What neutral websites do you read ?
What neutral websites do you read ?
Occidental Observer
Daily Stormer, Salon
I trust Vox.com, CNN, Buzzfeed, Huffington Post, DailyKOS, Young Turks, Shareblue, and other fair and balanced news sources. Breitbart and Fox News are biased conservative propaganda with an agenda, the others just give you the real news.
> neutral
You're not neutral, so you won't be neutral when you're gonna pick your "neutral" websites.
So it's a pointless thread.
Breitbart, Salon
Keith Olbermann's diatribes
>The website that project Veritas infiltrated and they all admitted on camera that they were making up stories to support the leftist narrative for ratings and profit, with no proof whatsoever
Those are the only two news sites I read
pol and daily stormer
>not realizing it was a joke
Huffington Post, Hollywood Reporter and Salon.
I'm sure it was user, but you never know with people around here.
can't get better than this site.
I also like runovercianiggers.templeOS
Sup Forums
Because here are "genuine" debates from both sides, thus I am always conscious of the points of both sides, radical or not.
> last name ends with "berg"
every fucking time
truly an iq 200
The only american new site I read anymore is Drudge
This. Though Reuters can be a tad biased at times.
I literally learn everything about politics from Jon Oliver's rants.
Racists BTFO xD
don't mind them dude, regardless of what side your on. if you take CNN seriously at any point your a niggerfaggot. After CNNblackmail and Veritas you are outed as a fucking libtard shill if you trust CNN
I watch these before I workout to get my game face on. I disagree with him completely, but the blood gets pumping.
Sup Forums
Chicago Tribune
They still keep it local except for national and world stories that matter. I don't care as much about bias as I care about perpetuating the 24 hour news cycle.
Sup Forums
Everyone can post here
There's no "narrative"
Any cowards just get shouted out democratically
death to those who despise free speech
eternal death and hellfire
The only people worth learning from are (((jewish))) writers that use a smart looking and sounding englishman to push their agenda on (((WoKe))) college undergrads
there are none. you have to visit both sides and come to your conclusions
Russia Today's nice because it's not controlled by Jews.
"Nearly all the leaders of the liberal opposition [in Russia] are either fully Jewish or have Jewish backgroundā€¯
>Jon Oliver
>smart looking and sounding
spidr.today - it a news aggregator made by a coder user. Every day
Actually pretty good
>people actually putting in the www
Everything with this picture makes me hate it.
>tfw i learn about daily happenings from pol
Salon, tmz, and Salon
>some neutral websites
>writes www.communism.org on the board
I know a guy who watches Rick and Morty and thinks it's funny.
He is a 24 year old hapa that smokes tons of weed every day, watches cartoons like Justice League and Naruto, and is probably still playing that star wars MMO that came out like 6 years ago. So yea, he's a literal genius >180 IQ esoteric god
>Justice League
the unlimited one or older?
pro-tip:dont take a satire board seriously
The early 2000s one with the black green latern I believe
Top left of the pic: (((berg)))
Actually know that I think of it, probably both. His baby dude tastes know no limits me thinks
every time
Rick and Morty has good jokes it's just pretty cringe
>The early 2000s one
suicide him
suicide him
I think any good parts of that show are overshadowed by the lazy shit like
>haha he talks funny and repeats words and burps LOL theyre voiced by the same guy hilaruios!!
It's fucking grating after a couple episodes
Source for that pic?
The sites in the pic could be considered moderate if you consider that they focus almost solely on idenity politics and not economic inequality.
r/The_Donald is the new media.
>suicide him
I don't even have to. He's so fucked it's sad. His mother was one of those asian cunts that spoiled her children well beyond insanity. Shit like buying one son a dreamcast, then buying the other one another when he got jealous, then buying the first one another dreamcast when he got jealous at that. Not even kidding, that happened multiple times. Fucked.
Drudge, Infowars
>literally half of my class
You might as well smash your child's head with a ball peen hammer, it's about as effective a parenting strategy
So, no batman the animated series or batman beyond?
Probably. Also adventure time and all those other gay cartoons the tv tells stoners they have to watch
Tnx, but my contry have other milenar techniques
pic related: wodden flip-flop same tactic, double efectiveness
Are there any that are more than incidentally neutral when they aren't paying attention?
Have a (You), it's what you're here for, isn't it?
this is unironically one of the best sites to get your information on. Because here at least the fact that opinions exist is open and you can watch people in real time debate these events and topics. You get a full fucking spectrum of the world in a solid 30 minutes.
Zerohedge and RT are the only things you should read
check those sites i have recommended
You do realize project veritas is total bullshit right? They manipulate footage and create fake shit.
Not really. Everyone here is a MAGA hat wearing Trumptard
These are extremely reliable guys. Anything else is just not reliable and is fake news!
not me i hate trump, and Hillary fro that matter. just for clarification i'm an anarcho-communist yes it cant happen but i like ideas from both. Also I am a slight nazi, just on the race topic.
If anybody here wants a real answer, you can actually use twitter effectively instead of what its currently used for
Unsubscribe to any "personal" accounts for the most part, and subscribe to any and every news organization, paper etc. You can find.
Then slowly remove the annoying ones that spam too much.
I feel like i have a good handle on what every relevant and most fringe factions think. I come here too
No they don't. Who told you to believe that? Maxine Waters?
>That (((berg))) in the top left
Sup Forums is the only neutral webiste that I read. Kek has prechecked my digis
>moderate website
wew lad
No they don't you fucking kike, you side with moral relativism and you are objectively evil
This is what my inoreader currently looks like. I'm also subscribed to Discover magazine and Nature and some history thingys. I don't believe a neutral website exists.
I agree nothing more trustworthy in the age of decadence then something like CNN and the Young Turks.
I'm not in Israel btw. I'm using a vpn
If that's his idea of moderate, I'd love to see his idea of far-left.
Reuters and Associated Press
>far more objective compared to other agencies
>rarely (if ever) try to manufacture outrage for clicks and/or to push an agenda
They're not nearly, I guess you could say, "entertaining" to read compared other websites, but I'd rather have that than read news that stresses me out constantly
Also use RSS readers
They help out a ton so you don't have to waste time sifting through crap you have no desire to read
Virgins need someone to tell their news. Chad doesn't need news, because he is always in the center of them.
Foreign policy magazine and foreign affairs journal are both pretty neutral. International relations people tend be varied in outlook since Realism is detached from the standard left right spectrum. They're also un-pc in their analysis but not in a retarded way. Rather they just sent subject to the same pressures mainstream outlets are. Foreign Affairs obviously has elites shilling for themselves but it's a lot more comprehensive than the standard editorial.
I jump back and forth between TYT and Alex Jones.
I only get my news from salon.com.
Politico is neutral enough.
Salon has always been crazy.
Slate used to be moderately liberal and their white male writers still are. They have changed with the rise of feminist crazy and race baiting crazy from Jamelle 'literally everything is explained by racism' Bouie
Five thirty-eight is about as standard lukewarm slightly left of center you can get. They clearly live in a bubble but also are the most likely moderates to point out when's Dems are overreaching or expecting more than they ought to. They were the only outlet to give trump a 30% chance to win while others were literally 99% Hillary will win.
Jezebel, Stormfront
It's all fake.
Literally fake.
All of it.
Alex Jones is probably the most reliable of all news sources now. And I am fully cognizant of the fact that he is almost entirely fake controlled opposition.
There's always one of you fucking idiots here. People already take that into account, retard.
is the economist any good? when a hit their site it's so god damn boring, I think they actually just deliver the news.
I can't tell anymore who posts these intentionally stupid things