Trump is letting us down, Why is this asswhole still breathing??

Trump is letting us down, Why is this asswhole still breathing??

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he is holding SK hostage. the moment USA does something they burn seoul to the ground.

and that would be bad, because...???

have the people of seoul considered like, moving away?

Because Trump convinced him to back down. Same damn reason we're not fighting WWIII right now.

If I was president this fucker would be dead weeks ago. Trump is being a pussy. Risk is part of the game if he wants to MAGA

Kim is based, Trump is a jewish puppet, like all others before him.

He is just a meme that the US uses when they need to distract people.

bluepilled r/the_donald fag

please be bait

Because there is absolutely no point in wasting money, time, and more importantly, American lives in order to deal with a country filled 24 million uneducated starving peasants? Let them rot and live there. Internationalism has to die.

Fat cunts posturing and trying to act like the tougher fat cunt. They're both fucking pussies. No one will ever do anything because there isn't a politician on earth willing to stand by their word or actually do anything of any worth.

Soft cunts. All of them.

Because he's completely harmless and advisers in the White House would prefer to not be responsible for the nuclear holocaust of millions of innocent people who don't have a say in whatever nonsense their government happens to be responsible for. If NK didn't maintain a thriving nuclear arsenal (however pathetic that may be), millions would already be dead and their homeland would be a quagmire of war vis a vis Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya Somalia, etc, etc.

>don't vote for sHillary she'll start ww3
>why hasn't Trump started ww3?
I don't understand Sup Forums logic

You see, Kim knows that by provoking the U.S, he will screw everything up, and by threatening with nukes, he knows that Trump wont do it. If he does, he will risk war with China, a manufacturing, and economic dependency that the U.S needs, and Russia, who has a massive stockpile of nuclear weapons, far more powerful than our own. If we declare, then China declares, then our allies declare, the Russia declares, and on and on and one. Not to mention that this would create a refugee problem that could make Europe look like accepting migrants from Canada. 24 million, starving, brainwashed, fanatic, and trained people. China will also risk having the U.S on its border, causing strained relationships, as we can now spy on them from Japan, Guam, and Taiwan. Kim knows this, as he would be sentenced to death for his crimes, and he would be seen as the forgotten one. Also, this would moralize the Americans into intervening in more affairs, making conflicts, like kicking all migrants out of Europe (which I have wet dreams about). Kim would stain the economy, causing more instability, and possible create revolution. Keep you masses 'happy' but not too 'happy', and you can succeed. He also manages to get headlines constantly, making him the center of attention, and the world prioritizing it first. Kim plays his cards right

watch this, kim is a genious
research about northkorea bunkers

China doesn't give a fuck about North Korea in the grand scheme of things.

Probably one of the most bone headed things I've read in a long time. Criticism of Clinton was directed at meddling in Middle Eastern affairs; something is conversation has nothing to to with. The MSM is on the edge of its collective seat for NK because Trump keeps tweeting retarded shit and never following through on any of it.

reported to the secret service

South Korea people think that they can get nuke bombs after the Kim dynasty collapsed.

4d chess