Holy shills Batman (((they))) are here tonight
Holy shills Batman (((they))) are here tonight
Other urls found in this thread:
Theres even Rothschilds shills here tonight.
Me and others from /r/socialism own your board now. Just give up already
some shit must be about to go down but what could (((they))) have planned?
As a young millennial woman, my social media engagement with politics have changed dramatically post the 2016 election. Every time I post something I believe in, I'm looked at as a radical. When was it so radical to believe in human rights? With every post I make, I receive a comment. Calling me a victim, a snowflake, a violent progressive. I'm all for commenting, and I'm a liberal woman who believes that all ideas need to be heard, but I can't help but think in this case, the opinions are just unnecessary. It's a fight that can't be won, not if the goals of both contributors aren't even somewhat similar. My goal is to educate. I want people to hear why Democrats are so pissed. I want them to know why these Senate hearings are so publicized. I want them to know why the FBI releases info to the public before they give it to the government. A large portion of some of our highest officials are scared for the wellbeing of the leader of the free world, and so am I.
Creepy coinsidence... They're onto us user.
r/socialism. How's living at home with mom and dad?
So powerful
So independent.
Day of the rope maybe?
weak b8 m8
you're better than this, straya
they're on here during every rally that goes on..
If there is a rally, there will be an increase in shills.
LOL like the supremacy of the idea is lessened because of the weakness of those who profess it. We will overcome.
post a screenshot of /r/socialism with a timestamp or gtfo faggot
There's nothing to overcome, you're a pawn for the kikes. Your life literally has no value to the people who support your movement.
You know communism is literally Illegal in the USA right?
Here ya go
No that's not really the case. There's more to it than the jews lol
tell me about it OP...
Time to red pill
Drop red pills in shill threads
I'm not wrong Communism is literally illegal law.cornell.edu
ok seriously what's wrong with this? They work hard, they had to stick together because they'll be treated like shit, that's why they happen to be a separate group.
They are literally the perfect example of what hard work and good social ties will get you.
Not the same point you were making. The communist party of the time literally wanted to overthrow the government. Communism the ideology is not banned.
If you knew history the same communist party that infiltrated the democrats when JFK got assassinated in 1963 are still there today.
Your on here.more than Reddit you faggot. ..ttherefore your a cuck
You can't ban the ideology. The wording was made in an attempt to stall similar revolutionary attempts under other names. Banning communism would literally be anti-constitutional
Your a faggot please hang yourself tonight in your parents bathroom
What's your relationship like with your father user?
Being on Sup Forums makes me a cuck?
>Average, stoic.
>Worked his ass off to provide for his family.
>Good Christian man
>Doesn't talk much but provided for us and showed love through actions not words
He's who I aspire to become. Best man I know
>hard work
Look into how Jared Kushner got into the schools he went to and tell me it's hard work.
What does he think of you being a socialist?
Shill floods
I guess this is why you guys make good pawns. Never questioning anything, just following and trying to get lost in the crowd.
You're obviously incapable of seeing ur cognitive dissonance.
You know what IGNORance is? you IGNORE facts that go against the reality you think you live in.
He's unhappy about the loss of religion but doesn't care too much about the politics.
Jared Kushner can get fucked.
Do you think you'll ever be a father yourself?
I plan to. I appreciate the Judeo-Christian upbringing and feel a duty to do my part upholding it. I don't think I've quite come to terms with my loss of faith, but I will honor my family.
>my loss of faith
How did that happen? Did it have anything to do with your socialism?
I was unhappy with the version of Christianity that I was taught (charismatic/evangelical). I tried to find solace in orthodoxy but the churches themselves were plagued with people who had little regard for God or eternity. This started my disillusionment. There's a lot more, but that's where it started.
Socialism came about because of my desire to see a society in which suffering is not the result of a roll of the dice. Once the global markets settle, capitalism will lead to a feudalistic accumulation of wealth in the hands of the few. Socialism seemed to me to be a system that allowed for those disadvantaged by no action of their own to be given a chance.
