What did they mean by this?
What did they mean by this?
They're not even hiding it anymore
lets find out shall we?
>pushing fence sitters to the right
Keep it up.
ANTIFA needs to be eliminated.
>no USA at all
white cucks will STILL refuse to condemn these retarded anarchist
This is what happens with a country without a nation.
That moment when I don't even know if the youth is retarded, or if this is happening in my head after an accident, and now I'm in a coma
18 U.S. Code § 2382 - Misprision of treason
Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States and having knowledge of the commission of any treason against them, conceals and does not, as soon as may be, disclose and make known the same to the President or to some judge of the United States, or to the governor or to some judge or justice of a particular State, is guilty of misprision of treason and shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than seven years, or both.
18 U.S. Code § 2384 - Seditious conspiracy
If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof, they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both.
>no usa at all
yeah this will go over well hahahahaha
No sorrow for Soros
bahaha im just letting them do their thing, moderate white democrats are turning on them, and BLM knows that antifa is just all lily white.
History rhymes.
18 U.S. Code § 2386 - Registration of certain organizations
18 U.S. Code § 2385 - Advocating overthrow of Government
We need to retweet the shit out of this.
It means many cityfags from the Bay area, Portland and Seattle went to Berkeley on some bootyass bullshit. I just saw a pic of a kid w/his dad get chased out. The kid was wearing a fucking Pinochet T-shirt. Kek.
Fuck going to cityfag's home base. But! At least Trump granted permission to start militarizing the police.
Fucking Ayy Bitch!!!
It has gone well for them until now.
This is what happens to a nation with communist and Jewish subversion
>implying a few hundred youths represent all of them
If you needed visual evidence the left literally hates America, there it is.
Well what the fuck's your excuse?
This guys got some legit criticism on TLoK so he's okay in my book.
What? No, they're a blessing. They need to be given a broadcasting opportunity to communicate exactly who they are and what they're about.
>no USA at all
what did they mean by this?
>no USA at all
This is it, this is the army of cultural marxism. Destroy culture, destroy nation, implement NWO. This is whatg we've been talking about for a decade here.
They said it was a right wing conspiracy theory, but here they are.
How can anyone deny it, still? To bad it seems too late now.
It's actually fucking happening Jesus.
>liberals will defend this
easier to control populations without pesky things such as "constitutions". all you need is a large militia.
take down all their domains, ban them from social media, remove them from crowdfunding websites, and lock down their youtube videos
Why do they only ever talk about things they don't want. What is it that they do want?
They are really joggin my noggin.
Us 'right wing conspiracy theorists' aren't looking so crazy any more are we lol. Thankfully antifa is redpilling more and more moderates all the time.
>no usa at all
But We Wuz America n sheit, and patriots support Obama and Hillary!
I have a feeling that people won't see that on CNN.
what do you mean? look how patriotic MADAM hilldawg is.
Antifa, the alt-right guys bearing tiki-torches, the anonymous vandals destroying statues across the country (including Lincoln and MLK statues, because nothing matters to them)… they all have one thing in common: youth.
Young people do stupid shit in the summer. It's hot, and there's no school to constrain them.
Sometimes the young people pretend that they do stupid shit for political reasons. When the British youth rioted and looted in summer 2011, some were interviewed on TV claiming that they needed to loot vidya stores because the politicians had taken away their chances to earn an X-box. When flash mobs started fights in American stores in 2013, some kids tried to put a political spin on it.
Antifa and the tiki boys are that same group, a bit older, and a bit less controlled. The statue vandals are either the same or younger. It's youth in the summer.
This happens every year. As you get older, you notice that it's a pattern: every summer, the young become stupid and dangerous. You also notice that any political pretext is simply an excuse they engineer to fight or loot or vandalize. That's why old people stop acting like young people.
>No USA at all
why dont they just FUCKING LEAVE. GET FUCKING DEPORTED. No one is forcing them to live here and get free handouts from the evil nazi government. Why dont they move to some third world country where they can get shot to death.
>no trump + no wall = no USA
Well done guys.
I get shivers thinking of a pred flying overhead and dropping some hellfires into crowds like this.
>No USA at all
Sure, we'll give you back to Mexico. Adios!
because that costs money, it's the middle of the day, they obviously don't work
You know what it means.
