The older I get, the more I hate christianity. The meekness of it and the sheer stupidity of it...

The older I get, the more I hate christianity. The meekness of it and the sheer stupidity of it. "Turn your other cheek", BULLSHIT.

A jewish carpenter who was the son of god, yeah right. He could walk on water and his mother was a virgin. He could raise people from the dead and was ressurected himself, FUCK THIS STUPID SHIT! What kind of moron would believe all this?

Explain yourself, christcucks!

Other urls found in this thread:

I will pray for you, user.

I don't have to explain myself from heaven.

Jesus loves you.
God bless.

Religion is basically the definition of stupid.

Don't mistake the trappings for the religion.

All institutions are susceptible to such nonsense, such as meekness. It is up to individuals like you to interpret the text and live it in your own vision.

>Not being a moral pagan but a cultural Christian

>it is up to you to ignore the facets of religion you don't like in what is literally the words of a god, so you can always rationalize your shitty behavior

I will do nothing for him, too.

Here's my take on it. Christianity basically comes down to love your family and friends, and don't fuck up life for people around you. Jesus gave his sermons during a time before mass communication and globalization, so this whole hippy shit of "love everyone unconditionally" is bullshit. You can't love everyone, even if you did, love would become cheap and meaningless.

Love is stronger than hate, because love is good. God is all that is perfect and good, and god wants us to be good like him, because being good is the only way to lead a truly satisfying life. Jesus was God in the flesh in the sense that he embodied this goodness perfectly, or as perfect as a mortal could.

God exists in all of us, he is not some cosmic giant watching us from the clouds. God is the pinnacle of good, and he wants us to live moral lives because he wants us to be closer to him.

God is lonely because no one today tries to follow Jesus' example.

We are not supposed to turn our cheek on people destroying our lives, society, values and take us away from God.

What they are trying to teach you with that is to not spend time on those who hate you but on better things and to be better than them knowing that this life is a temporary one and they are pissing their pants to keep warm by being cruel, its not a lesson about having to smile at the destruction of everything good and nice
Jesus took action when people overstepped

"And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves,"

he even flipped tables. If we kept our true Christian values instead of becoming atheist cucks then we would not have todays immigration problem for example.

Reminder that Jesus wasn't about being "nice".

Everyone I know who is christian doesn't even follow the rules. The girls still slut around and cheat on their bfs. They still shoplift.

They just get mad when you say "fuck god" around them.

When Jesus returns he is dressed for Battle.
Meekness is having the ability to destroy yet withholding that power. He will not with old that power when he faces his enemies. Neither will we, mewhammy. This is one Christian that would have no hesitation of removing Satanic Islam from the Earth.

well said user

Sorry for your total misunderstanding of Christianity. Will pray that you find the way. What you're probably seeing is a bunch of Protestants and fake Christians bending over and lubing up. It's not like that at all.

So you actually believe that a jewish carpenter was the son of god and that he came back from the dead etc.? That he could walk on water?

Don't dodge this question by spouting a bunch of nonsense about love.

These threads are a great antibiotic to heal your Sup Forums addiction. Because they are evidence that the discussions and people are utterly ignorant, retarded, pseudo enlightened boomer children and that the truly enlightened are diamonds in a sea of dull stones.

And I thank g*d, for making me an atheist!

Some people believe in the old testament. An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.

Christianity has the power to destroy Islam today. We allow you to worship your false God to give you the time God has given you to accept his son as Lord. One day that time will be out. Islam is on borrowed time from loving Christians. Be grateful most Christians withhold my hand. I dislike Islam above all religions and I want them gone yesterday. Islam, with their "creeping Sharia", is a cancer on Dearborn, MI. Islam must go away. Islam is the enemy of the American people and they stink.

Turn the other cheek is about not retaliating to petty insults/mockery in kind because nothing good comes of it.

>Yes the guy that Jews had killed and then tried to kill anyone who saw his works like Lazarus is the true Jewish subversion

Get out of here you dirty Jew. Repent.

in fact you are lying in a bed in a coma for almost 10 years already
>he thinks some anime imageboard could have elected a US president by using memes
>he thinks that a forum full of autists predicted corectly islamic invasion, terrorist atacks and everything looks to confirm a start of the race war soon as well as WWIII
really, really??
>FUCK THIS STUPID SHIT! What kind of moron would believe all this?

