How did America become a German colony?

How did America become a German colony?

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Do these demographics even have any meaning in this day and age? Scandinavians, Germans, Irish, British; these are mostly variations on white people. Do these distinctions even affect their voting patterns in 2020-3?

largest german populations in lowest population areas. pioneers!

Also, how did Utah become a completely Anglo state?

We are all Americans drumpftard

Daynuhlt Klabrumpft BTFO

>tfw you realize there actually is a nigger belt

yeah, and it's in the South lol.

of course they have to fucking occupy all the nice areas

no you dummy
those areas resemble the rhineland
or at least they did

Add British, American, and any "Irish" who thinks they're from the Republic and the Bongolian would probably would double

>Also, how did Utah become a completely Anglo state?

Before WWI, Germans had an extremely high birth rate.

>tfw you live in the capital of nigger belt, Memfrica.

>MI demographics
When will Flint and Detroit be purged?

>Germany and German led America
We would have ruled the entire planet.

They all came to Pennsylvania because DUDE FARMLAND AND RELIGIOUS TOLERANCE LMAO then exploded westward whenever it got crowded.

They didn't listen to Ben Franklin.

America is already lead by a German user....

Bismarck, North Dakota was named that in order to attract German settlers to build the railroads. Guess it fucking worked haha

In the late 1800's New York was the 3rd largest German speaking city n the world (behind Berlin and Vienna)

Germans were a well respected group.

Then WWI happened and overnight America hated Germans with a passion.

america is german clay.
when do you niggers give it back?
you wanna repeat the danzig incident?

and yet the most commonly spoken language in Illinois (after spic) is Polish. Germans get cucked by poles at home and abroad lol

Because Germany was a chaotic shithole that was in constant internal stife untill the late 1800s so lots of Germans emigrated to get away from it.

If Trump increases European immigration with the RAISE act I'd expect the same thing will happen again only with Slavs coming here instead.

in early 1990's we got a bunch of russians and ukrainians, in late 1990's we got yugoslav niggers. I wonder if Poles will come here now, since they like Trump and USA so much compared to their neighbors

They probably would along with other Right Wing Europeans escaping the migrant crisis. Trump wants to increase European/Anglo immigration via the Raise act. Plus if we make sure a tax plan that benefits white families happens not to mention ending birthright citizenship and deport all illegals using a 1 million man ICE team as well as Importing White South Africans and Zimbabweans. America could become around 80% white at the most in a couple generations. Spics are only growing because of immigration along with Asians. If arrivals from the third world were to be cut they would shrink drastically. States above 75% white would also have their white percentages increase because of it. The Mestizo/Hispanic Birth Rate is already declining the only reason it's still growing is because of immigration/birthright citizenship. Cutting third world migration, ending birthright citizenship along with other key things listed here will make their population in this country collapse.

I think the White population will grow more in the US because of this.

Germany has far more people than any European country and speaks the parent language of English.

>and yet the most commonly spoken language in Illinois (after spic) is Polish
because germans know how to integrate. they follow the rules of the country

> Germans get cucked by poles at home and abroad lol

no. we cuck THEM. everyone in the EU is a german puppet. we are currently trying to piss them off so much till they do something stupid. then we can sefely invade them ("free them of facism") and no one will object. no one actually likes pooland in the EU btw.

That white "Other" in Pennsylvania is Polish

I don't know why the Chicago Poles just move to that county. It's literally a second Poland. It's even shaped like the country as well.

Germans settled flyover country. No wonder those regions of America are so worthless.

California and Texas are Mexican Majority shitholes.

My area has always had european immigration, but it's mostly old people coming to live with their kids or grandkids (usually polish). We've gotten at least 3 younger families from france recently, so if they'll move to an almost dead-end town in the middle of nowhere, I'm sure there will be even more euros moving to better places here.
I remember hearing that Mexican immigration is at an all time low from the past 10 years, so we just need to get the wall up and focus on deportations, the refugee crisis and south africa will help us too.
Really though, I'm sure we might only be 75% white at best by 2050, if things get better, but it's a start. With all the shit Trump has been getting into he at least put some fear into the spics, some of them are even moving to canada lol

Can we get back those scandinavians? / not a swede

California is the culture, media & technology capital of America. You watch our movies, listen to our music and use our smart phone & internet applications.

Kentuckians are descendants of alien colonists from a distant galaxy. our trailers are actually intersteller ships that can travel space and time. bow before us

They will probably be more Swedish then Swedes themselves in a couple generations.

Most of that stuff was created back when you guys were still white. White Californians are leaving in large numbers because it's literally becoming another Mexico. Only 25% of your newborns would be considered white.

Why don't we just make the state of Mississippi a black homeland?

Mormons. Mormons are usually the descendants of colonial anglos, mostly from New England and the Midwest. When Brigham Young led the charge to leave Illinois for Utah this isolated them for a long time. But this isn't unique to Mormons. The south is dominated by anglos and ulster scots for being mostly isolated for so long too.

Their accent is pretty funny.
What's even more funny though, is that the Scandinavian part of the country also has the most somalians. what a fucking coincidence hahaha

California is a shithole and should be blown up. Period.

New England will soon have more Somalis, Minnesota has declined when it comes to getting them recently.

>because germans know how to integrate. they follow the rules of the country
Actually it had to do more with WWI and people being dicks to German Americans for using their native language.

Yeah I was part of that 90's wave. Albo. I know that there are some 400-500 k of us here in the states. Shit ton of Croats, Slovenes, Czech's and some bosniaks. Lots of Greeks where I live too.

It was bad enough with the Irish
Maine was pretty based, sad!

Every north dakota native knows german.

