When did it become socially acceptable to hate people just for being white?
When did it become socially acceptable to hate people just for being white?
when you became a faggot
when they all became Nazi.
When white people became far right, because they were shamed for being white.
sauce or gtfo
I first noticed it all taking off around the Zimmerman trial
probably about the time we integrated niggers into society instead of shipping them back to africa.
Nov 3 2008
occupy wall street protests, where u.s. undercover federal agents invented the "progressive stack" in order to disrupt the protests, expecting it to sew division, but they didn't expect it to become so popular and sew division across the entire country
sauce archive.fo
Published yesterday
remember to always take the detonator with you, anons.
Is there a well established academic who has tackled the subject of white guilt that I can start reading? i'd like to be well equipped on this subject.
>be born a certain skin color
>it's okay to hate them
some things never change in the USA
Anyone ending in "-burg"
"Right wing conspiracy theorists" like me have been warning everybody about this for years. It's literally going exactly as planned in creating the NWO. Destroy nations, cause civil unrest, implement a totalitarian government run by elites.
After Obama was elected
are you implying it isnt acceptable right now?
No those are guys that construct the narrative, i am looking for a smart mind that deconstructs it.
> Complete embracing and encouraging of identity politics since the Sexual Revolution and Civil Rights Movement
> Be surprised when divide and conquer tactics lead to tribalism and hate of others, especially the dominant group
but we wuz universities n sheeit..
Imagine if professors started talking about deconstructing 'blackness' & the ignorance of 'blackness'.
It has always been socially acceptable.
Why are young white people becoming more rightwing?!
Sure is a mystery!
drop the bomb
exterminate them all
They didn't invent it; parts of the left have been trying to push it for over 50 years without much success.
The internet breakout of SJW shit was a few months before OWS, too.
I wish this was a joke but it's far too accurate
>when she was, well, criticized for it
I don't know if you've all seen this, but about a dozen or so Jewish magazines and papers wrote articles about creeping left-wing antisemitism in response w/o realizing it was more or less a right-wing prank. This was also around the time that Netanyahu's son posted on facebook a lengthy reply to Charlottesville mentioning how much more dangerous antifa was than the "fascists" they oppose.
to passive aggressively imply that there's nothing wrong with being anti-white, these leftists are brainwashed
Because they wanted to express the irony of the writer not understanding what happened? It's journalism, not scientific writing, nigger
its only happened to me a few times
"white people are ugly"
"white people have privilege"
but what does it matter? if you give them attention, you are giving them YOUR time. isolate them from your lives.
Here's her linkedin
I better link that OPs wnd bs
this bitch needs to khs
It's amazing how much psyops are just total garbage.
The gov. and federal agents are involved in everything but they never seem to think beyond step one.
And they never fucking profit. Always opening up a can of worms.
> tfw all white people go extinct and the Chinese and the Arabs don't try to enslave the world.
Lol stop kidding yourselves. At least white people have the mercy to give something back to those that we conquered. The chinks would literally put you all in sweatshops and force you to assemble cell phones in assembly lines. At least in america you get free shit and the option to be "ok" for your entire life by simply being born here. Kek
Jordan B. Peterson
we should have herded em up to alaska
sewards folly.
though if we did it now, would they mate more over the pipline like the caribou do.
It started when minorities with no money got to college on government charity and decided to get even with those rich kids that have the privilege of paying for college on their own dime.
> accuse them of race baiting
> alternate quoting MLK Jr and Hitler
> ask why they allow white people to pay for their tuition
I already listen to the man
>Little sister going into college next year
I'm really worried for her, guys. She's already gotten in trouble for calling a nigger who hit on her what we was. I'm afraid she's going to get lynched for being white.
uh oh, have her listen to Jordan Peterson, the college faggot slayer
Right faggots.
This is how to organise.
>Drop your uni education.
>Pick a trade, do accelerated vocational study.
>Charge any university trained professional double the price- excluding STEM and some law graduates. Not fucking Family Law fuck hem charge them triple.
If they are going to milk your tax dollars via the system use the system not violence against them, milk them on every step of a job and get your taxes back.
Leave them poor and give them a lifelong lesson in economics and the importance of working within a community.
Around 2012 was when it all started. Cracked and other humor websites turned SJW and many forums ended up being subverted and taken over by leftist infiltrators. Then it creeped its way into the MSM and by 2014 screaming "YOU'RE A FUCKING WHITE MALE!" was the latest progressive trend.
Your little sister is going to be blacked in no time. Sooner rather than later she'll accept the big black cock in her soft pink pussy. She won't want to resist after her marxists professors are through with her.
lol white arrogance backfires on all whites.
the biggest threat to whites is stupid whites
Young people are much more accepting of gays.
>the comments on that fucking article
Holy shit we are lost
It's a slow brewing things that has been happening in our schools for ages. Anthropology, sociology, psychology are all just pseudo sciences designed to push anti white racism to our kids. "Humanities" is another one that they force kids to take to hate on white people.
makes me think we should yell "Your a fucking white male" at Antifa.
when the kikes implemented the plan on a large scale.
Once you get a jew in high places in every facet of society. They all work the narrative together.
education is no different.
When we started letting (((them))) without protest
For us?