Do I believe that a woman was impregnated by thin air? not really, but I'm open to the possibility.

The miracles of Jesus are irrelevent, Like I said before, Jesus being named "the son of God," or "God in flesh," doesn't mean that God physically impregnated Mary, it means that he exemplified the virtues he preached. He lived as a perfectly good being would live if it were mortal.

It doesn't matter if he was magic or not, many of Jesus' mystical properties were exaggerated in order to convert pagans.

All ideas evolve, expand, burgeon.

If you stay with dogma long after the environment necessitates its existence, you are no different to a machine.

Even the average fool understands that Christianity's institutions have undergone many revolutions. Look at how many denominations exist now.

Communism is no different. Neither is Nazism.

The only remaining consistency is the foolishness of man.

honestly, you're falling into the same pitfalls that every 15 year old atheist falls into, you're paying to close attention to the envelope instead of the message within. You belittle Christians for believing in silly absurd stories, when in reality we don't take them at face value but treat them as parables, while ignoring the helpful guidance that can be found in these stories.

pic related is me, I'm kekking at your life

Yeah, realizing religion is a bunch of bullshit so people who have to deal with their own mortality can believe they are going to get eternal bliss.

It's a cop-out, a way of saying "I'll be OK when I die" and having the magical thinking that everything happens for a reason when it really doesn't and the entire universe is one big accident.

Not believing in religion is a redpill, plain and simple. Also, Christianity and Judaism and Islam are all started by kikes, and believing in a god makes you believe in a jewish god.

Why do I have to keep posting this? When you die, it's like you go to sleep forever but never dream! Why the fuck are you scared for that?

It's the biggest redpill you'll ever see faggots. You're all apes on the third rock from the sun, who will die. If you want to live forever, go into genetic engineering and solve it.

Atheists are weak self destructive, subhumans.
Religion has accomplished empires, military orders, huge POWER, rulers of large empires, monarchies, kingdoms, doctrines, civilizations and social cohesion.

Atheism has achieved nothing but the fuckery, decadence and bastardization of societies morals, gender roles.
Under religion, we had woman at home rising kids and shaming whores, faggots, obscenity, promiscuity. Under religion we had conflictive views with Islam and Jews.

Atheism has only fucked society.

OK, I get it. You're not a "real" christian, you're just following the moral message that was preached by Jesus. You don't actually believe all the myths about him, Jesus is more like a philosopher to you. I can respect that attitude.

Fuck off with your bluepill facebook-like comment.

Jesus spoke Aramaic
Jews spoke Hebrew
Jesus called the Jews the children of the devil
John 8:44

that's because all religions, for their many faults, centers around the truths that life has meaning and goodness and love are the most powerful forces in existence. This rallies people and gives them hope, reaffirming their desire for survival and desire for achievement.
Atheism offers nothing other than the belief that life is meaningless, and that pleasure is the only good worth striving for, leading to a nihilistic and self destructive society.

Exchristians are the weakest of all cucks, literally LARPing as males the rest of their lives because they have rejected the most patriarchical institution on earth

Right faggot. So I'm bluepilled for believing in that after I die, everything is going to be A-OKAY and ANGELS are going to take care of me.

In addition, you sound like a 14 year old mormon going through a life crisis because he's outside of his polygamous household where his father is fucking wives his own age.

Gas yourself you delusional fuckwit.



What sort of retarded battle formation is that? Wait a second...they're supposed to be Celts, aren't they? Shit.

>It's a cop-out, a way of saying "I'll be OK when I die" and having the magical thinking that everything happens for a reason when it really doesn't and the entire universe is one big accident.

If they're in it for this they're wrong. I know strawmen are easy to make when it comes to religion, because I was atheist in the past and I did the same exact thing. There's also no shortage of moronic "christians" who are just virtue signaling in the same way liberals do so that obviously gets stuck in your mind. Hopefully you at least believe a little bit of what some random user is saying and take serious look. Look into orthodoxy for instance. Don't fall for the papal jew or any of the false crypto-papist protestants.


