Fighting the fight our forefathers started
Who are we and what do we believe?
Antifa is a political movement which opposes fascism, racism, sexism, antisemitism, capitalism and homophobia in direct action.
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Fighting the fight our forefathers started
Who are we and what do we believe?
Antifa is a political movement which opposes fascism, racism, sexism, antisemitism, capitalism and homophobia in direct action.
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How do you, Anarchists and Communists, feel being tools to the German master plan?
Karl Marx and Adolf Hitler came from the same country with the same intentions.
You are just as bad as Hitler and all the German Emperors that came before them.
The Germans almost have all of European countries under their control using European Union. Soon they will take the world.
Abandon Communism and Nazism while you can.
you will be remembered by history as the kids that were paid by a billionaire to burn trash cans in other peoples cities. you are the KKK of the 2000's.
wud iz andifa?????
andifa iz a bolidigal bowel mobemend widge promodes homoseggs, benis in anus :DDD, gommunizm, aids, and no burgers :DDD in diregd agdion to ur anus :DDD. Dhe original group Andifashy Agdion wuz founded in 30s krautland and wuz dhestroyed by Adolf Bidler :DDD.
why dhe fug :DD are we on Sup Forums ????
Sup Forums iz an inderned hod pogged for eberyding we obbose dherefor id iz only nadural for us homos to gome here to bring u aidz and benis in anus :DDD.
geep bashing dhe benis :DDDDDDD
Germans are smart, I trust them
kill yourself loser
wrong. we will be hailed as heros once the communist revolution comes. I might even get a statue for my work here
I really don't get the point of hating fascism. I got myself into trouble with guys like you but I don't even consider myself a fascists. I share some ideas though, basically traditionalism, the idea that races exist, traditional gender roles, etc.
Needles to say I wooped his ass. It was actually weird, the 18 years old kid tried to attack me even when I tried to reason with him. Even when I tried to hit him soft, his nose exploded in a cloud of blood...
niggers have big noses, hard skulls, weaker chins, wooly hair and small brains because they have less evolutionary distance to the chimpanzee than the rest of the worlds races
Reminder to sage, report and ignore reddit spam.
races that evolved in jungle climates are less intelligent and less hard working (industriosness) because they did not have to make long term preparations to survive the winter
i don't understand how you retards keep replying to these threads
they're literally just bait and exist to make a mockery of anybody who posts in it.
the best way to get rid of these threads is to just not reply and ignore them lmao
Fuck fake Anarchist antifa
Fuck Political Correctness
Fuck your rules
Fuck your State
Fuck Authoritarianism
Fuck you collectivism
Fuck your gulags
Fuck your collective culture
Fuck your mindless sheep
I am an individual that doesn't want to be mind fucked.
This you?
Sage all terrorist threads
that's what your limp wristed organizers tell you, but the public sees you for what you are, paid agitators that could potentially be charged with domestic terrorism soon. good guys don't hide their faces and assault people.
you are the bad guys.
that joke of a petition will never be taken seriously by the government
Here forever :DDDDDD
Who are we and what do we believe?
Andifa is a polidical movemend which obboses fascism (everyone i don't like :DDDD), racism (everyone i don't like :DDDD), sexism (everyone i don't like :DDDD), antisemitism (everyone i don't like :DDDD), capitalism (everyone richer dan me :DDDDDD) and homophobia (everyone i don't like :DDDD) in direct action, usually by gedding bead up by niggers :DDDD.
Bashing de fash is proletariat, hail comrade lenin :DDDDDDDDDD
So, what are the things you hate exactly? I actually believe in freedom. The problem I see is some people (like myself) don't have enough space to develop their own freedom. I don't care about what others do,but when I don't have a physical and cultural space to hang out with people who think like me it starts becoming a problem. In an ideal world, we woul simply live in different societies. No reason to hang out with people who don't share your views. No reason to impose your views on others either, as long as they are not a problem for your own freedom.
Fuck your lies
Fuck your hypocracy
Fuck your gaslighting
Fuck your fake oppression
Fuck your low self-estime
Fuck your excessive emotions
Fuck your passive aggression
Fuck your guilt trips
Fuck your weak minds
thats not what fascism is. are you clinically retarded?
whites and east asians are altruistic because in seasonally snowy climates, nuclear families needed to gather together and share the meat they hunted to survive. an average family would have a successful hunt once every two weeks, but the food went bad after three days. in a large group, the rates of successful hunts could be evened out and excess food shared to the group
Sieg Heil
>OY VEYYY captialism is like anudder shoah goyim
>jews are just like you and (((me)))
>LARPing is fun to do on Sup Forums :^)
niggers smell like shit
Are you saying that his universalism is not genuine? Have you ever actually read anything that he has written?
face it, you just have to come to terms that you just are not as smart as us
My grandfather hated commies more than Nazis.
