Fighting the fight our forefathers started

Who are we and what do we believe?
Antifa is a political movement which opposes fascism, racism, sexism, antisemitism, capitalism and homophobia in direct action.

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How do you, Anarchists and Communists, feel being tools to the German master plan?

Karl Marx and Adolf Hitler came from the same country with the same intentions.

You are just as bad as Hitler and all the German Emperors that came before them.

The Germans almost have all of European countries under their control using European Union. Soon they will take the world.

Abandon Communism and Nazism while you can.


you will be remembered by history as the kids that were paid by a billionaire to burn trash cans in other peoples cities. you are the KKK of the 2000's.

wud iz andifa?????

andifa iz a bolidigal bowel mobemend widge promodes homoseggs, benis in anus :DDD, gommunizm, aids, and no burgers :DDD in diregd agdion to ur anus :DDD. Dhe original group Andifashy Agdion wuz founded in 30s krautland and wuz dhestroyed by Adolf Bidler :DDD.

why dhe fug :DD are we on Sup Forums ????

Sup Forums iz an inderned hod pogged for eberyding we obbose dherefor id iz only nadural for us homos to gome here to bring u aidz and benis in anus :DDD.

geep bashing dhe benis :DDDDDDD

Germans are smart, I trust them

kill yourself loser

wrong. we will be hailed as heros once the communist revolution comes. I might even get a statue for my work here

I really don't get the point of hating fascism. I got myself into trouble with guys like you but I don't even consider myself a fascists. I share some ideas though, basically traditionalism, the idea that races exist, traditional gender roles, etc.

Needles to say I wooped his ass. It was actually weird, the 18 years old kid tried to attack me even when I tried to reason with him. Even when I tried to hit him soft, his nose exploded in a cloud of blood...

niggers have big noses, hard skulls, weaker chins, wooly hair and small brains because they have less evolutionary distance to the chimpanzee than the rest of the worlds races