They are revolutionaries.
in theory yes, but in practice this is good. Republicans will win in landslide next cycle :)
Can we start shooting them now?
honestly. why not leave the country? I hear somalia has some pretty anarchist laws
Just like normandy soldiers!
moderate white democrats want nothing to do with these guys, and black people thing they're whiteboi pussies (they are). we can just sit back, keep organizing fake rallies, and let them shit the bed.
>pic related
Okie doke tundracuck
I wish civil war was coming fuck every single person in that crowd, I wish nothing but death upon them.
kek they are going to hand the GOP 2018 and 2020.
Civil war never.
get this to trump it gives him ammo
We're getting close the the future singularity event.
America, on the election of Barron Trump as Emperor, will jettison itself into space and become the first space colony of mankind. Then proton bomb the entire earth. Shadilay.
Keep getting baited to rallies nigger. I hear there is one in new york next week. Richard will be there. You should go bash the fash.
t. Travel agency owner
>why don't they leave
that's not how Communism works. Communism must be global, and it must be forced on everyone. There can be no exceptions. You can't just tell a Communist to leave and expect it to work.
It's back bitches!
It makes me sick how the (((media))) portrays
Antifa as patriotic Americans fighting Nazis. In reality they're leftist cuckolds who hate everything America stands for and want to destroy anyone or anything that's pro-white.
Start making a fake black account (to have history), so y'all can start meming "white", " asian" and "hispanic" hatred to start causing racial disharmony for the demo(n)cRats. I've started a few as a haredi jew and a sassy ass queer, fat black chick.
>No USA at all.
This is a good thing....for the right.
This is driving more people to the right.
Doing loki's work, user. Keep at it.
Wrong.They are the good guys. They just got tired of you and your roach fiends acting tough and running away. Now they are taking the fight to you.
They have all the MSM outlets on their side.
This is going to get a lot worse in the coming years.
Keep buying ammo boys and girls.
For I will stand with those that stand for The Bill of Rights, the US Constitution as The Law of the Land, and Liberty.
Ahhh yeaaa, that's only happening to the right.
Oh boy... more republicans...
Yep they are doing a glorious job of adding to the republican ranks. Onward soldiers!!!
This is exactly what us "crazy conspiracy theorist" have been warning you about for decades.
no trump =no wall =no usa at all
So yes usa= yes wall = yes trump?
they are completely correct. fuck the USA
Is this the only legal thing you can say in the UK?
241 years later and you are still mad
Where is this? Wow
More cars of peace for antifa?
>That flag
>Trusting (((Republicans)))
They better be the type ready and willing to Make America Great Again because you shouldn't trust any party, mainstream or not.
Hm, hundreds of protestors calling for the end of the country. Surely this will be widely reported by the MSM?
As always, Farage cuts through the bullshit.
Your fight is doomed, as it exposes you for who you are, and brings people ideologically over to our side
>America is already great.
>No USA at all!
really activates my pineal gland
Test post
> (OP)
>You know what it means.
>They are revolutionaries.
I know and it's exactly what Sup Forums lacks and needs to be. Break and bent the rules to our own advantage . The left has been doing this with their (((help))) since he 60's. Reorganize and mobilize . Stampede these usefull idiots into the direction that we want like a coyote running off a cliff chassing something.
Screencapped and archived for future reference.
Commies , the good guys Hahahaaha!
they want the total destruction of the USA
and we sit here memeing like fruitbowls
Patience is virtue. A hunter will get fined if the prey is out of season. Just wait till season opens.
Go bin your keyboard you self censored faggot!
That they're enemies of free speech, assembly, self-identity, the constitution, and America.
i wish these fucks would leave their cities.
The USA is already in its death throes, so they aren't really preaching anything that hasn't already taken place. The mortal blow has been dealt. We may not see it in our lifetimes, but there is no going back. The United States of America as it once existed, exists no more in anything but name. Maybe it will take another hundred years for total collapse, maybe less than that if its triggered artificially. Anyone who still insists on mindlessly preserving this old order has not been paying attention and is not red-pilled. Ride the tiger.
Berkeley, CA
i am getting impatient, I WANT TO SPILL COMMIE BLOOD NOW
>antifa just want to stop Nazi
Ffs there are libshits that actually believe this.