Daily Stormer back up

While it lasts anyway...


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how long until it gets shoah'd?

I give it 12 hours

wow, jew site is back.

Who know - then there's the pic weirdness...

Oh btw that was gab.ai

It's not fucking jewish that's totally crazy.

Donate to these guys, goyim.

If they succeed in silencing them, the chans will be next.

oh hey so Bitmitigate actually exists

I archived your site before reporting it just to be a dick.



wot like we thought nobody was ever going to complain and now we're freaked out?

ayyy thanks friendo

how long before you run out of registrars and youre forced to retreat to something like zeronet which hasnt caught on in years and will likely never explode? your audience is being cut in half right before your eyes, and with it, your shekels. how mad kike?

yeah those albanians are really big on the jews
good thinking
mention that dailystormer hates jews some more
in case those albanians didn't get the message to come to the aid of their beloved jews

>acting tough because you realize you have no leg to even stand on any more


I'm not sure who "you" is, I'm not with Daily Stormer. I'm a reporter here. I'm sure there's a good chance this doesn't last and they're permanently shoah'ed because you people are backed by all the corporations and government establishment even though most of you think you're edge rebels because you have piercings and suck dicks and stuff.

>i-im not with the stormer tho! i..im just a reporter!


What's even supposed to be the troll here dum fuk?


you are


Daily Stormer: The Last Free e-Nation on Earth.



Bitmitigate is run by a 20 year old redpilled Asian American that retweeted several "unPC" twits on twitter.

>20 year old


Okay, I'm confused now.

Anglin is a literal Jew and the DS is a Deep State asset.

Typical Juif tactic of accusing anti-Juifs of being agents of the Juif occupational government. That garbage doesn't work anymore Juif. Start getting used to the idea that we are going to ship you back to Israel and give the Arabs and Iranians atom bombs so you all wipe each other out and we take over the oil and sand.

Well, if it was, then why did it get taken down in the first place? The Deep State would've just let it stay up after Charlotesville if they wanted to, before that Cloudflare didn't take down any websites for political reasons, hell, they let fucking ISIS sites stay up, I would really think the government would've let the Stormer stay up if it was really a honeypot.

>The Deep State would've just let it stay up after Charlotesville if they wanted to

Both ANTIFA and the Alt-Right are led and funded by Jews.
The goal is to eradicate white nationalism/National Socialism by portraying WN as stupid and dangerous, just like ANTIFA. First, the people call for ANTIFA to be banned and then White Nationalism. First, the people will call for edgy racist websites like the DS to get shut down and then actual white nationalist sites in general.

The kikes are presenting the problem AND the solution.

>King Abdullah agreed to give us a domain on one condition: that I marry his 16-year-old daughter, Fatima Abdullah Muhammed Bin Jihad, “in order to save her from a cursed life as a call center operative and stock photo model.”

Kek, gotta admit, Anglin has a decent sense of humour.

I already contacted their domain provider to see if they would remove the site
So I'm guessing it'll last by tomorrow at the latest

Okay I get it, you see sites like DS as more of a strawman and not just honeypots. I don't think so, someone like Richard Spencer fits the bill of controlled opposition far better than DS, he says autistic bullshit on the daily and he hasn't gotten his Twitter taken down.

In other words don't do any opposition at all because no matter what you do you are part of the JEW-lluminati "Thesis-Antithesis" system. That's brilliant! Don't do opposition and you will outsmart the Jews!

Your fear, uncertainty, doubt tactics aren't going to work, now that you've blown your load trying to get him banned.


Congratulations, you've just handed him credibility as a genuine political dissident.

In other words the Deep State has you all in an emotional frenzy. The stress levels our public is enduring is insane. We're threatened with civil war, ISIS, Jews, Globalists, Democrats, ANTIFA, BLM and etc. They have placed us in a hypnotic-like state where we think first with our emotions and intellect only second. Well, I'm calling you to think with your rational mind first and emotions later.

It is true: the Jews are playing both sides, ANTIFA and ALTRIGHT, as they always do. How to resist this? Stop taking their b8 for starters...

im not interested in your damage control. you arent addressing the actual claims so piss off.

Jews play both sides, user.

You know they keep signing up to registrars as a joke to bait the left into sperging out and writing e-mails/wasting their time, etc? You're being played.

>It is true: the Jews are playing both sides, ANTIFA and ALTRIGHT, as they always do. How to resist this? Stop taking their b8 for starters...

Go to NRO and be at peace

Ok, thanks for telling us, as if anyone didn't think a bunch of fucks were going to report the site as soon as they heard it was online.

whats the payoff? all the registrars become aware and blacklist them. i dont see a downside?


You will not replace us

Anglin is such a fuck-up.

*blocks you path*
leave the kikes to me


jews gonna jew

Fuck off. He explains everything in this video:


I'm not doing damage control; I don't have to anything.

You've given him credibility by trying to silence him.

It's as plain as day, and anyone can see it.

>he explains why he has an underage filipina girlfriend
lol no.

>when you attack your enemies they win
sure Justin

That's the whole point of the video. Watch it.

How is he a good front-figure for anything? A nazi who race-mixes, really?

>when you try to justify pedophilia and rce-mixing but you also want to be a white nationalist


>no context
He's speaking about what he did in the past.