October 1492
>left constantly make the point that blaming all Muslims causes them to feel marginalised and prone to radicalisation
>left also sees no problem with demonizing all white people because many of the most powerful and wealthy people happen to be white
>left are surprised when white working class people become increasingly radicalized
What uni is she going to? This person is in Iowa City. It is a contain unit for liberals, faggots, and other lefty bullshit for Iowa.
just like my turner diaries anime
>Libertarianism is the only philosophy that makes any sense
Students for a Democratic Society were passing out anti white pamphlets in the 60s, discussing about their privileges and their crimes of racism and slavery. One of the people involved in this was Noel Ignatiev, a Jew from Harvard who literally said whiteness must go extinct and has been advocating this for the past 40 years.
>Traps are actually gay
Kinda like Germany in WW1. They released Lenin and threw him into Russia like a hand grenade. Also backfired in the long run. Weaponised ideology is a tricky thing.
>Linley said her commitment to designing classes that fight white privilege began as soon as she became a professor in 2014, at which point she resolved to “develop courses that both unveiled and rejected” the notion that “neutrality and objectivity are realistic and attainable.”
>Perhaps Linley and her university thought the paper would be a groundbreaking work that would be met with universal praise. However, it was widely criticized on social media, and she received some negative email.
Concerned individuals may contact University of Iowa assistant professor Jodi Linley.
She and her university described that reaction as being “targeted, harassed and threatened.”
>Apparently, however, the commitment to freedom of expression and the First Amendment does not apply to dissenting opinions expressed in emails and on social media.
>As college students begin returning to campus this week, they can expect similar coursework all across America.
>Last year, Portland Community College devoted an entire month to “whiteness” shaming.
>This summer, an assistant professor at Georgia State University published an academic journal article lamenting the “insidiousness of silence and whiteness” on college campuses.
>And last spring, a professor at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee called for complete “abolition of whiteness,” saying only then will America see an end to racism.
>The professors had one thing in common. They are all white.
>They are all white.
Uh huh.
Totally not a KGB infiltrator.
white shaming being socially acceptable sounds like a precursor to minority killing being socially acceptable
>It's all about 'deconstructing blackness', the 'construct of blackness', the 'ignorance of blackness'
>An assistant professor at the University of Iowa who pledged to expose her students to "their own black ignorance" was stunned and appalled that she was criticized for it!
these niggers aren't trying to "deconstruct whiteness", they want to destroy white people and any sense of existence.
Mispost, I was startin a new thread here
>> Did I miss anything?
The part where jews run our financial and media industries and have a disproportionate political influence and libertarianism is an objectively terrible philosophy for a national palingensis
This. Identity politics festered in a few select places on the internet years before OWS took off. The FBI/alphabet soup niggers probably took one look at the insanity of it all and said "hey, we should totally weaponize that!"
5 years later Trump is president, the swamp is slowly being drained, the corporate media is getting BTFO every week and we have literal commies chimping out in the streets. GG, deep state. You couldn't control your own weaponized ideology and now the backlash it caused is gonna bring you down.
when is this going to stop
It may have sown division, but nothing about the "progressive stack" ideology was new.
When the people funding this shit are put in prison and have all their assess seized.
funny you say that..
have a petition.
When we abandon 'civility' and genocide our enemies. In the end, it will come down to a question of: are you willing to fight to survive?
Never unfortunately, the damage has already been done. Even if you take their money, there are so many people already lost and brainwashed by this thought poison that it will not go away. Whites will fight for the right for people to hate them everywhere they breathe and live.
There will always be some traitor scum behind the other and the next to carry their torch of destruction, we've been on the backend of what? 70-80 years of this, probably longer, fuck if I know or if it matters anymore.
Civil war is the only answer at this point. These people will never leave whites alone or go away. Fighting for your right to live and what you believe in is the only answer left or its to the pages of history for all of white culture.
Frankfurt School
> Cultural Marxism
>Long march through the institutions
>promulgate "critical theory" (of everything White, Western, wholesome and good)
>change physical anthropology to cultural anthropology (moral & cultural "relativism")
>push "generation gap" (parents/grandparents are old/out of touch/know nothing)
>push feminism to deconstruct nuclear family
>encourage identity politics
>"civil rights" a scam foisted on minorities to allow jews more access
>equality of opportunity morphs into responsibility for equality of outcome
>minorities fail despite trillion$ spent
>White racism is to blame!
>push identity politics
>Whitey holding everyone down, even White women
>introduce nonsense "studies"
>safe to publicly hate Whitey
you mean like this one? it's okay though because he's a jew calling for White extinction... yeah, there would be 6 gorillion oyyyy veeeeyyyyys heard 'round the world if the races were switched.
This will be written in history books someday
>Noel Ignatiev, a Jew from Harvard who literally said whiteness must go extinct and has been advocating this for the past 40 years.
yeah, him
Stop going to college. Learn a trade or start your own business.
When jews took over academia and other institutions
nicely meme'd
college is for smart people, and it's true that you won't find many on Sup Forums, so perhaps the trade school meme is for the best
"I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character."
Just let them know Mlk would not approve.
Why do I find most people who go to college are fucking idiots then?
Yeah, used to enjoy Cracked.
Cant stand the fucking place now.
Jared Taylor
The man is a prophet, I can see why youtube targeted him first
I saw this happening back in 2012 desu.
It was actually a bit before, like 2006ish. There was actually a bit of it in the late 90s, but 9/11 backed it off for about 5 years.
Here. Have the original.