To an extent. Irish are generally Catholic, and Catholics vote more Democratic than Republican. A lot of the Germans are Catholics too, from places like Bavaria.

That's self-reported ancestry, which is flawed because some ancestral groups are more popular to signal than others.

I forget the exact numbers but the principle remains the same - I know British ancestry was reported at say 25 million a few decades ago, and then that number dropped to 15 million or something. Those people didn't die. It just became trendy to report their Irish or German ancestry instead.

A plurality of white Americans are still British.

White Catholics have been drifting to the GOP because of the Democrats doubling down on the SJW shit.

What the hell is "American" supposed to be and why is it only mostly along the upper south? Is it supposed to be a mix of European?

Well some just end up forgetting their ancestry entirely and some prefer the American label for a variety of reasons. Then like you said it becomes trendy to claim to be this or that. Why everyone thinks they're part Cherokee.

Yep, exactly.

people who were here before the revolution, patriots basically, all the loyalists went to Canada or the Caribbean

White Catholics have always voted GOP. Look at the facts before commenting dumbfuck

shits wrong for my county at least

People of the, "My family's been here since Jamestown, I'm a Goddamn American and nothing else!" type.

WTF is American race?

Mostly what says. The south is majority Ulster Scots and Anglos who have been here since the earliest colonial times with many like me having huge lists of ancestors who fought in the Revolution, 1812, Civil War, and so on. They identify with the American label more than anyone. Humorously though this is also why we get funny bits like people hearing their ancestors are from Ireland and they just automatically assume they're Irish and forget about Ulster Scots entirely.

American means unknown. People who can't trace their ancestry, or it's so mixed you can't just put them under one label.

How did anything I say contradict what you posted? I JUST said Whites have been drifting to the GOP for a while now, especially with Democrats' whole working class image dead and being all about abortion.

Calm down.


What the actual fuck

That was meant for the Aussie shitposter spewing incorrect facts. My bad

It's white trash that doesn't know their ancestry


It's mostly Anglos and Scots-Irish people who've been here for so long.

>Scandinavians take over Minnesota
>the state starts welcoming Somalis inside in droves

Looks like cuckoldry is in their genetics

>debunked stats

Because there was a lot of shit going down in Germanic lands in the 1800's

>Fall of Holy Roman Empire
>Revolutions of 1848

Plus we had a shit load of empty land begging to be settled.

>west coast
>mostly anglo
>richest and most relevant

Makes you thinkkk

>invading anyone
You'll be fucking wiped out by Americans in like 5 seconds, this time for good. No one likes you, you pile of human scum.

Don't you dare put me in the same category as Scandinavians, Germans or Brits

G*rmans were welcomed here to build railroads and grow corn, anyone can do that. Not to mention they were forced to assimilate in ww1. Even redneck patriots still welcome Anglos and let them keep their culture within reason. makes you think huh

>most relevant part of the UK
>minority British


Anglo regions are the best.
>Upper New England
>Upstate New York
>Northern California


yea because usa is gonna invade the EU over fucking pooland. while half of their population would even support merkel for " liberating poland from fascism"

German parts are literally who, basically just filler

Does this actually happen, considering americans with deeply rooted lineage to be american by race if they were there before and/or participated in the revolution?

I want to believe.

>american or unknown
what did they mean by this

>Rothschilds will give up their favorite pet this easy
Yeah, no. Merkel is herself a Polish kike, if anything we're going to see Plumbistan invading with UN mandate. Where do you delusion jockeys have your nest ffs, this is getting embarrassing.

These are like the shitty maps that show Republican are the biggest voters because of large swaths of red colors.

NOBODY lives in those states filled with "Germans." There are probably more German ancestry in 1 town in PA then all those shit hole, Trump voting. fly-over, white people, busy work, opiod dying real estate combined.

Also, German was at one point America's second language.

Southerners are so mixed with blacks that they can't define themselves as a single race or ethnicity.


Sorry, too late. Enjoy your company!

fucking kek

Maybe that's why they try so hard to differentiate themselves.

>Be 90% Anglo, 10% Irish
>"I am an Irish American"

Why do Amerifats do this?

who would voluntarily align themselves with mud-shoveling micks is beyond me. human trash

yep. the inconvenient truth

Nobles did land clearances similar to what they did in Scotland and England.

Special points. Being known as the "Irish guy" makes you seem more cool since our entire culture is basically already anglo. This is a complete bullshit guess but I'd bet that most white Americans have 30-40% anglo blood if not more except in parts of the Midwest and PA.

Why do you worry about what people on another continent are doing you obsessed little cuck? Worry about your own dreary little island.

Most of them are mongrelized Anglos and Irishmen and not mainly racially German. Do they even speak German? Hell no they don't

They did before WWI. The Midwest and rural PA have legitimately German people, still probably with some anglo admixture though.

Pennsylvania are mostly German descendants. I was told that they settled there because it reminded them of Germany. They were called the Pennsylvania Dutch because everyone thought they were speaking Dutch. Now we all drink Birch Beer with our Red Beet Eggs and Lebanon Bologna.

GOP started as a party for niggers
>not like the federal government runs the immigration policy or Anglo Maine is not enriched by somalis and other subhumans either
US government just can't stand Americans who don't score nig ancestry or seen diversity

real whitepill here, praying at least some of this comes true.

Also I'd like to point out that none of the people in Pennsylvania that descended from Germany really give a shit about Germany. No one goes around telling each other that they're German. No one has German flags in their house. No one listens to German music or wears traditional German clothing. It's not like that. That stupid roleplaying shit is for the "Irish" and the "Italians".

>tfw fucking Jews, weak "Whites" and jealous shitskins had to turn our utopia colonies into mad hellholes