>andrew brags about race mixing while simultaneously labeling white race mixing women as sluts and whores
>muh context tho!


>jew site
nobody has been more persecuted by the jews than andrew anglin.

Mossad&Co seem to have an army of trolls dedicated to attacking Anglin and Weev often by using female-like gossip about how they are this and that and they did this and that.

Most of us are not buying into that technique any longer. Daily Stormer FTW and may Anglin live happily with his new Algerian princess.

It's the white man's burden to fuck brown sluts you dumb apes. It isn't "race mixing." Only white females can be race mixers because they have the wombs to produce white children.

He's been completely open about being a former degenerate.

None of us are perfect. In fact, your attempted purity spiraling is immediately suspicious.

He did some bad shit in the past before he was involved in politics. So what?

They are not white?

>purity spiraling
LOL fuck off TRS. youre losing.

>in the past
>before politics
wrong. he was doing that shit while running DS. he's a jew and so are you.

The context is that white men can race mix all they want because it does nothing to reduce the white population level. White women can't because they are the rate limiting factor in white birth rate. For every niglet born to a white woman, that's a potential white kid who wasn't born.

It's always the same shit. Someone starts to achieve results and they immediately start to get attacked with female-like gossip.

Not working anymore.

neonazi math

King of Algeria offered Anglin the new domain only of he married his daughter. Anglin, being the lion that he is, agreed to this arrangement. He explains it here: dailystormer.al/daily-stormer-now-dawns-the-algerian-age/

>he was doing that shit while running DS
>no proof
Kill yourself.

what the fuck is "ureenfly"?
Why does he keep writing that?

you think white nationalist will agree? its fine for white guys to fuck blacks, arabs and others? you and i both know your cop-out doesnt fly. not here or anywhere else. youre left with simple damage control at this point. are you troubled by this? :)

>hes an actual jew
>who race mixes
>and a sex tourist for underage tang

the cult of personality is dying and youre losing.


If is was a UN-Globalist supporter i would also like a World full of 80 IQ brown hordes with no roots, identity and a believe in "something higher" than themselves. In short, i would like a World with no White (and Yellow) people.

This could mean a new political alliance between Algeria and Nigeria, since Anglin is in tight with the Nigerian military.

Racist nazis bringing peace and prosperity to Africa where liberals have failed for decades smdh

That stuff isn't real m8. The king of Algeria did not offer his daughter to Anglin.

I love him. He's a low key genius of propaganda and comedy

>linking a satirical website and thinking it's an accurate source of information
I'm afraid you might have autism.

>you think white nationalist will agree?
Yes? Unless they don't understand biology or are feminists (which I admit is a lot of white nationalists).

What the fuck are you talking about, yes he did.

>attacking the source but not the claims
videos are linked to, archives are linked to, photos are provided as proof. stay defeated


why dont you go make a thread and ask Sup Forums if its ok for white nationalists to fuck niggers and arabs? bet you wont ;)

Many negroes in South Africa lament that the White Supremacist government ended. Maybe Anglin and his African allies can assemble an army of racial-realist negroes that will conquer all of Africa and put White racists back in charge.


What claims? It's the same debunked shit you keep spamming on here.

I missed Anglin. Great sire.

what was debunked exactly and where? can you show us all?

LOL @ you

You obviously aren't aware the away he holds in Lagos. Why do you think BBC made the pidgin page? Because they needed counter-propaganda since Anglin's Nigerian Stormer was becoming too popular with the Nigerians.

Actions not words.

Actions, not claims.

You've just handed him moral authority as a genuine dissident by trying to kick him off the internet.

Your videos mean nothing, your actions mean EVERYTHING.

MisterMetokur was right about digitally assured destruction. If we're going to be fucked over and driven off the internet, we may as well advocate for the death of the entire open internet.

Watch the fucking video. How many times have I said this now?

>all the proof you provided doesnt mean anything!

LOL youre arguing like a retarded christian now! :)

Even Jared Taylor is fine with it dude

>Also, I sent her photo to Jared Taylor who without even a delicate pause rapidly exclaimed: “looks huwhite to me!”

>watch this video where anglin tries to cover up the fact that in previous videos he bragged about his underage girlfriend


Nobody believes that retarded lie when the jews gather every single organization to take them down.

>he's definitely not important g-goy, that's why we keep trying to shoah him
>also he's totally a JIDF agent :^)
Also, no one is ever good enough for them. Everyone up to and including Adolf Hitler himself has been a pawn of the Jews. No one has ever been a legitimate white advocate and no one right-wing has ever not worked for the Jews.

>jared taylor is ok with it too!
gee i wonder why, rabbi...

>no proof

Give me a legit source then.

That's literally the joke lmao

>a deep state asset
>more shut down than any website in the history of the internet, ever
>even Tor nodes shut down rendering it unreachable
Pick one or two.

Pay no attention to this Reddit roastie

Lel it's the prisma ilya gif

In one of his conferences an audience member asked him about the JQ and he essentially said that to remain credible you should only tackle one normie issue at a time, but that he is aware of it, and that it's kind of self evident once you understand race realism/white identity. I've never understood any hatred for this man. He is brilliant.