Fuck your propaganda.
ebin speech comrad :DDD
these zionists are making my blood boil! exploiting land like evil capitalists!
>this you?
This you?
A statue lol? The only statues that exist in Communist failed states are ones of their glorious god-like dictators before they completely run their country into the ground.
>Communist revolution
kek hey 1917 called, they want their propaganda back.
>Anonymous (ID: xEprdLbm) 08/27/17(Sun)22:35:48 No.139294286▶
>File: 1503881258921.jpg (215 KB, 601x768)
> Anonymous (ID: X/cF2FWg) 08/27/17(Sun)22:36:03 No.139294312▶
>File: image.png (220 KB, 747x800)
>face it, you just have to come to terms that you just are not as smart as us
> Anonymous (ID: N0sy0vfn) 08/27/17(Sun)22:36:43 No.139294384▶
> (OP)
>My grandfather hated commies more than Nazis.
>Fuck your propaganda.
> Anonymous (ID: 9bXYAdiF) 08/27/17(Sun)22:37:00 No.139294407▶
>File: 73fdb04467e34f897c52c7992(...).png (3 KB, 528x444)
>ebin speech comrad :DDD
You know that that image is photoshoped?
No offence but your grandfather was as dumb as a pile of shit.
Leave the Jews alone. They have been persecuted throughout history, and they're not even white.
so ...good hes dead then
and is this supposed to be like some sort of rebuttal? Why are all leftists so goddamned stupid?
If you want to talk, answer to this , I am actually curious.
No, that's not me. This is me on the left. I am a fairly big guy and semi-professional fighter. That's why I actually felt bad for that kid. I am not a violent person tho, I just use violence if someone physically attacks me.
The black guy is a coworker.
there is literally nothing wrong with being gay
I hate you weak faggots.
Nothing you do matters.
You are Oxygen thieves.
Go die somewhere else.
just become a communist. its inevitable anyway
Yet to see a valid rebuttal from a single commie.
hahaha I love the power of these larpers here.
I'm not leftist
nobody would support the diaper queer statue.
There is no freedom form ideology, therefor only viable option is total war of ideologies and ours will win due to its dialectical nature.
wasn't real socialism.
Soo close to a combo
Antifa is responsible for eroding freedom of speech and assembly, as well as forcing down wages !
When the masses react, WE will point the finger in the right direction, mainly Antifa, the liberal press and the political establishment and their donors.
Nobody likes antifa outside of their pre bachelor degree low level pseudopolitical bubble they are in.
>Who are we and what do we believe?
I'm a marxist, not a larping antifa faggot who cries about politics issued by the elites to curb the reaction of the masses, Antifa are not only traitors to the working class, they are traitors to humanity as well.
It must be nice that, at least for a second, even though it's an egregious and offensive lie of the highest order, you literal pieces of ignorant shit can latch on to one of the greatest generations and pretend for five seconds that your shallow, controlled lives aren't completely pointless.
These are the soldiers you demonize, insult, and ridicule every day of your lives until suddenly you have an opportunity to leech off of their sacrifices when the media puffs up your communist, anti-American rioting to violently silence people of opposing viewpoints.
You are parasites to the last. You make every real American sick, and you will be removed soon. Don't worry.
how does antifa think they can win when their rallies are 2/3 women? LMFAO nice street war you're fighting. niggers and beta males will surely carry the load for women
>not realizing Socialism has never worked nor will it ever.
you want Venezuela faggot? cause that's what you'll get. although you probably don't even know where that is.
Fuck off collectivist ant person
>Are you saying that his universalism is not genuine?
Are you saying that his jewish identity had nothing to do with him having no conscience about destroying the white national elite and the tens of millions of Christians of his host country?
if all the White soldiers of WW2, both Axis and Allied, could see their respective nations today they woulda hugged it out.
Marxists get lampposted too.
Venezuela is capitalism faggot.
I hate to break up this little circle jerk, ladies, but you're all fucking retarded.
What does antifa think of Based Grandpa?
What if you're this gay? Isn't it a bit bourgeois and decadent?
all fields
Beaten by Alt-Left mob