristocrats were distracted by soldiering instead of being ambitious hoarders of wealth. Sparta is incapable of innovation because it never allowed or valued it. Sparta is a civilisation dead end.


Ancient Sparta was a ruthless/insane super-masculine homosexual-pedophile society. Females were almost hated and were separated from man so not to infect the males with their femininity

Are you a trap?

Their homosexual super-masculinity was bad. Shit...pedophilia was considered the only normal form of sexual relationship! The kid was introduced into super-masculine homosexuality by an old warrior.

Sick shit. Ancient Sparta was one of the most degenerate societies that ever existed.

>>Cuckoldry was encouraged as older Spartans would offer their wives to younger warriors in order to produce superior offpsring
What does that even fucking mean? Do human pass on age in the genes?

are society is too feminized so it never occured to you that the opposite can happen

there need to be a balance, not an equal balance, should be majority masculine. but a feminine influence is needed. it's also hard to understand that since todays females are pretty far from feminine ideal. just as todays men are mostly far from the masculine ideal. including you probably, do you even lift?

How come the Greeks are the only ancient civilisation that has multiple different perspectives?

When people refer to the Greeks they often specify specific city states, where as with Roman history they just specific Rome as a whole.

Why is this the case?

boy you are ignorant about Telomer

Why are canadian men so obsessed with BBC like mine? That's gay son.

Because no greek city state conquered all the other city states. They formed alliances and made colonies, even philip of macedon couldn't be bothered conquering sparta. United greece doesn't occur in ancient history.

Absolutely. They took masculinity to such an extreme that they started to love only man and took woman-hating to an almost religious level.

Again...sick shit.

Because the Ancient Greek city-states were fragmented under different rulers while the Roman Republic/Empire was united under one government.


Most of Europe's pre-equality countries were feminist paradises. Feminists were fucking retarded and didn't see how much power and privilege they had as women so they strived to become weaker men.

>be born in whatever family
>still have chance to get married with a nobleman if one takes interest in you
>only thing you have to learn and do is menial tasks and giving birth
>manipulate your man/multiple men from behind the scenes without risking your life to achieve goals

It was a different type of power, sure, but it was still effective. Nowadays women still can't do shit on their own, so what was the point? They only have power through the daddy government system which works just like less effective husband.