I thought the word of god was eternal? The prophecies were only meant to last for what, 500 years? Is that what you are saying?

Ideas can expand past the point where they bear little or no relation to the previous ideas. Humanism shaped Christianity into something palatable.

Are you calling me an Exchristian? because I agree with the left side of your pic far more than the right side. I believe in forgiveness of past sins, but only if the sinner actually strives to change his ways and never sin again. Like I said, to love every single person you meet unconditionally is bullshit made up by vagrant drug addicts during the Free Love movement. Spirituality is like hot iron that must be tempered through the teachings of Christ.

>Romans holding regular spears instead of pilum

Pleb tier historical accuracy


If you ignore the parts you do not like, even though it was the literal word of god, why not ignore the whole book?

As long as you have love in your heart when you die, yes everything will be ok.
Love is the key to heaven, hate and fear are the keys to hell.

I'm an agnostic but I like Christians because they tend to be right of center. Too many fedoras on the left.

Pope Francis is a turbofag though.

because I'm not "ignoring the parts I don't like," I'm finding the actual meaning behind the stories. Judging by your flag, I bet you thought Animal Farm was just a story about talking farm animals.

All Catholics, including the winged hussars, Jean de vallete, and Richard the Lionheart, and King Baldwin

It is almost as if that there are so many contradictions in the Bible that you can apply any sort of morality system that you personally bear to it. And the parts that are not contradictory are vague.

If you lifted all day your body never repairs your muscles and you would stay a weak faggot, dumbass.

Business Goy

Yes you are blue pilled dumb shit.
Religion is about power, culture, social influence, history.
Fucking kill yourself.

If Jesus did not turn water into wine, why have it in there? It is a deliberate falsehood to tell that story should it not have happened.

Pope is a position that shouldn't even exist. Check out orthodoxy. Comfy and ancient. Survived the scourge of communism and the ottomans.

Unfortunately you don't understand it at all but I highly suggest looking more into it.

Do you believe that Jesus was the son of god, that he died for our sins and came back to life after that?

If your answer is NO, then you're not a christian at all.

To love your enemies is virtuous since there is no other reason to do it other than the goodness of your heart.

Even the worst man can love his followers. Loving people who love you is expected. Loving those who hate you is uniquely Christian.

However, don't mistake love for an excuse to let people off their crimes. Punish and execute if you must but do not do it out of malice.

If religion is about all of the things you say it is about, then why have the clearly untrue things in it? What is that adding?

I have looked into it. The rationalization of it has been poor.

Parents punish their children because they love them. Same principle with governments

>Turn your other cheek", BULLSHIT
For a thousand years Christians threw Muslims and Jews out of their societies, and banned homosexuality. It is the backbone of the freedoms and Western culture you enjoy today, at least what is left of it, and the negative things pol campaigns against are not a result of Christianity, they are a result of Marxist subversion. Anyone that tells you true Christians are happy to bend over and let Islam run all over their societies is a limp-wristed communist fuck that should be exiled. Jesus Christ is Lord, Hail the Risen King.

>doesn't read the bible
>believes in a nihilistic system that never works
>hurr durr it's contradictory!

Rather than repeating the tired old line of;

>Christians! Justify and qualify your beliefs!

Ask the same of nasa, socialists and communists. Get them to explain in detail how their made up beliefs work, if you don't understand how banking/politics work in reality then watch some jt vids about it.

God is real, and he wants us to be good. Playing semantics doesn't change that.

>untrue things
To begin with it's impossible to prove or disprove God.

>but the inquisition
>but witch hunts
>but destroying aztec temples and mosques
>but the crusades
>Catholics are pacifists obviously
Geez which one doesn't fit history?


You're taking one tiny aspect of the religion and make it the whole.

The fact is that Jesus was referring to relations BETWEEN CHRISTIANS when he spoke of gentleness, etc. "When *a brother* sins against you..." etc. It has nothing whatsoever to do with relations with people you regard as non-Christian. I don't have to treat heresiarchs in this way, for example, no matter how much they profess to be christian. I treat openly homosexual Christians with utter contempt, for example, and I'm right to do so. They are a stumbling block for Christians suffering with homosexual lust. God hates such stumbling blocks, and they are to be hated.

