This is a McDonald's in Sweden
Notice anything?
This is a McDonald's in Sweden
Notice anything?
No nignogs?
no male staff?
They're not in bikinis? murilard films always portrayed Swedish girls in bikini.
I have seen this thread like 500 times over the last 4+ years, exact same words every time.
I swear to fucking christ there are real life organizations just spamming the same fucking threads here for years on end, I don't fucking understand why though.
One way or another, they got back into the kitchen.
Yeah, sweeds get the worst jobs
They're all women. Oh wait that's entry level jobs everywhere
>just get a job at McDonalds whilst AA is so intense white men can't get jobs
See how this doesn't work when they're still prioritised here?
Don't worry, it'd look like Detroit in Malmo.
do you think they'll swipe me right on happn?
>Notice anything?
No man allowed to work there, women doing the kitchen stuff, haha patriarchy win again
Mexico is the fattest country in the world you dumb spic. Go back to watching your fat hairy wife getting fucked by a donkey
I glanced at the top left and I got scared because I thought it was a muslim. But it was just a woman with her back turned.
I'll take the one second from the right and the one kneeling down in the white t-shirt as potential candidates for my SS breeding program.
All the staff are QT 3.14's?
it's just autistic loners with a small ambition to MKULTRA us, eventually new/summerfags pick it up and continue the tradition
Just like the captchas, it is a bot attempting to learn by compiling human responses.
only snow niggers
Haha, that's funny OP because that's actually a McDonald's in Poland.
and reason is to 'prove nothing is up in Sweden' all the while sandniggers are causing havoc.
Inshallah they are not wearing burqa. May Allah strike them at the neck.
Been here 4 years and you still dont know its the mods/janitors who are partly responsible for spamming threads? Took me about 6 months to figure that out.
A gorillion front staff. They usually only got 2-3 at mine.
Poles have black hair though
Yeah I notice something. Y'all motherfuckers just have cubbies full of sauce. Give me all the hot mustard and nobody gets hurt
Another broken stereotype, Your films told me that obese people were jolly and yet you niggers are always in a shit mood.
Single moms trying to make (ends) meat?
>same shitty copy pasta
>writing obviously in Polish in display
>stroking his cock to (you)s
sagee and ignor
yes, its a mcdonalds in austria.
we had the sweden week back then with the mc cuck menu as a best seller
snow niggers instead of actual niggers?
Theyre all blonde