I'm trying to pinpoint Canada's demographics. It's really hard, since Canada is more "PC" than America. In America, you can look at which skin colour voted for which party colour. Here, I can't find any information related to how east Asians/Indians vote.
I'm also trying to find out the white percentage. Last census showed we were 82% white, but apparently because of the non-white immigration, we are below 80% now.
It probably depends chiefly on their degree of Westernization. So, 2nd+ gen would vote liberal.
Sebastian Collins
>I can't find any information related to how east Asians/Indians vote. they block vote for the most gibs
Leo Smith
Indians and East Asians (Koreans, Japs) statistically take less gibs than whites. That's only Africans, Arabs, and south Asians that want the gibsmedats.
Why would the further generations vote liberal?
Andrew Barnes
>Why would the further generations vote liberal? Think about what correlates white to vote liberal. Things like Western urban/suburban upbringing and higher education. Such things are more common among Asian peoples.
Samuel Gonzalez
The way how Whites think us Chinks would consider us the same as "brown" is just plain offensive. People always say the right is racist, but at least the right will segregate the different colors and races apart. The left on the other hand always tries to put all colors except white as "brown," making them literally the most racist ideological group on Earth.
Chase Rodriguez
I would think that as Asians, as they become more "American" (north American) they would become more conservative. The only reason why I would think they want to vote Liberal is so that the borders would be less ecure, so mama and papa back at ChingChong can hop over. But, as I said, Indians and East Asians take less gibs, commit less crime and make more money overall than whites on average. Of course, we got dumbass whites like Big Red bringing us down, but still.
Isaac Davis
Don't believe the numbers pushed by any government census.
>Canada admits a "controlled" and "reasonable" 250 to 300k immigrants per year. This is a lie by omission -- Canada actually lets in over 1.2 million third world migrants on 10-year unlimited stay/work visas that count as "temporary immigration" and are thus not included in the official figure and never publicized.
>In 2015 IIRC processed applications from 1.58 million persons seeking "temporary" resident visas to come to Canada -- 83.3% were approved.
>On July 1, 2016 Canada's population was 36, 286, 425 -- an increase of 437,815 or 1.2%. Such and increase in absolute numbers had not been recorded since 1988/89.
>Canada in 2011: >32.8 million >26.5 million European/Caucasian
>Canada in 2016: >36.2 million >25 million European/Caucasian (5.6% decrease) >11 million non-white (74.6% increase)
Noah Sullivan
the canadian government stopped recording race demographics because its racist
i also doubt it has the capability of recording an accurate census. anyone can lie and say they're white but actually be a black or a chinaman evading immigration.
for a accurate depiction of demographics just go to any town in canada and see whos walking the streets and malls. The GTA suburbs for example, whites are very rarely seen and it would mostly be chinese and indians. Then you go out further and its usually 60% whites, and more blacks. Meanwhile cities like Toronto and Vancouver are clearly white minority. Our demographics are probably the same or worse than the USA. Why does it matter though? In the end we'll just be as blacked as any western country by 2048.
Bentley Jenkins
I'm still not understanding how living in or near metropolitan centers and attending liberal universities at a higher proportion makes them more conservative. The logic is pointing to liberalization. I'm not sure what you think "American" objectively means to Asians. I never see Asians in my neck of the woods in hunting season, or in other "American" hobbies in general. They just assimilate into the cities or their suburbs.