And when he tells us to pray for those who persecute us, it's specifically in order to "heap coals upon their head" at the day of judgment. It's not practical advice, but spiritual advice. It's not to be taken literally, but spiritually.

I'm sorry that you can't accept the supernatural, but it's not my problem. God created water and the human body, it's not at all inconceivable that he could allow his Son to walk on water. If you're going to believe in God and the supernatural in the first place, these kinds of objections become absolutely farcical. You're doing the theological equivalent of "straining out a gnat while swallowing a camel".

The Arabs were starving to death and had already lost several battles against a Byzantine army that was very much alive and well, the Bulgars just finished the job.

Poor litteral user.

There is nothing to indicate actual physical violence against the money changers in the temple. Just that he made a scourge.

John 2:15
And when he had made a scourge of small cords, he drove them all out of the temple, and the sheep, and the oxen; and poured out the changers' money, and overthrew the tables;

the bible says jesus didnt ever do anything violent one single time in his whole life

Isaiah 53:9
And he made his grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death; because he had done no violence, neither was any deceit in his mouth.

>No violence

the bible says god is love not god is mean. turn the other cheek means exactly what it says dont fight back. we are supposed to be nice and god says were not supposed to take revenge on people or be violent.

1 Peter 2:21-23
21For even hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps: 22Who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth: 23Who, when he was reviled, reviled not again; when he suffered, he threatened not; but committed himself to him that judgeth righteously:

Romans 12:19
Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.
Therefore if thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink: for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head.Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.

Matthew 5:38-39
Ye have heard that it hath been said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth: 39But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also.

I suggest looking into orthodoxy. You could read The Orthodox Church by Timothy Ware for starters. You could also pick up the Orthodox study bible to see some orthodox views on some of the passages you've maybe thought were goofy in the past. Or the passages that everyone uses out of context for whatever their anal lubin' ways come up with. I was a super hard fedora tipper in the past and I'm just trying to help even though you have a retarded commie flag that I hate.

He's wrong but there is a big difference between old and new testament. Jews basically ruined everything to put it extremely bluntly. They are not "the chosen people" as fags like to say. It's important to learn from the old testament though, there is tons of wisdom still there.

On the first day, god created light. On the fourth day, god created the sun. I have read the Bible - you assume far too much.

It is possible to prove or disprove whether or not the Jews were in Egypt, whether or not there was a King Herod, and what he may or may not have done, and whether or not a virgin can get pregnant. And if you can't prove it either way, that is the existence of a god, why is belief the default setting?

I already told you that "son of God" doesn't mean he's literally the biological son of god. Do I believe in Jesus's miracles? I don't know, I wasn't there to witness them. Does this mean that I'm not a christian? No, because I still try to follow the teachings of Christ in their purest meaning. The problem with you people is you come up with these retarded arbitrary boundaries for being a Christian, "If you're christian you must believe every single story in the bible at face value, Oh you don't believe in this physically impossible story, instead choosing to find a deeper meaning in it? Sorry you aren't a real Christian" instead of actually taking the time to learn what christianity is actually about. It's not as much as memorizing every line in them bible, as it is leading a life as Christ would have.

I already said that loving everyone unconditionally is bullshit. You can fight your enemies out of love for your family, or you could fight your enemies because you know that their path is self destructive, and stopping them is the best course of action for everyone. Both paths come from love.

We had to create religion to separate ourselves from the animals. As Christianity goes away you all turn into degenerate animals.

I hate 99% of Christians, but the religion can be based in its most strictly orthodox interpretation.

I have looked into orthodoxy. It is the same bullshit rationalization, except the priests have beards. It is impossible to take any passage out of context, because many passages are vague or have the opposite meaning of another passage.

So if there is still wisdom in there, you have to pick and choose what is right and what is wrong? It seems like you just want to reinforce whatever beliefs you have maintained prior to reading any religious text.

Isaiah 53:9
>And he made his grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death; because he had done no violence, H2555 neither was any deceit in his mouth.

