Antifa beats down mexican Trump supporter and a kid on Berkeley
No one cares, you killed a person. Alt right is dead and people will sympathize with Antifa.
>Alt right is dead
>people will sympathize with Antifa
delusional. people hate both sides because you're both the same garbage.
stupid people, yes maybe
Rly made me think, remember when you bombed american streets and shiet? Remember when you allowed abortion, took prayer from schools, fagged the males, whored the females, destroyed families, had communist terrorism all around the world, and tried to nuke america trough cubans?
Remember how you almost nuked america trough cubans? One dead girl, is not enough to legitimize communism.
Just wait until Antifa kills more people. Gonna be one bloody winter.
these people are going to regret making white people chimpout
Shane Bauer
stop spamming.
You guys killed a hundred million people.
If you kill your enemies, they win?
Will be funny to watch the left try to sweep it under the rug by making the both sides argument
Who is this twitter faggot and why is he shitting up our board by making a thread for each of his fucking tweets?
what do u mean "more"...
They will never report on it. And if no one reports on it then leftists will deny it ever happened, even with the proof staring them in the face
Sup Forums is currently 1:3, shill per legit poster ratio. This place is infected!
Literally no one will care if a Nazi gets killed. Most of America will cheer it on. They wish we took it a step further and got revenge in Charlottesville the vast majority of this country. Antifa is going to win in the fight against fascism, everyone will unite with us.
No one died.
No one died.
The kike media has already ignored multiple attempted murders by their libshit puppets, and multiple deaths caused by their nigger pets.
You'll never hear the truth from a jew, and if someone is telling you the truth the jew will find some way to shut it down.
you guys shot a senator
>calling Trump supporters nazis despite no evidence
>cheering on Antifa committing violence on US citizens
>being this politically illiterate
wew keep it up retards. You're guaranteeing a massive Republican win in 2020 and hopefully by then Trump has the people's support to purge you traitors from the US.
this is bait right? no one can be this delusional, right?
You are delusional. Antifa are scumbags and puppets for the elites. Nobody will support you. You had the whole MSM shilling for you and people still hate you.
Normies will never support commies and you are going to be dragged to jail kicking and screaming.
kek at his shirt
Good, edgy faggot with the Pinochet shirt deserved it.
ANTIFA attack Mexicans and Negroes
They're racist
Actually, yeah. A lot of people use this as an excuse. Not even just far leftists. Normies use this to excuse Antifa violence. That faggot fucked things up.
Sad that the police are willing to listen to political mayors who order them to stand back and not to maintain law and order. Soon someone will come with an assault weapon and mass kill.
Idiots like you think anyone that disagrees with you is a Nazi, therefore, I am sure if you kill perceived Nazis, people will care.
Both "sides" are trash. If you have the time to go "protest" in the streets and aren't prepared to defend yourself to the death you deserve whatever happens.
Never Trust a Jew. To other minorities, the Jews use you for their own parasitic ends. If you turn against the Talmudic poison then their Antifa storm troopers will gang assault you
Fuck I despise Jews
>both sides are trash
>one side is going out in massive mobs and attacking anyone who disagrees with them while also burning shit and destroying property
>the other group whines a lot and just wants to speak in the open
>thinks that was real
Oooh boy
i live in a "leftie" state, i havent heard anything about it. and most people around here know antifa are a voilent group that have the media on their side
Sup Forums is a white nationalist board. We don't care what happens to mexishits.
>Same shitposter from other thread
>Still think it won't be called out for a faggot shill
D- for this shitpost session, faggot.
Same shitpost from the other thread. You should change flags more often, we can smell you from discord, faggots.
I'm so tired of these mask wearing little bitches. Come meet my AR15 commies
just like those blacks that kidnapped and tourted a white guy wasnt a hate crime.
Bait them towards the police and don't fight them you fucktards. Its what they want.
This Fat Pig seemed to be in all the action today pretty sure the pig is a BAMN Leader...
>you killed a person
It was a fat chick, not a person. Check your privilege
Any person who attacks a child deserves to be lined up against the wall and shot.
These people are scum who SHOULD NOT EXIST.
looks more Gringo to me. its your problem now.
You're delusional if you think the average American supports you assholes. Media slant is the only reason you've had a modicum of success in the public eye. It won't take long for them to wise up to your absolute foulness.
this entire board is nothing but bait
The meme wars were fought online, not in the middle of the most pozzed town in the nation. Why are these fags doing this?