Why are liberals obsessed with Islam but no other religion? I thought they were fierce atheists anyways?
Why are liberals obsessed with Islam but no other religion? I thought they were fierce atheists anyways?
Liberals have low iqs
>liberals hate western civilization
>muslims hate western civilization
Shared goals. They have little in common, they think, but they both have the same late game objective, destroy anything western, white, and christian.
if they hate western civ so much, why don't they leave? Why rally to destroy something you dont give a fuck about? is it jealousy?
Theyre brain dead
Islam is considered an oppressed group of people. atheist have determined that they are worth protecting from white heterosexual cis chiristian males. You think this is bad, you should see the atheist's view on scientific subjects. They will side with bad science if it supports their views.
Because most Muslims are brown, and according to liberals, brown = good and white = bad.
If most Christians were shitskins, they'd love Christianity.
Maybe cause irrational republishits entangled us into a decades long fruitless war with them making Islam have a vocal opposition to us?
why do libs and muslims always dwell on the past? They have been fighting wars for as long as civilization was developed. Don't be naive.
Grow the fuck up
Westerners have huge assets in the ME. Not to be generic, Deep state has the assets. They will exploit our forever flow of resources and pay us, while we lay down and jerk off to Ivanka.
Also, stop memeing this faulty regurgitation, whites are just like us, a puppet to the deep state (oil companies owners), mainly Zionists.
Whites can only think of themselves right, only, and only if they confess their inferiority before their true masters, Semites.
I've worked with many whites (Germany, USA, Scotland and here), about 20sth (Engineers), although anecdotal but I'd say 90% are dumber than the average at KFUPM.
Haha enjoy being propagandized against and marginalized en masse.
>jealous jiggaboo detected
because they're retards
That's the reason why they are being shilled to trigger you, because it's recent. Stop falling for this fucking Jew game you dipshit
Libs cant argue without using strawmen and insults
thanks for bumping my thread faggot
They are the weak, en masse. They hate whatever was once strong, has ruled, is symbolic of thay. They side with whatever threatens to decay the established order.
They're petty, resentful, and motivated by spite. They're envy made into a political movement.
That's why when the militant left does win, there's nothing more to envy. No one is clothed, feed, or educated. Pic related.
The commies larping on our board think they're the proletariat when they couldn't be more bourgeois. They're college freshmen taking their first poli-sci classes who think they'll get handjobs from dykes if they white knight hard enough against the demographic who funds their useless humanities schooling.
t. someone who speaks from experience then grew up
Most Christians are shit skins. Liberals just like to forget that part.
Because they hate western civilisation. They hate it to its very core. Nothing can even compare to the utter hatred the left feels for everything beautiful, righteous and honorable in our society.
The moment you understand this there is just no way back to the way it was before.
Because when they see the west, they see themselves. That's why every single antifa is a white cuck, that's why smart college-educated liberal woman go out of their way to get pregnant by niggers. The only way to stop their hatred is to end themselves and like the cowards they are, they have to make sure they are not the only ones walking into oblivion.
Its always a nigger
So loot any business you see then?
Why are right wing retards i.e. Sup Forums, obsessed with the Middle East and Islam?
>western and white
Why are you such a fucking dumb faggot? Your nigger daddy left you?
Lol Who told you that bullshit. Liberals have been trying to destroy atheists for being too white. Remember atheism plus? Me neither, they failed miserably.
>incapable of thinking of a rational response
>instead responds with brain dead empty insults
Thanks for proving my point you right wing white retard
Why do liberals act like 2 year olds?
You had no point or argument to begin with you dumb low IQ piece of shit faggot.
Just like the last guy
>incapable of thinking of a rational response
>instead responds with brain dead empty insults
Also I'm not a liberal if that's what you're implying
>Not having basic reading comprehension
You right wing white retards really are the dumbest people on the planet
fuck off already Obamaleaf. No one cares what you think
All your responses are braindead insults. Fucking hypocrite. Can you go one post without foaming at the mouth at some right wing boogieman? I doubt it cuz you dont have the mental fortitude to think that far ahead
Because they want to change the west. Gives them purpose in life. They'd never actually move to a sandnigger or commie country, that's risky.
Nu-male need some strong brainless alpha
Take the tradpill
They're retards
You just described yourself. Congratulations.
And again, my original question on why you right wing white retards hate my religion and region so much, yet at the same time are so obsessed with them remains unanswered.
>incapable of a rational response
>instead tries to smear his opposition instead of using a rational argument or response
because you don't know about people about the world and you have no idea about yourself.
>witey be makin dem computas n sheit hard to use... and sheit
>deys be doins it so us KANGZ don't be gettin ahead mang
>rayciss ass crackas n gooks be keepin us blacc niqquhs down cuz dey know we wuz KANGZ n sheit
Wow.. totally 2 deep 5 me.. did you think of that yourself hot shot?
>He thinks he's human
What if I'm an atheist and just want to exterminate all non-whites?