One shill keeps posting that this proves that Jesus never used the whips in the temple to physically drive out the (((money changers))) that he was just using it to scare them not actually physcially damage them. This is to prove that wrong by showing what the word means. "Violence" is the word "chamac" in hebrew it means "malicious intent" specifically. Strongs is H2555.

Chronicles 12
>And David went out to meet them, and answered and said unto them, If ye be come peaceably unto me to help me, mine heart shall be knit unto you: but if ye be come to betray me to mine enemies, SEEING THAT THERE IS NO VIOLENCE (H2555) IN MINE HANDS, the God of our fathers look thereon, and rebuke it.

- Note this is after David became King, long before hand he killed plenty of men, including Goliath (whose head he cut off for display); along with other brutal examples as seen below.

1 Samuel 18
> And Saul said, Thus shall ye say to David, The king desireth not any dowry, but an hundred foreskins of the Philistines, to be avenged of the king's enemies. But Saul thought to make David fall by the hand of the Philistines. And when his servants told David these words, it pleased David well to be the king's son in law: and the days were not expired.Wherefore David arose and went, he and his men, and slew of the Philistines two hundred men; and David brought their foreskins, and they gave them in full tale to the king.

1 Chronicles 11
>Eleazer was WITH DAVID at Pasdammim, and there the Philistines were gathered together to battle, where was a parcel of ground full of barley; and the people fled from before the Philistines.AND THEY set themselves in the midst of that parcel of land, and delivered it, AND SLEW THE PHILISTINES; and the Lord saved them by a great deliverance.

Jesus is meek and gentle and hates violence

Matthew 11:29
Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.

Titus 3:2
To speak evil of no man, to be no brawlers, but gentle, shewing all meekness unto all men.

Proverbs 16:32
32 He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty; and he that ruleth his spirit than he that taketh a city.

Psalm 11:5
The Lord trieth the righteous: but the wicked and him that loveth violence his soul hateth.

Genesis 6:13
And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth.

Meek definition:
enduring injury with patience and without resentment : mild a meek child dominated by his brothers
:not violent or strong

>The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence (H2555)

>The LORD trieth the righteous: but the wicked and him that loveth violence (H2555) his soul hateth.

>And Sarai said unto Abram, My WRONG (H2555) be upon thee: I have given my maid into thy bosom; and when she saw that she had conceived, I was despised in her eyes: the LORD judge between me and thee.

> Thou shalt not raise a false report: put not thine hand with the wicked to be an UNRIGHTEOUS (H2555) WITNESS.

> If a FALSE (H2555) WITNESS rise up against any man to testify against him that which is wrong;Then both the men, between whom the controversy is, shall stand before the LORD, before the priests and the judges, which shall be in those days...ect ect

> Make a chain: for the land is full of BLOODY CRIMES, and the city is full of violence (H2555).

> Egypt shall be a desolation, and Edom shall be a desolate wilderness, for the violence (H2555) against the children of Judah, because they have SHED INNOCENT BLOOD in their land.

>Because thou hast spoiled many nations, all the remnant of the people shall spoil thee; because of MEN'S BLOOD (i.e. being shed profusely), and for the VIOLENCE (H2555) of the land, of the city, and of all that dwell therein.

>For the LORD, the God of Israel, saith that he hateth putting away: for one covereth violence (H2555) with his garment, saith the LORD of hosts: therefore take heed to your spirit, that YE DEAL NOT TREACHEROUSLY.

>For thy violence (H2555) against thy brother Jacob shame shall cover thee, and thou shalt be cut off for ever (genocided).
- Here the text says that this "violence" is betrayal against a benefactor and then murdering their innocents and selling the rest into sex slavery. Again it has to do with treachery and murder not righteous war.

>They are not "the chosen people" as fags like to say.

But they literally are. Romans 11 says "they are loved on account of the patriarchs" TO THIS VERY DAY.

I'm not saying you should like nation wrecking Marxist "Jews", but to hate those who remain faithful to the Law is to hate God himself.

If you do not believe that every story in the Bible is literal truth, then you can apply any sort of message that you want onto it. If god does not have divine powers, then him sacrificing himself for you does not mean anything. So why would all of the prior miracles be bullshit, but that one counts?

And you saying that this is not literal is just as arbitrary as me saying it is. You do not have any high ground here.