It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of race-less, culture-less, nation-less, identity-less subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.
In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the present and past in that effort.
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:
Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
>Socialism came about because of my desire to see a society in which suffering is not the result of a roll of the dice
This is socialism's utopian promise that's so appealing. I believe life is suffering, and the government can't bestow dignity on a man. To me socialism is pernicious because it promises a catch-all solution that MUST apply to everyone, and thus destroys liberty and freedom. Can you understand that perspective?
Jew Soros must have upped his internet shill budget.
I am loath to chart large societal phenomena as a series of cause and effect based on economic or social ideology because I'm aware of how nebulous our understanding is in a field that's as random, with factors that are difficult to isolate, as sociology/economics can become. But I'll try explain where I am right now.
Socialism has failed repeatedly. Not because of it's utopian ideal (any modern ideology has an ideal state that it attempts to meet), but because of it's failure to accomodate man's desire for power and his greed. Additionally too many socialist writers desired a revolutionary change that would in one fell stroke bring down the capitalist evil overlords. This is not a sustainable way to build a society.
Any modern formulation of socialism would have to accomodate the former and to reject the latter. A steady change towards socialism is desirable (thus preserving the institutions that will be needed for continuing economic prosperity).
> it promises a catch-all solution that MUST apply to everyone, and thus destroys liberty and freedom
Critiques tend to address this buy saying that capitalism itself binds people by the circumstances they were born in and the need to fulfill their part in creating a profit for their masters. There is a compromise to be had here.
Lotta commies on here tonight. Give em hell boys. Remember the only good commie is a dead commie.
The black underneath should be red.
The antifa flag logo is supposed to be the red flag of communism over the black flag of fascism.
I'm not the one that made the logo. Go bitch to the ancoms if it bothers you so much.
So if another increasingly marginalized group, say straight white males, did this, it would be ok?
Mental gymnastics. All I hear excuses. "In the hands of a few,"
You just said there was nothing wrong with those very people, or rather how they got to the top, just a few comments back. The 1%. Seriously, do you even think before you type?
Its the Kike V Kike secret war.
and like all tunnel vision rat kikes choose the worse possible place to fight it.
Sup Forums
>Any modern formulation of socialism would have to accomodate the former and to reject the latter.
The Mensheviks attempted to do just that, and were pushed out by the Bolsheviks who insisted upon violent revolution. Revolution by its very nature will always oust those deemed not revolutionary enough.
You haven't described how this would be done, and no socialist I've spoken to has answered this satisfactorily.
Capitalism, while thoroughly flawed, allows for individual action to determine the course of one's own life. It's not perfect, but neither are people. Allowing men the dignity to succeed or fail on their own merits may not be pretty, but it's human. Socialism does not allow for human error.
I don't see a problem in that it is not immoral on the individual scale. The larger societal effects are what I see having a problem. If Jews were the majority of society, and subjugated everyone else because they were goys, sure then fuck the jews. Similarly, if SWMs did it, I'm fine with it on the individual scale but if they do not persecute others because of their faith, and they do not discriminate based on color, I have no problem with it. unfortunately it is inevitable. I will not fault an individual for taking advantage of the system but I do fault the system for giving an opportunity for this inequality/oppression to arise.
No. I do not have a perfect solution for it yet. Again I appreciate the focus on the individuals rights and opportunity.
I'll end my 'shilling' for the night here. I've got work tomorrow. I appreciate the conversation.
Toodles the rest of y'all. The jews will replace us.
>I do fault the system for giving an opportunity for this inequality/oppression to arise
Do you know what the Nomenklatura is? or an Apparatchik?
Hierarchies will develop naturally in any group of people; socialists just want to reinvent the ladder with themselves at the top. This is how it's always functioned.
>No. I do not have a perfect solution for it yet.
100 years of communism in it's various forms and no one has a solution for it. There are no perfect solutions.
Would it not be reasonable to say that the individual should have the freedom to succeed or fail of their own accord without the government? Is that not what America was founded on?
Figures. Commies never can into debate.
This thread is the cause
then why aren't the dems locked up