We never discuss religion on stormfront because it's irrelevant to the cause and only achieves infighting
>Terrified of a piece of cloth
>Muh free women by bombing them killing their children so they can become like Sex and The City.
Is the joke that the guy doesn't understand tides?
They are idiots that have not seen the coming storm they invite.
Pic related.
>rocky mountain antifa
2 close 2 home
> because it's irrelevant to the cause and only achieves infighting
I agree, religion is supposed to be a private thing since at the end of the day, you can never really know if or if not someone actually believes in some specific religion. Genetic hardware on the other hand, is very hard to simulate and fake.
Mozzies vote for them.
I cringed
Well I'm from Iran and you guys are overly obsessed with us and constantly suck our cocks. So why would you do all that if it weren't for the fact you worship us?
Only liberals
they like "marginalized groups and minorities"
christians are majority, muslim are next largest minority. "christian bad! muslim good!"
muslims are profiled since 9/11 "not all muslims!"
If you read the Unabomber manifesto you would understand.
Its currently the only true counter culture left in the world. Islam has shown itself as to punish its own people for crimes of being in the wrong village. continues slavery, attacks cities that provided them shelter, and is the last bastion of gender and sexual oppression.
Why left wing people are not trying to wipe it out is beyond me as it stands for everything they are (freedom of sexual expression and unbiased gender and racial beliefs just to name a few.)
Yes, they are. All those missionary's have created millions upon millions of Christ loving niggers all over Africa. Enjoy all that diversity in heaven.
The only whites who still believe in Christianity are old boomers and a few of their kids but they are a minority. Christianity is a majority non white religion now mate.
Shows how bluepilled you are.
Votes m8. That's all it comes down to.
I'm honestly not even storm front or a white nationalist, but ethnically ambiguous people creep me the fuck out. Half Black, quarter mexican, quarter chinese, or some weird ass fucking mix like that.... they just look off... like they always look wrong, and at the very least look stupid. Anyone else get what I'm saying?
Like a full blooded nigger is clearly a nigger, a chicom is a chicom, a spic a spic, but when they're mish mashed into some weird amorphogous blob, they cease to be anything but faceless cattle to society as a whole. Just another warm body.
If they're tipi niggers I can live with that. I honestly feel bad for those little red alcoholics.
It's almost like they're hypocrites.
>went to KFUPM btw hehexD
Because they know Islam or Allah are not legitamate whereas with Christianity it terrifies them that they might be getting left out because they are sch scum sucking pieces of shit. They want to destroy any reminders of this because these make them extremely uncomfortable. They're like junkies
because "enemy of my enemy is my friend" they hate America and want to burn it down. All it has ever been.
I never even made that connection, holy shit I hate liberals even more.
they are terrified of them thats why.
>American education
I just thought of it today. The reason they are in favour of open borders for example is because they're terrified at the thought that they wouldn't get into heaven , it's not fair!!!
I'm pretty sure one of the reasons Satan hates humans so much is because he's jealous of some of the shit human leftists get up to. A lot of these people will have earned their place in the abyss alongside him
>I thought they were fierce atheists anyways?
They're agnostics at best.
If you're an atheist that means you know religion is a vicious lie. If you tolerate religion that means you're tolerating lies. If you're tolerating lies that means you're an asshole. By default an atheist who tolerates religion is a worse person than a religious person who believes in their dogma.
This is why I identify myself as a Satanist rather than an atheist at this point. If I blaspheme against Islam it's not hate - it's just my "religion"!
>the guy
Kek, top burn user
Don't. They lost.
That's the bastardized Christianity that white people practice you're thinking of.
And the bastardized Christianity that white people practice does deserve to be wiped out desu
Anyone know the context of this?
Wrong. Its islam
Don't sneak up on Isaac Clarke wearing crazy clothing, you might give him a flashback.
They arent obsessed, if anything theyre ignorant too it. They just see muslims as a wounded animal in need of their virtue signaling.
The question remains then: will they blame the scorpion when it finally stings them?
You go to war with the president you have. The Islamic Zealots wouldve gotten blown the fuck up regardless of party.
No, theyre fucking stupid. Two easily obtainable facts will tell you all you need to know. What is shariah law, and how many muslims globally support it. There you go. Liberal fags will be stoned to death by their own pets if they have their way.
>hate something
>don't give a fuck about it
They obviously do give a fuck about it if they hate it, user.
And while I'm not defending them, why does anyone who hates anything want to destroy it? There's two major options.
One; jealousy: It reminds of what they don't have, of what aren't, or anything else; rather than changing themselves to fulfill their wishes, they instead tear down which fills them with jealousy.
Two; furious passion; They hate it because it is wrong; because it is evil and unnaceptable and cannot be allowed to exist. It is against them, it is against what is right, on a fundamental level, and so must be destroyed.
In essence, someone would see the object of their hatred not as a harm against themself, but as a cancer on reality itself.
Cause of shit like this. It's not worship, it's genocidal hatred.
I only want dead liberals, commies, and muslims.