Every celebrity known to man is going to shit all over Trump tonight Sup Forums
how the FUCK are we going to recover?
Every celebrity known to man is going to shit all over Trump tonight Sup Forums
how the FUCK are we going to recover?
Other urls found in this thread:
>implying he didn't get elected partly from people sick and tired of libtards virtue signalling after receiving rigged industry awards for terrible movies
>caring what celebrities think
Kys quick
Oh yeah, I'm so excited to hear what ivory tower dwelling chickenshits have to say, especially about politics! /s
>celebrity opinions
Who gives a shit? It's just the Zionist media industry insulting a Zionist puppet.
do people still watch the VMAs? I watched it once 10 years ago and it fucking sucked. just a giant circle jerk for the big name record labels.
Every celebrity known to man is a bleeding heart marxist liberal dick sucking beacon of degeneracy. More news at eleven.
And they'll make fools of themselves.
>Every celebrity known to man is going to shit all over Trump tonight Sup Forums
How is that different from every other night?
There are still music videos being made?
>concern trolling
You're so bad at this. Sage.
So the elites will be uniformly shitting on the man of the people. Business as usual I guess; you haven't learned shit from the last election.
A bunch of brainwashed idiots with above avarage vocal cords and looks shits on Trump and no one is watching. How will we ever recover.
change channel
The VMA's are more about celebrity feuds. This year is Taylor Swift vs Katy Perry and others.
Music videos is the most watched category of videos on the Internet. What do you think?
Nice try but we're not stupid.
This little niggwr is in high school. This website is 18+
Reported amd saged
>Trump about to get BTFO tonight at the VMA's
Sorry but Japan already dropped 1 massive little boy that the VMA's could never hope to recover from.
whats really happening when they shit all over trump is they are shitting all over us regular americans who voted for him
>shilling the vmas on pol
you mean searched on youtube and left on in the background while you do other stuff
1 post by this ID
If the OP truly cares about the VMA's or Celebrities, then the OP should kill himself
Why is Milo there?
Forgot pic
Good! Last time they all got together to pet each other on the back, trump's support went up and he later won the election.
We already know that celebrities don't hold sway anymore. If they did he wouldn't have been elected.
((((most watched category))))
Seriously I did not even know these where going on tonight. Do ppl actually watch?
i wonder if the tide has turned, and the celebs will jump ship, now they see the dark sun in ascendence?
All the ones that avoided providing incriminating pedo media for their handlers will be looking for an out.
why do niggers dress so retarded?
Nobody gives a fuck what cucked actors think anymore. KYS
Those opinions should be most interesting.
All the normies are watching game of shit.
No one watches MTV anymore.
It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of race-less, culture-less, nation-less, identity-less subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.
In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the present and past in that effort.
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:
Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:
Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
Holy fucking shit are they really doing this right now?
>Robert e Lee's descendent going full blm and anti racist
>heather heyer's mom shilling for her (((foundation))) on live tv
taytay ftw desu
>heather heyer's mom shilling for her (((foundation))) on live tv
Please like so I get some shekels for muh daughter's death.
that would be porn, swedeshit. go prep your bull before your shit stain government punishes you for taking too long.
Did it already happen? stream link?
I hate celebrities
I cringed hard. He even wore that stupid pastor getup to an award show.
Celebs doubling down as always, nothing new here folks, slide and sage
You think a grandchild of his would be trying to fight for his reputation and the fact that Lee wasn't a racist
What's the VMAs again? Who cares. Nobody gives a single shit what libtard faggot celebrities think.
How many were supposed to go to Canada?
what is a VMA
>watching the televised jew
And he'll be up all night managing Harvey with /ourguy/ Abbott
and tomorrow nothing will change.
stfu shill..
everyone on here knows 99% of celebrities are kike puppets.
by not giving them views
Why should I give a shit about joining Antifa and fighting Drumpf and his Nazis, which I assume the message will point to? Remember when the message was "just dance"? Why would the lazy, hedonistic masses, obsessed with frivolity, which the elites expressly inculcated into them, suddenly volunteer to go out and risk their lives for phony ideals that no mentally stable person gives a shit about defending outside of Twitter? People get attention and praise for just paying lip service, so why risk your life? Protesting is an antiquity, and nihilistic libshits aren't going to militarize for anything.
Is anyone else questioning the intelligence of these social engineers? Everything they crafted and so arrogantly gloated over is now crashing down around them because it's all starting to conflict. Kek!