>tipping this fucking hard

>light is the same thing as the sun and I only read the brand new easy to read translations where it calls things by names I know!

invert those
Well, you've gone from 12 to 13 so I'd expect someone your age to turn against religion at this point in your life.
Hello fellow Redditor! Did you see those posts on r/Atheism of late? Surely the madams of the future would have relished the chance to lay with such intellects as ours.
Then it is not an expansion.
Humanism is cancer because of it's hatred of humans.
It is so fucking easy to live for some dreamy ideal than the worthless fucking man who dreams it.
Oh wait, you're retarded lol
>I will do nothing for him, too.
>he hasn't heard of the Macaw experiment


meanwhile that passage in the king james says "no wrong in my hands "

1 Chronicles 12:17
And David went out to meet them, and answered and said unto them, If ye be come peaceably unto me to help me, mine heart shall be knit unto you: but if ye be come to betray me to mine enemies, seeing there is no wrong in mine hands, the God of our fathers look thereon, and rebuke it.

meanwhile the word of god said jesus didnt do anything violent and you dont believe it

No. Christianity is the box in which the last relics of our divine nature are held. Man is a fallen god. Christianity guards the only relics (metaphysical truths) which we can still carry with us.

When you get to make up definitions for words based on modern scientific understanding (despite how supposedly eternal your god is) you can come up with spurious reasons for lots of things.

Nope, it's the oldest church and as I already mentioned the orthodox study bible has explanations of all of this stuff. I know I'm some random dude but I'm telling you you're probably stuck on some protestant bullshit, because you'd be 100% right there.

What is kek saying?

Reminder that it was not people like Darwin that pushed for equality with subhumans and women. It was pushed by men that held Bibles and quoted scripture to push their agenda. They pushed the idea that all were "god's children" as an argument for "equality", race-mixing, and mass immigration. Then they went against nature's intents and artificially increased the subhuman population through charity and empathy rather then letting nature take it's course. Africa would not be on it's way to completely out breed Western civilization if it was not for all the welfare they receive.
As some say, Christianity is an inherently Communist Ideology.

Your belief is predicated upon the fact that all humans are inherently worthy of hell. You do not get to say that anyone else hates humans.

And there has never been a scientific experiment that confirms the power of prayer, I fucking assure you.

Fuck off muhammad.

>>When you get to make up definitions for words based on modern scientific understanding (despite how supposedly eternal your god is) you can come up with spurious reasons for lots of things.
>when you discover new meaning and the retards think you are making things up
By your reasoning, if The Sun were to disappear tomorrow then all the other stars would disappear too, and the lights wouldn't turn on, and the photons in all the universe would just magically disappear.
>why is belief the default setting?
Just because you are blind does not mean others can not see.
Please return to Plebville.

>What kind of moron would believe all this?
jews have been wondering this for thousands of years.

Not bad user

John 8:37-39
John 8:44
Revalation 2:9
Revalation 3:9
2 John 9-11

And see my earlier picture of Chrysostom and read his homilies.

if theyre the same exact word then why is the hebrew characters different?

it seems to me like one version means violence and the other means wrong

>jesus didnt do anything violent

Saying "Woe unto you scribes and Pharisees" is inherently violent, taking into consideration that Jesus was the Son of God and those words have meaning and ill intent.

Here he is cursing them with the mouth of God Himself, and you're quibbling over whipping some Jewish moneylenders trying to prove that he was a gentle little man after all.

Face it: Jesus is God, of both the Old and New Testaments: he is jealous, justly wrathful, hates sin and unrepentant sinners, and not above using violence to correct those whom he loves and destroy those whom he hates.


>Your belief is predicated upon the fact that all humans are inherently worthy of hell
>your belief
You assume far too much.
>you can't critique humanism unless you are a humanist
I mean, that's retarded but k.
>you don't get to say that anyone else hates humans.
But... I do... and I will...
Humanists hate humans. It is that simple. that fact that you wont even let me speak about it attests to that lol.
>no scientific experiment that confirms the power of prayer
literally entry level psychology reveals the most basic power of prayer.
You are willfully ignorant.
Just covering the flanks.